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4. Economic Analysis and Environmental Assessment

Economic analysis is an important element in the evaluation of potential forestry projects, whether these are concerned with creation of protected forest areas, natural forest management, logging or processing. Economists have developed a systematic approach for assessing whether such projects are worthwhile from a national standpoint. However, it is not the purpose here to review the economics of project assessment per se, but to consider the contribution economics can make to assessing the environmental impacts of forest management activities. By using economic analysis, it is possible to monetize many of the physical environmental impacts of forestry projects -- these were the topic of the previous chapter -- and to evaluate the benefits and costs of various mitigation strategies. This is admittedly a more limited task than full project appraisal, but still requires coverage of some basic economic concepts. An attempt has been made to limit the background material to that needed by a non-economist in order to understand how valuation of forest resources is undertaken, as this is one of the most important contributions economics can make to environmental assessment.

To supplement the material in this chapter, a set of Asian forest valuation case studies was prepared and is contained in Appendix 4. These case studies demonstrate many of the principals and techniques introduced in the sections below. They have been organized consistently with the sub-sections of the previous chapter (ie. by type of forest management activity, project or sub-sector) so that they may be used in conjunction with the material presented in that chapter as well.

4.1 Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts: Key Questions

Even though we may not be concerned with a full project appraisal here, we still need to consider several methodological issues in undertaking an economic analysis of environmental impacts. For example, we will always want to measure the environmental benefits and costs of the forest activity we are concerned with and compare these to the environmental situation which would have existed if the forest management activity were not undertaken. Economists refer to this as the with/without criteria. The following sections describe the most important such methodological considerations, posing these as questions the planner must ask his or herself.

4.1.1 Are We Concerned with a Financial or Economic Perspective?

Perhaps the first question we must be concerned with is whether we are undertaking a financial or economic analysis, or both. The distinction between these two perspectives is important. With a financial analysis we take the viewpoint of a private firm or individual and measure the benefits and costs they would consider. In most cases, these would consist of the following:

Thus, a financial analysis is concerned with actual monetary flows, either as revenues or costs. A financial analysis is useful in answering specific questions concerned with these flows of revenues and costs:

A financial analysis typically does not concern itself with environmental impacts, especially where these affect someone else. Occasionally a financial perpsective may be useful if the goal is to assess whether land owners would be prepared to adopt particular mitigating measures which may affect the profitability of their private operations.

In contrast, an economic analysis is concerned with whether forest management activities represent an efficient use of a nation's resources. This involves assessing the opportunity costs of the forest management activity in question. Questions we might be concerned with include:

Environmental impacts can be a very important consideration in an economic analysis since they constitute part of the opportunity costs of our actions. If we damage or destroy a forested area while logging it, then the lost possibilities for recreation in the forest represent an economic cost of that logging.

The emphasis is on the ‘net’ effect of an activity, regardless of who may be involved. Not surprisingly, this means that where the forest management activity affects third parties - that is, parties other than the interested parties considered in a financial analysis - these impacts must be taken into account. Moreover, we must extend the analysis to consider benefits or costs for which no market price exists, since these are important in assessing whether an activity has a net positive or negative effect on a nation's welfare. Even where market prices do exist, these might need adjustment because of government intervention in the economy. By paying subsidies, charging taxes or maintaining an undervalued exchange rate, for example, a government distorts prices so that they no longer reflect true market forces. When such adjustment is called for, or prices must be estimated for a good or service and no market exists to help us, we refer to these prices as shadow prices.

Once we have established the correct prices to use, we must go a step further. Economists are not only interested in how much is actually paid for something, but also in how much individuals would have been willing to pay over and above that price, and refer to this concept as willingness-to-pay. With this information, economists can derive what is referred to as consumers' surplus. This measure of value captures the often greater amounts individuals would be prepared to pay, but need not pay because a single price governs the marketplace. Such amounts, while never actually collected, and difficult to measure, are an important component in the true economic value of forest products.

In comparison to the financial analysis, an economic analysis would consider the following benefits and costs associated with forestry operations (see Box 4.1 and Table 4.1 for a specific example):

Typically, public decisionmakers will want to adopt an economic perspective when determining how best to use a nation's limited forest resources. Thus, economic analysis, as opposed to financial analysis, is the appropriate perspective to adopt for most EAs.

Box 4.1Financial versus Economic Profitability of Philippine Logging

Table 3.1 gives an example of financial and economic measurement of the profitability of selectively logging old growth forests in the Philippines. It shows that the two perspectives can produce quite different results. The economic perspective, because of its broader interest in the efficient use of the nation's resources, must take account of how logged areas will be treated after forestry operations. Here two options are consider. Model 1 assumes the selectively logged areas are subsequently protected, while Model 2 assumes they are not and degradation of the area leads to the loss of future logging benefits. Instead, the area is assumed to be used for subsistence cropping rather than forestry. Notes to the table describe the way in which individual benefits and costs have been calculated. Consumers surplus, as described in the text, is not considered in this example.

In sum, the calculations indicate that financially, selective logging of old growth forests is attractive, but not when an economic perspective is adopted. The potential losses to the nation are greatest if the area is not protected subsequent to logging. Future forestry benefits are lost as the area is converted to agricultural use. From an environmental assessment point of view, the offsite damages caused by logging are significant but are not taken into account by the financial analysis. This omission helps explain why a financial perspective is inadequate for most environmental assessment needs.

Table 4.1 Calculation of Financial and Economic Profitability in Philippine Logging

Analysis a
Model 1
Model 2
Volume extracted (cu.m/yr/ha) b2.862.862.86
Price of logs (P/cu.m - medium quality) c200022002200
Value of log harvest (P/yr/ha)572062926292
Road, harvesting, transport costs (P/yr/ha) d(2369)(1895)(1895)
Cost of protection, timber stand improvement, and enrichment planting (P/yr/ha) e (1000) 
Cost of depletion (P/yr/ha) f  (19,592)
Cost of offsite environmental damage (P/yr/ha) g (6245)(12,741)
Value of subsistence farming crops (P/yr/ha)  2100
Net financial/economic benefits (P/yr/ha) h3351(2848)(25,836)

Source: Paris and Ruzicka, 1991


a Legal operations using selective logging systems are assumed. Private profits of illegal operators will be higher. Different combinations of yield and price are possible to capture the variations in the quality of the standing forest.
b One ha of old growth forest of 30–50% slope sustainably yielding 100 cu m every 35 years, or 2.86 cu m per annum.
c For economic calculations, the market price is adjusted upward by 10% to account for low-cost illegal supplies.
d For economic calculations, costs are reduced by 20% to take account of government intervention in the economy (distorted prices).
e Amount required for one year to ensure sustainability of production.
f Loss of the gain from timber production on one ha in perpetuity in the absence of protection.
g Off-site damage assumed to be limited in duration, to 3 years for Model 1 and 6 years for Model 2. Annual damages are discounted to present.
h Financial profits are shared with the government through forest charges and environmental fees under existing regulations. Does not contain the cost of mandatory reforestation.

