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Workshop Homepage

At the end of the workshop, participants agreed to develop a web homepage of the workshop as a constructive utilization of what they had learnt and to serve as a basis for further cooperation among the sites in the region.

The coordinator for the web page is Zdenek Fajfr, Czech Republic. Workshop participants will supply information on their sites and Barbara Lhotsky and Gabor Varbiro from Hungary will provide the additional material.

The planned content of the web page:

i. Workshop summary;

ii. List of instructors;

iii. List of participants and sites they represented;

iv. Themes of the lectures;

v. The documented material of the lectures;

vi. Links to the homepages of the sites and institutions of participants;

vii. Links to access different kinds of tutorials e.g. databases, metadata standards, recommended softwares, etc.

It was also agreed that an electronic forum should be established.

Vácrátót, 14. 12. 2000
Edit Kovács-Láng (organizer of the workshop)

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