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Appendix 5: Forest services and functions

Bishop J. 1998 The economics of non-timber forest benefits: an overview. IIED.UK.

Document availability: FAO Forestry Library
Environmental economics program.

Method and model: Not available


FAO-FO. 1997 Plan estrategico forestal de la FAO. Aumentar el bienestar de los seres humanos medianta la ordenacion sostenible de los recurso arboreos y forestales del mundo. FAO Roma.

Document availability: FAO Forestry Library
Plan de trabajo del Departamento de Montes de la FAO.

Method and model: Not available


McGinnis, M. Ostrom E. 1992. Institutional Analysis and Global Climate Change: Design Principle for Robust International Regimes. Edited by Rice M. Snow J. Jacobson H. Proceedings of a Conference Global Climate Change: Social and Economic Research Issues. 45-85. USA.

Document availability: FRA Library
The document presents an analysis of the common pool of resources and problems in implementing international regimes and agreements. The authors point out that "the current emphasis on global solutions based on international conventions meant to establish global institutions to manage environmental change may be fundamentally misguided. The policies of national governments, who are called upon to take the initiative to prevent deforestation and desertification, have in many instances been the major source of problems".

Method and model: The research is based on the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (used to analyse common pool resources in small scale settings, especially for forestry and irrigation resources). The design principles proposed include: clearly defined boundaries; congruence between appropriate rules and local conditions; collective choice arrangements; monitoring, with graduated sanctions; mechanisms for conflict resolution; minimal recognition of rights; and nested enterprises.


Pereira. A. 1997. Non market benefits of forest: why assess and value. FAO/ECE/ILO. Committee on Forest Technology Management and Training. Geneva.

Document availability: FAO Forestry Library.
Social elements of sustainable forest management in Europe.

Method and model: Not available.

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