4.1.2 What is the Appropriate Economic Appraisal Approach?

Once the need for either a financial or economic analysis, or both, has been determined, the analyst must assess the nature of the problem and decide what economic appraisal approach is appropriate. In doing so, it is necessary to establish precisely the policy problem at issue. Some situations involve a decision about whether or not to undertake a particular forest management activity, which may cause onsite or offsite damages (or benefits). Here the correct approach is to apply impact analysis, possibly as a component in a broader EA (IIED, 1994). Characterizing this type of policy problem is a concern with the wider environmental effects of the decision. As demonstrated by Box 4.1, these effects consist of peripheral damages and foregone opportunities for deriving benefits from the forest in the future.

A second policy situation is concerned with the conversion of forest areas to other uses, such as agriculture. The choice between one or several alternative land uses will hinge in part on their relative economic attractiveness. To asses this, one must undertake a partial or comparative analysis, which by implication assumes that not all forest values are necessarily at stake. Taking Box 4.1 again, we could restate the problem as one of choosing between sustainable forestry use and converting the land in question to agriculture. To determine the most desirable land use, we would estimate the economic returns in either case, being careful not to double count any potential benefits or costs, and compare the results. For example, comparing Models 1 and 2 we see that Model 1 is preferred (although net benefits are negative). We need not have measured all benefits and costs, as some are common to both models and cancel out in the comparison, thus simplifying the task.

Finally, there may be an interest in the full range of values associated with a forest site as a multifunctional (or multipurpose) environmental resource. Reasons for such a perspective include possible designation of a site as a national park, or there may be a desire to improve the reporting of natural resource values in government economic statistics, necessitating a full accounting of natural resource values. Such an assessment would be termed a total valuation. Clearly, to undertake a proper valuation of this sort would require a comprehensive set of economic values associated with the forest site. Otherwise, the site would stand the risk of being undervalued. The study reported in Box 4.2 takes this approach to valuing Indonesia's standing forest stock.

Once the policy problem has been clarified and the appropriate assessment approach decided, the framework for undertaking the analysis must be selected. How the analysis is actually conducted will hinge on what information is available and what dimensions of the problem are of primary interest to decisionmakers. The most familiar analytical framework (or decision rule, as some prefer to call it) is Cost-benefit analysis (CBA). In fact, CBA is so commonly used, it might seem surprising that other approaches exist. Some of these alternatives include: Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), Multi-criteria analysis (MCA), Risk-benefit analysis (RBA) and Decision analysis (DA). A brief review of each technique is provided below.

Box 4.2Towards Total Valuation of Forest Resources in Indonesia

Many people may be only dimly aware of the way in which economic growth is actually calculated. Economists use National Income Accounts for this purpose and rely on vast databases of statistics to tell us how much consumer expenditures, investment, government spending and the net value of exports has changed over a given time period (usually a year). Data used in the calculation of economic growth statistics are confined to transactions in markets, since data on economic activity outside of markets is scarce and, by definition, not easily measured. While the National Accounts consider the depreciation - that is, the ‘using up’ - of manufactured capital items, like logging and sawmill equipment, they do not treat ‘natural capital’, like a standing forest stock, in the same way. As a result,

…a country could exhaust its mineral resources, cut down its forests, erode its soils, pollute its aquifers, and hunt its wildlife and fisheries to extinction, but measured income would not be affected as these assets disappeared. Ironically, low-income countries, which are typically most dependent on natural resources for employment, revenues, and foreign exchange earnings are instructed to use a system for national accounting and macroeconomic analysis that almost completely ignores their principal assets.

To address this problem requires correction of the existing set of national accounts, or construction of a set of parallel accounts which take depletion of natural resources into consideration. In valuation terms, this necessitates total valuation of the standing forest stock to include all values associated with this resource. Some uses made of the forest are already recorded as transactions in markets (ie.rattan sales) so care is required.

In a study of the role of natural resource depletion in the growth of the Indonesian economy over the last two decades, researchers from the World Resources Institute examined the forest sector among other sectors. Their calculations were concerned with showing what portion of the value of timber extracted was attributable to depletion of the underlying forest resource base, as opposed to ‘creaming off’ the mean annual increment. The latter share representing the sustainable harvest available from the exiting forest stock. Once the value of depletion income was determined, they then deducted this amount of income from estimates of economic growth, since this did not represent true growth but rather ‘depreciation’ of the natural resource base. Over the period 1971–84, the depletion adjustment varied from Rp 312 to 974 billion. Interestingly, when the same adjustments were made for petroleum depletion and soil erosion (ie. loss of agricultural productivity), the average annual growth rate in the Indonesian economy for the same period fell from 7.1%, as recorded by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics, to 4.0%.

Although the researchers were not able to take into account the full range of values associated with standing forest, and the loss of these values as the timber is removed, the approach is instructive. We must first properly account for the extraction of obvious forest resources, such as timber, before we can begin to cast the net more widely to capture other less tangible values. A total valuation framework applied to correction of National Income Accounts is just one place to begin applying this line of thinking.

Source: Repetto et al. (1989)

4.1.3 How are Benefits and Costs in Different Time Periods Considered?

Many foresters are familiar with the principle of discounting used in in the treatment of cashflows over a multi-year period. Indeed, with the long gestation and productive life of many tropical tree species, the issue of discounting is an important one in forest economics. When economists evaluate benefits and costs which extend over more than one time period they take this into account using one of two approaches, both of which involve the use of a discount rate.

