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Annex 3: Sample Curriculum for a Radio School Programme on “Introduction to the Soil - Plant - Atmosphere Continuum”6

  1. Essential elements for plant growth:

  2. Sources of essential elements:

  3. Biophysical factors

  4. Definition of soil

  5. Components of the soil

  6. Increasing organic matter in soil

6 This sample curriculum for soil and water management should only be used as a guide for the actual radio programme and may take more than one week to cover. Production should be based on participatory materials and farmer's responses.

In general organic matter and soil fertility are linked. If soil has a large amount of organic matter, it is also high in fertility. Increasing the supply of one will ultimately increase the amount of the other.

1. Increasing biomass production
Increasing biomass production is the first step to attain higher organic matter content in soil. The amount of biomass produced is in turn increased by increasing the soil fertility and by improving the water use efficiency of soil.

a) Increasing soil fertility

b) Improve water use efficiency

Water is essential for plant growth. Making the best use of water will increase total biomass production.

2. Return biomass to the soil

The biomass produced must be returned to the soil in some form, either through direct incorporation, using mulch, passing through livestock as feed or by composting. Although the choice of method used will be determined by any number of factors, one of the most important factors to consider is how the biomass can be used to meet as many needs as possible in the most efficient way before ultimately serving as organic matter in the soil.

G. Effects of organic matter on soil and crops

Conserve water

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