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9. Consideration of the eleventh and twelfth technical consultations among regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) (Agenda item 9)

C.Y. Shen, Executive Secretary of the APPPC, reported on the recommendations of the eleventh and twelfth technical consultation among regional plant protection organizations (TC-11 and TC-12).

The eleventh technical consultation among regional plant protection organizations (TC-11) was held in Rome, FAO Headquarters, 30 September to 1 October. The main discussion focussed on the guidelines for recognition of RPPOs; procedures for cooperation between RPPOs and the IPPC Secretariat; and rules of procedures for RPPOs attending SPS Committee meetings.

The meeting determined there were five issues for further discussion:

The twelfth technical consultation among regional plant protection organization (TC-12) was held in San Diego, USA, 11 to13 October 2000. The NAPPO annual meeting, held the following week, included a specific session on phytosanitary alternatives to methyl bromide to which speakers from different regions of the world contributed.

Prof Shen presented a paper on “Revision of APPPC” and clarified several questions from the floor including:

Prof Shen informed participants that the TC-13 would be co-hosted by APPPC and New Zealand in Auckland, New Zealand from 29 to 31 October 2001. He encouraged member countries to send representatives to participate in the TC-13.

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