In the first case, they must make allowance for the fact that individuals view more distant benefits and costs differently than more immediate ones. Generally, the pattern observed is that we prefer costs to be postponed and benefits to be received as soon as possible. This situation is referred to as time preference. It is mimicked by financial institutions in that they must pay interest on bank accounts, returning a higher amount to the individual at a later date to make it attractive for individuals' to deposit their savings right now (thus, requiring individuals to postpone their enjoyment from spending that money now).

To account for time preference in valuation and cost-benefit studies, economists use a form of discount rate referred to as a social time preference rate. Like all discount rates, the social time preference rate is used to weight benefits and costs occurring in different time periods, similarly to the use of an interest rate to calculate interest payable on bank accounts. Since we would prefer having a sum of money in the present to waiting until a later time period for it, we must place a greater emphasis (weight) on current values than on ones in distant periods. To accomplish this, we use a discount factor which incorporates the discount rate selected. Weighting a series of benefits or costs and summing these yields a present value. In CBA, we calculate the present values of benefits and costs, and take the difference between the two, the net present value (NPV), as an indicator of an action's viability in economic terms. An NPV greater than zero implies the action returns positive net economic benefits. We can instead calculate the present values of benefits and costs and place these in a ratio, referred to as a benefit-cost ratio (BCR). A BCR greater than one indicates that benefits exceed costs and that the action is considered, in balance, favourable. Box 4.3 provides a more rigorous explanation of NPV and the BCR.

A second approach is to look at the opportunity cost of capital invested in an activity, which refers to the profits which could have been obtained by investing this capital in the next best possible opportunity. These foregone profits represent the cost of the capital employed in the project. The net benefits of our project must at least equal these foregone profits if it is to be considered viable. Thus, when weighting benefits and costs in different time periods, we use the opportunity cost of capital as our discount rate to reflect what the activity should be generating in terms of benefits, if it is to be an attractive investment.

Box 4.3The Basic Cost-benefit Analysis Criteria Discounting

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) was referred to in the previous section as being the most commonly used economic appraisal method. Incorporating discounting into CBA is not difficult. It requires that we identify the flow of benefits and costs for each time period we are considering, as well as select the discount rate (r) we intend to use. Assuming we are concerned with some forest management activity, we show forest benefits for period t (Bt), costs for period t (Ct) and environmental impacts for period t (Et), with the latter being either positive or negative (+/-). Project viability can be expressed in several ways. For example, we can estimate the net present value (NPV), which measures the difference between discounted benefits and costs, or the benefit - cost ratio (BCR), which takes the ratio of these two. Whether an activity is desirable hinges on the resulting calculation. Decision rules are shown below.

From a strictly environmental assessment point of view, we are only interested in measuring the value of E. However, in practice, environmental impact will be associated with a forest management activity or project which is liable to be evaluated in terms of its overall economic viability. In this case, economic analysis of the environmental impacts constitutes just one component in a full project assessment.

Some forestry projects have positive environmental impacts, in contrast, suggesting a low discount rate might be appropriate, to encourage such activities. In reality, the impacts of forestry activities on the environment range widely, suggesting that the appropriate discount rate might vary with the circumstances.

However, it is generally preferable to use a single rate for all projects evaluated to ensure consistency and to allow for comparisons amongst different projects. But if a single discount rate is to be used, then to accommodate environmental concerns we must decide whether the rate should be high, low or zero. Interestingly enough, the overall impact on the environment of a high or low discount rate applied to all projects is ambiguous. For example, a high discount rate discourages environmentally damaging activities and reduces the overall level of investment; therefore, the rate of natural resource use declines. But this result comes at the expense of emphasizing the interests of the current generation over those of future generations, since net benefits far in the future are heavily discounted. A high discount rate also discourages environmentally-friendly forest management activities. As a result, there is an emerging consensus that no adjustment be made to the standard, economy-wide discount rate when evaluating environmental values, and instead other techniques be used to adjust for any special conditions associated with environmental benefits and costs.

4.1.4 What are Some of the Non-efficiency Concerns in Economic Analysis?

Analysts must be aware of the distribution of the benefits and costs of forest management activities, and this may rely in part upon the underlying institutions such as property rights or rights of access to forest resources. CBA is instead concerned with the economic efficiency aspects of environmental changes stemming from some forest management activity. By this, economists mean that the results of an action can be measured by its net economic benefits, regardless of to whom these may accrue. A project showing a very high net economic benefit would be deemed highly desirable in economic efficiency terms, no matter that the beneficiaries may not be the ones who bear the burden of the costs arising from the action. In this context, financial transfers between individuals or groups, as a result of the management activity, are ignored in a CBA, since they do not constitute usage of economic resources. Thus, payment of subsidies or taxes, which may alter the distribution of benefits and costs from an action, are actually left out of a CBA. However, there is clearly a need to take account of this distribution, particularly as an aid to designing effective mitigation strategies.

Local forest communities may often fall into the category of losers from forest management activities, suffering a loss whether a forest is destructively logged or preserved as a pristine national park. In the latter situation, former subsistence hunting and gathering activities may no longer be permitted. In some cases, this problem may be recognized and addressed through the creation of special funds to compensate villagers for lost access to forest resources. Nonetheless, it is important that the distributional aspects of any proposed tropical forest project or policy be considered along with net return measurements, and that adequate transfers or other special provisions be enacted to deal with inequities. Further discussion of social issues pertaining to EA, particularly the need to identify winners and losers from management actions, is provided in Chapter 5.

All EAs are also undertaken within some institutional context, as discussed in Section 2.3. Most important for economic analysis perhaps are property rights arrangements. Attempts to value tropical forest resources may run into difficulties if estimates are based on a simple observation of current use rates, without taking into consideration the property rights situation. This may be especially important if the property rights system is changing informally (as when indigenous common property systems are reasserted after a period of dormancy), or a change has been mandated as an element in a project or programme affecting a tropical forest area (as when land is suddenly privatized or nationalized). From an economic analysis standpoint, the benefits and costs associated with a management action will be influenced by the property rights regime in place. If a forest area is subject to open access, then measures to improve the physical management of the forest resources will produce few economic benefits unless the property rights situation is also addressed.

