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Annex 5: Sample Budgets for Classroom Teaching and Farmer Field Schools

Table 1: Formal Education Budget for 50 Students Taught in a Classroom Setting over a 4 Month Period

Teacher (U$500 × 4 months)$ 2,000.00
Rent of School Classroom (U$100 × 80 days)8,000.00
Student Transportation (50 students × U$2 × 80 days)8,000.00
Curriculum Development (5 Subjects)20,000.00
T O T A L$ 38,000.00

Table 2: Budget for an Integrated Pest Management Farmers' Field School

Target:25 participants
Time duration:4 months

Cost of supplies and materials192.90
Field day expenses (supplies, materials, food)241.75
Training services of 2 trainers123.08
T O T A L557.73

Table 3: Budget for an Ecological Pest Management Farmers' Field School

Target:40 participants
Time duration:4 months (16 sessions)

Honorarium for resource persons461.55
Transportation for resource persons9.25
Meals during training1,107.70
Graduation reception (snacks)269.25
Process documentation129.25
Training materials213.50
Operations costs73.85
T O T A L2,269.35

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