4.2 Economic Valuation: Techniques, Problems and Pitfalls

Central to the contribution that economics can make to environmental assessment is the valuation of goods and services whose supply or availability is altered by some activity. Market prices exist for some goods and services and where available these can serve as the basis for economic valuation. But forests produce many goods and services for which there are no market prices, and economists have had to develop techniques to place appropriate values on these. If this is not done, then these goods and services are liable to be ignored when assessing the impacts of forest management activities, and the economic value of environmental impacts will be incorrectly measured. This section first looks at the values associated with forests, primarily tropical Asian forests, and then considers ways of measuring these values and some of the problems that might be encountered. While some representative values of Asian forests are presented, much more detail is available from the range of Asian case studies contained in Appendix 4.

4.2.1 Economic Values of Asian Forests

Timber is widely regarded as the most valuable forest resource in tropical forest countries. This should come as no surprise, since it is usually timber which can generate the most readily captured revenues from forest exploitation, whether we are referring to revenue capture by commercial-scale operators or governments, or both. Even where revenues may not be the primary objective of forest exploitation, and instead it is seen as an opportunity for stimulating economic development, timber harvesting often remains the most attractive forest use for achieving this objective. It is seen as having significant linkages to other sectors, especially processing, and can provide much sought-after jobs in regions with few other industrial alternatives. These are compelling arguments for national planners in tropical countries for supporting timber exploitation at the expense of other forest values.

However, such a view of the benefits available from tropical forests risks the loss of other important forest values. In effect, these other values may be treated as having no value whatsoever, partly because they are not commercially traded, so no market value and by inference no revenue is associated with their use. As noted earlier, the distribution of the beneficiaries of a non-timber forest use may also be important. If this is restricted to local communities, then national decision-makers may be less inclined to take notice of the associated non-timber forest uses. Ultimately, the emphasis on timber values means that these may be encouraged at the expenses of non-timber forest uses, or that decisions about converting forest areas may be made only in terms of the lost or reduced (if timber is salvaged) timber values. Environmental assessment can address this problem by properly valuing the full impacts of timber harvesting and ensuring these effects are taken into account by decisionmakers.

If researchers are to value non-marketed forest uses and decision-makers are to take these into account, then some sort of framework for distinguishing and grouping these values is required. The concept of total economic value (TEV) provides such a framework and there is an increasing consensus that it is the most appropriate one to use. Simply put, TEV makes a fundamental distinction between use values and non-use values, the former being somewhat self-explanatory and the latter referring to values associated with an environmental resource which rely merely on its continued existence and are unrelated to use. The TEV framework, as applied to tropical forests, is illustrated in Table 4.2. Further observations -- and cautions -- concerning use of the TEV framework are provided in Box 4.4.

Table 4.2 Classification of Total Economic Value for Tropical Forests

Direct Use ValuesUSE VALUES
Indirect Use Values
Option and Quasi-option ValuesNON-USE VALUES
Existence Value
- timber products- nutrient cycling- potential future uses (as per direct and indirect uses)- biodiversity a
- exudates (gums, resins, etc.)- regulation of droughts, floods- future value of information- culture, heritage
- canes (rattan, bamboo)- control of soil erosion, sedimentation - bequest value
- nuts, fruits, vegetables, fungi- amelioration of climate  
- game animals, fish- protection against weather damage  
- flowers, fodder- groundwater recharge  
- medicinal plants- sink for greenhouse gases (ie. carbon)  
- condiments, spices- conservation of genetic resources and biodiversity  
- recreation use   
- education   
- human habitat   

Source: adapted from Barbier (1991), Panayotou and Ashton (1992), Myers (1992) and Pearce and Warford (1993)

a Biodiversity is essentially an attribute of the tropical forest; hence, it may also serve important direct and indirect use values. For example, the diversity found in a tropical forest may have direct use value for scientific research, education and as a source of genetic material. Similarly, biological diversity may have an indirect use value in assisting the ecological stability of the entire tropical forest system.

Use values are grouped according to whether they are direct, indirect or option values. The following paragraphs provide descriptions of each of these different values.

Box 4.4Additional Considerations in Using a TEV Framework for Valuation

Several observations on the use of a total economic value (TEV) framework to describe Asian forest values are in order. Use values were grouped according to whether they were direct or indirect. Care must be taken to avoid confusing this distinction with that of conventional economic goods and services, as direct uses do not always coincide with goods produced from the forest and indirect uses with services. For example, recreational use of a forest is classified as a direct use, yet it constitutes a service activity in conventional economic terms. There is also inconsistency in the way different authors group the various values within the TEV framework and which ones constitute use, as opposed to non-use values. For example, does watching a nature show on TV involve a use or non-use value? Some authors may ignore quasi-option values, or list them as a non-use value. Others show recreation as an indirect use value (possibly confusing the direct/indirect distinction with goods/services, as noted above), or group bequest value as a distinct value having both use and non-use characteristics. Clearly, the analyst must apply caution in using these relatively new concepts of forest values.

Finally, analysts contemplating the use of a TEV framework for an EA should take care when summing up the individual use and non-use values to demonstrate the worth of a forest area. The following caution should be heeded in such situations:

“Total economic value, or TEV, equals direct use value plus indirect use value plus option value plus existence value. The components of TEV cannot, however, simply be aggregated: that is, before being added to the equation, components must be shown not to be mutually exclusive (for example, the benefits of clear-felling and the benefits of watershed protection). Tradeoffs exist between different types of use value and between direct and indirect uses values. In practice then, the TEV approach must be used with care.” (Pearce and Warford 1993, p. 102)

Non-use value is often thought of as coinciding with the concept of existence value. That is, individuals may be concerned about the continued existence of some environmental resource, such as a tropical forest area, even though they have no plans to visit it. Non-use values are typically not commercially expressed since they are unrelated to use and, like many indirect use values, have public good qualities. Tropical forest biodiversity may be valued by persons living in distant developed countries, and because of its public good nature, the non-use value attributable to Europeans does not reduce the same values which may be held by Americans, for example. Whether to consider such values when they are held by non-residents depends on the project in question, its financing and whether some mechanism exists to capture these non-resident values. An additional category of non-use value is bequest value, which signifies the desire to leave an environmental legacy for one's ancestors or future generations at large. Some authors see bequest motivations as falling within the definition of existence value.

The significance of non-use values for a given site is liable to depend upon the area's uniqueness, which may be reflected in a high measure of biodiversity (as indicated by an appropriate biodiversity index -- see Chapter 2) or its species endemism (the number of species not found elsewhere). Due to their nature, non-use values are very difficult to measure. Nonetheless, non-use values are thought to be especially high for moist tropical forest. While there are few studies of non-use values associated with tropical forests to prove this contention, campaigns by international environmental groups to raise funds to support tropical forest conservation hint at the magnitudes involved. For example, several years ago the U.K.'s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) collected £250,000 (US$ 400,000) from a once off membership mailout campaign to help save the Gola rainforests of Sierra Leone in West Africa. A study by a group of World Bank researchers surveyed a large number of U.S. households to determine their willingness to contribute to a hypothetical “United Nations Save the Rainforests Fund”. When the values elicited were extrapolated to the total number of households in the U.S., the resulting amounts were greater than $2 billion (Kramer et al., 1995).

4.2.2 Economic Valuation: An Overview

Having a valuation framework is only the first step in undertaking an economic analysis of the environmental impacts of forest management actions. We must then actually measure the relevant values. However, first it is useful to review what economists mean by the term value. As introduced in Section 4.1.1, economic values are reflected in our willingness-to-pay for something, less what it costs to supply it. Where an environmental resource simply exists and provides us with products and services at no cost, then it is our willingness-to-pay alone, which describes the value of the resource, whether or not we actually make any payment.

Table 4.3 gives a selection of value estimates for direct and indirect uses of Asian (mostly tropical) forests. It is clear from the estimates provided that values range widely for use values in Asian forests, and that indirect use values are by no means insignificant. However, care must be used in interpreting the results of these studies for several reasons. Many studies have used differing assumptions and valuation techniques, so that results, even for similar sites, may not always be comparable. Some figures purport to value non-timber forest products in an all-inclusive sense, but leave out many direct use values. Often the emphasis may be on plants, with values associated with fauna ignored, or vice versa. It is also not always clear whether the figures shown represent sustainable harvest levels or whether they may involve overharvesting (more is said of this in Section 4.2.6). Nonetheless, the indication is that direct and indirect use values can be valued and that there has been some progress in this direction. Some of the valuation studies cited in Table 4.3 are explored in more detail as case studies in Appendix 4.

The value estimates presented in Table 4.3 rely on a large number of valuation techniques, and along with these come many ways of classifying or grouping the techniques. A relatively simple approach is used here, one which accords with most classifications found in the technical literature. Valuation techniques can be divided into those that use market prices to directly measure the economic value of environmental impacts, and those that do not. The latter group constitute methods for non-market valuation, and these can be subdivided into a further three groupings. To summarize, the following loose classification is used (see IIED 1994 for more information):

Table 4.3 Value Estimates for Direct and Indirect Uses of Tropical Asian Forests

LocationDirect/Indirect UseValue Estimate
Direct Use Values ($/ha/yr)  
Mudulamai Sanctuary, South Indiaelephant habitat at .02 elephants/ha and $1500/elephant; excludes cost of domestication and training3
Sarawak, Malaysiavalue of wildlife per sq km8
Hanatana, Sri Lankasurvey of uses in 3 villages; excludes extraction costs50
Kalimantan, Indonesiakernel, charcoal and feed meal of babassu palm; unclear if net or gross returns53
Tamil Nadu, Indiafuel and fodder80
Indiagross benefits, including fruits, herbs, and medicinal plants117–144
Direct Use Values ($/yr) 
National Parks, Thailandecotourism research, education385,000–860,000
Indirect Use Values ($ NPV) 
Palawan, Philippineswatershed protection of marine tourism
watershed protection of fisheries
13.9–19.2 million
Bintuni Bay, Indonesiamangrove support for agriculture, fishing and cottage industries536 million

Source: Godoy et al. (1993)

It is not anticipated that forest planners and managers would actually undertake a valuation exercise themselves, so that detailed knowledge of valuation techniques is not necessary. Rather, a general understanding of the types of approaches available, and how these might be used, should be sufficient. For this reason, only the most commonly used techniques are described in detail in the main text. Further descriptions of these and additional techniques, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, are deferred to Appendix 2. Table 4.4 shows a summary selection of the valuation techniques available, and indicates which types of values they can be used to estimate.

Table 4.4 Selected Valuation Techniques for Assessing Tropical Forest Values

Direct Use ValueUSE VALUES
Indirect Use Value
Existence Value
- market or shadow price analysis- changes in productivity- contingent valuation method- contingent valuation method
- changes in productivity- damage costs avoided  
- hedonic price method- preventive expenditures  
- travel cost method- relocation costs a  
- production function approach- replacement costs a  
- direct/indirect substitute approach a   
- contingent valuation method   
- indirect opportunity cost a   
- replacement costs a   

Source: adapted from IIED (1994)

a signifies valuation technique to be used with caution

4.2.3 Valuation Techniques Using Market Prices

Where market prices are available and either appropriately reflect the social value of goods and services, or suitable shadow prices can be formulated, valuation of environmental impacts is a relatively straightforward exercise. Calculating the value of many direct use values (ie. timber, non-timber forest products) can be done in this way, although in some Asian countries, even timber prices do not properly reflect true economic value so that efficiency or shadow pricing will be needed. Reasons for undervaluation of timber are several, but a key one is inadequate royalty collection - amounts collected do not reflect the full underlying stumpage value of standing timber. As an example, Indonesia received only 50% of potential royalties from log exports and 25% from sawn timber during the 1980s. For the Philippines, the amount captured was less than 10% of its potential. An appropriate shadow price for timber would also have to take account of reforestation costs to include allowance for replacing the timber removed. A discussion of valuation issues pertaining to non-timber forest products is presented in Box 4.5.

There are several techniques which use market prices to directly value environmental damage. Often, we may be interested in assessing the value of changes in productivity resulting from the environmental impacts of forest management activities. For example, if logging disrupts ecological services or the supply of non-timber forest products provided by a forest area, then we can assess this by estimating the resulting loss in production (ie. from downstream flooding or lost rattan production) and multiplying by the appropriate market prices. Adjustments for any changes in costs must also be made.

Box 4.5Economic Valuation and Non Timber Forest Products

While Asian forests are not generally as productive for NTFPs as their counterparts in America and Africa, they nonetheless produce important global supplies of rattan and bamboo. Other important NTFPs include: bearded pigs, illipe nuts, spices, fragrances, resins, wild fruits, wild sage, palm sugar, honey, live animals and skins. For many of these products local trade may occur, and in some cases, they may even be exported (ie. rattan and bamboo). In these cases, market prices are liable to be useful guides for valuation purposes. But there are many considerations that go into valuing NTFPs, even where market prices can be used.

For example, researchers undertaking studies of NTFPs face difficulties with simply measuring the quantities of NTFPs extracted. Local users of the forest follow complex patterns of extraction for many goods, which might vary by time of day or seasonally. Getting a representative sample of harvested items for measurement purposes may therefore be difficult. Equally, sites chosen for area-based research involving surveying must be representative, as well as any sampling of the extractors themselves. Researchers face problems with extractors' recall or lack of recording of their harvests, and some may even wish to mislead researchers about their use of forest products. Quantities of NTFPs used for valuation should be ‘net’ of any consumption during hunting or extraction, which is effectively a cost of the harvest.

Once harvest quantities are properly measured, selection of the correct price must be considered. The shares of the harvest used for home consumption versus selling through markets must be assessed, since different prices will prevail in each case. For products consumed at home, the closest thing to an appropriate price is the retail price which would be paid by the household if the products were purchased rather than collected. This may overvalue the NTFP as households are obviously choosing not to purchase the product. NTFPs sold through markets should be priced at the selling price received by the household - the equivalent of a ‘wholesale’ price. Shadow prices may be required in some cases, especially where products are taxed or subsidized.

Extraction costs must also be considered, as appropriate values for NTFPs are always ‘net’ rather than ‘gross’ values. Not only must the materials used for hunting or collecting be costed, but perhaps more importantly, the time involved must be valued. Labour constitutes an important cost component for NTFP extraction, whether for searching, gathering, transportation, processing or selling/marketing of NTFPs. Once difficulties in assessing the quantity of labour used are overcome, an appropriate shadow wage must be determined. Often, researchers simply use the national minimum wage, or farm wages prevailing locally, as proxies for the value of time. However, time costs are liable to vary seasonally, along with alternative employment opportunities and domestic demand for labour. Care is required in choosing the right wage and to match this seasonally with the timing of NTFP extraction.

A final concern in valuing NTFPs is the sustainability of production. It is often assumed that local populations automatically use their resource base sustainably, but this may not always be true. Where it is true, then using current estimates of harvest rates is acceptable practice. However, if overharvesting is occurring, adjustments must be made to account for it. More is said of this in Section 4.2.5. Similarly, any damages caused to the surrounding forest through extraction of NTFPs must be counted as a cost of extraction as well. While it is generally assumed that harvesting of NTFPs is environmentally benign, this is not always the case, as demonstrated in one of the case studies presented in Appendix 4.

Source: adapted from Godoy et al. (1993)

4.2.4 Non-market Valuation

Where we cannot rely directly on market prices - either they do not exist, or appropriate shadow prices cannot be estimated - we must turn instead to alternatives for non-market valuation. For this there are a large number of techniques, each with advantages and disadvantages according to the valuer's needs and data. Broadly speaking, non-market valuation techniques can be divided into three groups. A first group of techniques use market prices of related goods to infer the value of a given environmental good or service, and these are often called surrogate market methods. Two often used techniques are the hedonic pricing method (HPM) and the travel cost method (TCM), both of which are described in more detail below (and in Appendix 2).

Several other surrogate market approaches are available. Some techniques make use of surrogate prices, which are market prices of goods related in some way with the environmental value we seek, often as a direct substitute (see Box 4.6). Where these are not available or are inappropriate, we may need to appeal to indirect substitutes, for which no market price may exist, but from which some value can be inferred from the changes in output associated with substitution (again, see Box 4.6 and Appendix 2).

Box 4.6Non-Market Valuation of Fuelwood

People acquire many goods, such as fruits, fuelwood and poles, not through the market but by gathering or producing them themselves. Values for these products need to be arrived at indirectly through the use of non-market valuation techniques. A number of alternative approaches may be possible, as is illustrated by the three different bases for valuing fuelwood outlined below:

  • By reference to the price of a direct substitute such as purchased fuelwood, or other purchased fuels such as charcoal or kerosene. This can present difficulties because the different fuels have to be expressed in the same delivered energy terms to compare them. Also, the approach is likely to overvalue subsistence supplies if the users would not purchase fuel if they could not gather fuelwood (ie. they would adopt an alternative such as switching to other gatherable fuels).

  • By reference to the value of indirect substitutes - ie. crop residues and dried dung. As these do not have market values they have to be valued in terms of the opportunity cost of using them for fuel instead of for other purposes. The alternative use for dung usually is assumed to be as soil conditioner, and its value in this use is calculated in terms of increased crop yields foregone by diverting it to use as fuel. This approach is valid only if people actually work dung into the soil if they do not burn it, and recent research has suggested that this is less widespread than has been assumed, because farmers find the impact on crop yields is not sufficiently great to justify the labour input involved.

  • By reference to the indirect opportunity cost of the time that household members spend gathering fuel from further away. This approach rests on being able to accurately identify what part of the time spent, say, in walking to and from the household's outer fields, and gathering fuelwood en route, is attributable to the latter - and what alternative activity the gatherer could have engaged in if not gathering fuel.

The different approaches can produce quite different values in any given situation, which further complicates the task of valuation.

Source: adapted and quoted from FAO Forestry Paper 107 (1993) and IIED (1994)

Some indirect valuation techniques make use of production functions, which model the contribution of various inputs to outputs in a production process. Where the environment is just one of many inputs, production function techniques allow the analyst to isolate the contribution to output associated with the environment alone. For example, a coastal mangrove area may support fish reproduction for species subsequently caught by fishermen using fishing gear. Both the mangrove area and the fishing gear are inputs into the production of fish. Modelling this production process, and including the mangrove area as an explanatory variable, allows the analyst to determine the importance of the mangrove support for fisheries. This technique is often used in conjunction with market or shadow prices to value the effects of changes on outputs of natural systems since many of these outputs are sold commercially (ie. fisheries). The HPM and TCM techniques, described above, can also be thought of as special cases of the production function approach.

Similarly, dose-response techniques use information about the physical linkages between environmental changes, such as pollution and damages to health, to estimate the economic value of environmental impacts. Ultimately, damages may be valued in terms of lost earnings due to ill health. However, the procedure involves several intermediate steps, together resulting in the estimation of a damage function. There are five steps in the process of estimating such a function, with all but the last step involving primarily natural scientists:

Box 4.7Issues in Valuing Carbon Sequestration by Tropical Forests

“In the process of photosynthesis, growing forests fix carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Once grown, forests no longer accumulate carbon from the atmosphere. Mature forests are said to be in a state of (approximate) carbon equilibrium, which means that they release as much carbon dioxide as they absorb. …Although their rate of carbon exchange with the atmospherre is zero, mature tropical forests lock up or sequester carbon as a stock. This distinction is important since it means that deforestation releases carboon dioxide into the atmosphere and thus contributes to the greenhouse effect. Indeed, deforestation releases other greenhouse gases such as methane. Tropical forests are major stores of carbon, and hence the use made of tropical forest land, and of the timber on the land, is an important factor in global warming.

It is important to distinguish what is being valued when talking of the carbon-fixing value of a tropical forest. The context is best viewed as one of the costs and benefits of alternative land use. Consider two basic options: to conserve tropical forest or clear it for agriculture.

  • conserving a mature forest in carbon equilibrium avoids the release of any carbon associated with the alternative land use (agriculture) and hence avoids the damage associated with that carbon release as well. The forest, then, has a carbon credit equal to the avoided damage.
  • By clearing the forest for agriculture, deforestation occurs and carbon (and other pollutants) is released. The damage associated with that carbon release is, therefore, a carbon debit to that particular use of forest land.

However, it is not legitimate both to ascribe a credit to the conservation option and a debit to the clearance option. That would be double counting since credit and debit are the obverse of each other. Either conservation is credited with damage avoided or the agriculture option is debited with the damage done by deforestation.

A further complication is that the credit or debit depends on how the timber is removed, how it is subsequently used, and how the deforested land is subsequently managed. Clearance by burning is associated with a total release of carbon dioxide and has no offsetting credits for the use made of the timber. If the land is subsequently managed so that carbon is once again fixed (for example, if it is converted to grassland), then that rate of fixation has to be offset against the loss of carbon from deforestation. Typically, forests contain 20–100 times more carbon per unit of area than agriculture lands. Thus, the offset due to subsequent land use will be much less than the loss from deforestation through clearance. The same goes for any downstream reappearance of of carbon: by far the greatest portion of released carbon goes into the atmosphere.

If the forest is clear-felled and all the timber is used to make long-lived wood products (housing timbers and furniture, for example), the act of deforestation may release very little carbon because the carbon remains locked up in the timber products; this is known as product carbon offset. Subsequent land use may then fix some carbon, so that the overall effect of deforestation on the release of carbon could be very small: zero or even negative. This second kind of offset is land use carbon offset.

…In line with the valuation of damage avoided, a tropical forest should be credited with the value of global warming damage avoided by its conservation. Estimates of global warming suggest that the damage done, mainly the rising level of the sea, could equal $13 per ton of carbon (in 1989 dollars; Nordhaus, 1991). Given the uncertainty regarding the speed, extent, and physical impact of global warming, these estimates must be regarded with care”.

Source: from Pearce and Warford (1993); Nordhaus (1991)

The first two steps involve the use of diffusion models, while linking of the third and fourth steps requires estimating the dose-response function. Finally, step five is the stage at which economists and valuation tools are required. A similar approach can be employed for valuing the sequestration of carbon in tropical forests, where the ‘dose’ or environmental harm stems from deforestation and damages occur as a result of the build up of greenhouse gases. Box 4.7 examines the issues involved in valuing carbon sequestration by tropical forests in more detail.

The second group of non-market techniques involve constructed markets: in the absence of real market information or possibilities for inferring values indirectly, they ask individuals directly about their willingness-to-pay for an environmental good or service. These techniques are referred to as direct or stated preference methods and the most commonly used of these is the contingent valuation method (CVM). CVM asks people about the values they place on environmental resources, or in other words, their willingness-to-pay for environmental quality, using a survey questionnaire. Initial efforts solicited willing-to-pay directly, in an open-ended format. In current recommended practice, individuals are asked whether they would pay a specified amount for some environmental benefit. The amounts are varied at random from one individual to the next or, less preferably, systematically increased or reduced until the individual choses an amount. The method for collecting the hypothetical bid is called the payment vehicle, and this may be a tax, membership fee or entry charge to a forest reserve, for example. A recent panel of experts reviewed CVM for its usefulness in valuing non-use values and cautiously supported it, but only if certain guidelines are followed. These guidelines are shown in Box 4.8.

CVM has several advantages. It allows valuation of non-use values which cannot be valued any other way, such as option and non-use values (see Table 4.4). Biodiversity, when considered as an attribute of tropical forests in its own right, can only be valued using CVM. Valuation questions also can be broadly defined to include all of TEV, whereas most other techniques only elicit values for single components of TEV. But there are shortcomings, chiefly in the form of biases inherent in asking hypothetical questions or associated with trying to simulate market conditions where markets may not exist for some good reason. In part, the recommendations of the ‘blue ribbon’ panel are meant to address these shortcomings.

A final group of valuation techniques make use of market prices but emphasize the cost side. For example, the value of an environmental impact can be measured by estimating the cost of replacing or reproducing the environmental service or benefits lost. Techniques using this approach include replacement, restoration and relocation costs. Alternatively, the costs of avoiding or mitigating damages to environmental services can be estimated using the preventive cost approach. Related to these methods is the indirect opportunity cost method, which considers the labour time involved in collecting or harvesting forest produce and values this with a local wage rate. These and similar cost-based techniques suffer from disadvantages and should be treated as second-best methods (see Table 4.4 and Section 4.2.5 for discussion of the particular problems inherent in the replacement cost method).

Box 4.8Contingent Valuation: The Blue Ribbon Panel's Guidelines

CVM has been the subject of much controversy and debate, largely revolving around potential biases inherent in the technique. Recently, a ‘blue ribbon’ panel deliberated over the validity of CVM and cautiously ruled in favour of its limited use in such circumstances as judicial proceedings involving natural resource damages, but only if a series of guidelines were followed (Arrow et al., 1993). The technical detail evident in the guidelines gives an indication of the complexity of undertaking a proper CVM analysis, and all prospective practitioners would do well to heed them. The guidelines, in all their technical detail, are the following:

  1. For a single dichotomous choice question (yes-no type) format, a total sample size of at least 1000 respondents is required. Clustering and stratification should be accounted for and tests for interviewer and wording biases are needed.

  2. High non-response rates would render the survey unreliable.

  3. Face-to-face interviewing is likely to yield the most reliable results.

  4. Full reporting of data and questionnaires is required for good practice.

  5. Pilot surveying and pretesting are essential elements in any CVM study.

  6. A conservative design more likely to underestimate willingness-to-pay is preferred to one likely to overestimate willingness-to-pay.

  7. A willingness-to-pay format is preferred over other alternatives.

  8. The valuation question should be posed as a vote on a referendum, ie. a dichotomous choice question related to the payment of a particular level of taxation.

  9. Accurate information on the valuation situation must be presented to respondents, with particular care required over the use of photographs.

  10. Respondents must be reminded of the status of any undamaged possible substitute commodities.

  11. Time dependent measurement noise should be reduced by averaging across independently drawn samples taken at different points in time.

  12. A ‘no-answer’ option should be explicitly allowed in addition to the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ vote options on the main valuation question.

  13. Yes and no responses should be followed up by the open-ended question: ‘why did you vote yes or no?’.

  14. On cross-tabulations, the survey should include a variety of other questions that help to interpret the responses to the primary valuation question, ie. income, distance to the site, prior knowledge of the site, etc.

  15. Respondents must be reminded of alternative expenditure possibilities, especially when ‘warm glow’ effects are likely to be present (ie. purchase of moral satisfaction through the act of charitable giving).

Source: adapted from Bateman et al. (1993)

4.2.5 Problems and Pitfalls in Valuing Tropical Forests

As should be clear from the range of techniques cited above, valuation has much to offer decision-makers in assessing the economic implications of the environmental impacts of forestry activities. But as progress is made towards improving valuation techniques, and as the number of case studies increases, the potential for misuse, outright error and for inappropriate applications commensurately increases. The following section is concerned with some of the more commonly made mistakes and problem areas in valuation and should be of particular interest to planners and managers called upon to design and/or review valuation studies of Asian forests.

Box 4.9Benefits Transfer: A Useful Shortcut or Misleading Technique?

Benefits transfer refer to the practice of using values estimated for an alternative policy context or site as a basis for estimating a value for the policy context or site in question. Benefits transfer studies are often the only recourse where data is poor or funds are not sufficient for a full-scale valuation study. Whether this practice is advisable depends on a number of factors, not least of which is the similarity of the sites. Benefits transfer may be questionable or misleading in some cases, so that the familiar argument that some number is better than no number may not hold. A decision about whether to proceed with original data gathering to estimate some forest value must weigh the costs of collecting this information against the disadvantages of not having such information. In the latter case, a benefits transfer study may well be a viable alternative, but this will hinge on the policy question being addressed and the availability of original benefit estimates as a basis for a benefit transfer.

The valuation of health impacts may be more amenable to benefits transfer than the valuation of other impacts, such as changes in recreation values. Since the impact of environmental change affects individuals indirectly, via their perception of their health status, studies of the value individuals place on avoiding health problems can be used independently of the source of a specific problem, as long as appropriate caution is maintained. For recreation, an important forest direct use value, there is greater difficulty in using benefits transfer, since values tend to be highly reliant upon site and sample population characteristics. Studies also may differ in focus, as in analysing changes in quantity, as opposed to quality. Where visual attributes are at stake, there is liable to be even more problem with the use of benefits transfer.

What is lacking at present are well-defined protocols, such as have begun to emerge for valuation techniques like contingent valuation (see Box 4.8). Some possible guidelines for planners considering the use of benefits transfer can be contemplated. Obviously, the more similar are not only the sites, but also the characteristics of markets and users, the more appropriate is a benefits transfer. Where demand or value functions are reported in original studies, these should be used along with variable observations for the site or population under study, rather than using simple average unit values from the source study. More importantly, the need for benefits transfer suggests more attention be paid to the design of studies collecting original data to incorporate measures which would make their use in benefits transfer situations easier. Fuller reporting of methodologies and data used in original data studies, including mean values of independent variables and equations used to estimate economic values, would be a step in the right direction. Certainly, any planner contemplating the use of benefits transfer to estimate forest values should carefully evaluate the original data studies to be used to ensure their appropriateness for the task.

Source: adapted from Krupnick (1993)

Box 4.10Capturable Benefits and Biodiversity Valuation in Malaysia

“Traditional medicine is an integral part of Malaysian culture and has been practised by various ethnic groups since long before the introduction of the modern medicinal system into the country. Out of the 7000 species of angiosperms and 600 species of ferns in Malaysia, about 1082 species (c. 15%) and 76 species (c. 13%) respectively are reported to have medicinal properties. Burkhill (1935) reports that more than 1300 plants have been used in traditional medicine, although the actual number of medicinal plants used in the country was, however, shown to be 12–18% of the claims, which approximates to 174 species. This figure is close to other estimates which cite that the forests support more than 200 potentially important medicinal plants…

Because of current limitations in estimating specific values for biodiversity a valuation model must as yet remain largely theoretical. However, the basic notion that production forests contribute to biodiversity conservation, was incorporated into a ‘medicinal’ products model proposed by Pearce and Puroshotaman (1992) to derive some preliminary estimates of a (partial) biodiversity value for Peninsular Malaysia. This value would be partial because only one component of biodiversity conservation, ie. its medicinal aspect, would be accounted for… The results were estimated under a variety of different assumptions such as low, medium and high levels of earnings from plant drugs, and at the 10%, 50% and 100% appropriation (ie. capture) rates…

Current levels of appropriation of biodiversity conservation benefits are often cited to be quite low, in the range of 10%. This is very unsatisfactory to the host countries, and acts to discourage or even negate any move towards positive and consolidated biodiversity conservation… In Peninsular Malaysia, the annual potential option value benefits from medicinal plants, at 10% appropriability, is in the order of US$ 3–49 million per year, moving from low to high scenarios. Increasing the appropriability is important because it would give an added incentive to the host countries to conserve their forests effectively, and could motivate improved forest management, especially of production forests, such that the annual medicinal value of a hectare of forest be augmented to approximate that of protected areas. Increasing the appropriability to 50% for the medium estimate of earnings, would increase the annual benefits to the host country from US$ 7 million to US$ 35 million.”

Source: from Kumari (1995) with minor modifications

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