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11. The APPPC programme of work for 2002 to 2003 (Agenda item 10)

11.1 Reports on the meetings of the APPPC Standing Committees

11.1.1 Meeting of the APPPC Standing Committee on integrated pest management (IPM)

(i) Attendance:

The meeting was attended by the following:


Rafiqul Haider


Piao Yongfan


H. Simanjuntak


Iftikhar Ahmad


Prapaisri Pitakpaivan

Viet Nam

Nguyen Quoc Dat


Chong-yao Shen

Gerd Walter-Echols

N.A. van der Graaff

Russ Dilts

(ii) Appointment of the Chairperson and Rapporteur

Piao Yongfan from China was appointed as Chairperson of the Standing Committee on IPM. Iftikhar Ahmad was appointed as Rapporteur.

(iii) Review of the progress in integrated pest management

The country delegates highlighted the key achievements in IPM, the details of which had already been presented in the general meeting under agenda item 3.

Delegates also reviewed the progress made against the recommendations proposed work plan (2000 to 2001) of the 21st session of the APPPC. In most countries, the achievements had been in line with the proposed work plan of the 21st APPPC.

The delegates while reviewing the past efforts, pointed out various challenges for the region:

1. Post-community IPM scenario and follow up by the member countries in the region.

2. Scaling up of the national IPM programmes to provide quality education to a large number of farmers.

3. Verifying the current IPM training tools for their suitability towards the needs of individual countries.

4. Further developing crop based IPM programmes to a farming system perspective.

5. Role of GMO’s in IPM.

6. Studying and demonstration of IPM impact and development of a strategy for IPM promotion in APPPC member countries.

(iv) Proposed work plan (2002 to 2003)



Supporting agency/party


Ensure continuity of IPM newsletter and linkages with other information network.

FAO IPM projects


Workshop among the national IPM programmes.

APPPC/FAO IPM projects


Workshop on facilitation of IPM training and follow up activities.

FAO IPM projects/APPPC


Workshop on TOF&FFS curriculum development.

FAO IPM projects


Preparation for IPM strategy of Bt-cotton to the 23rd APPPC session.

FAO/IPM project


Development of guidelines on IPM language use in country reports.

APPPC/FAO IPM projects


Collection and collation of information on IPM impact assessment.

APPPC/member countries/FAO IPM projects


Expert consultation on the strategy on formulation of IPM curriculum module for the streams of bachelor degree.



Exploring cross visits of IPM and bio-control activities.

Bilateral and multilateral basis


Expert and facilitator exchange among countries.

Bilateral and multilateral basis/IPM projects

11.1.2 Meeting of the APPPC Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine

(i) Attendance:

The meeting was attended by the following delegates:


Brian Stynes


Hean Vanhan


Lin Wei

Wang Fuxing

DPR Korea

Pak Chun II


Suparno SA


Hiroshi Akiyama


Phiaxaysarakham Phaydy


Asna Booty Othman


Nabin CTD Shrestha

New Zealand

John Hedley

Nikki Johnson

Papua New Guinea

Elijah C Philemon

Republic of Korea

Jin-Seong Kim


Udorn Unahawutti


Sione Foliaki

Viet Nam

Dam Quoc Tru

Nguyen Hu Dat

Pham Quang Huy

(ii) Appointment of the chairperson:

The committee confirmed the ongoing chairperson as being in New Zealand (J. Hedley)

(iii) Review of progress in plant quarantine:

The standing committee noted that progress has been made on the development of regional standards with the establishment of a working group on regional standards and the appointment of a Standing Committee. The committee also noted that the regional technical consultations on draft ISPM standards have been valuable in helping participating members fully understand the standards and prepare their country comments.

There was some discussion about the draft ISPM on wood packaging and the implementation of ISPMs.

(iv) Programme of activities for the next two years:

The standing committee suggested the following work program:

a) South American Leaf Blight (SALB)

b) Regional Standards:

Two drafting working groups will be set up to draft the proposed regional standards:

c) Regional Technical Consultations on draft standards:

Funds will be sought for these two meetings in 2002 and 2003.

d) Information Network:

After considerable discussion, the Standing Committee on Plant Quarantine identified the area of information networking as important with many countries requiring assistance. The committee recommended the formation of a sub-committee with the following terms of reference:

The sub-committee on information networking was asked to report to the 23rd session of APPPC on:

It is proposed that the sub-committee be chaired by Malaysia with committee members from Vietnam, China, and Australia.

e) TCP project on Land Border Quarantine:

Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia referred to memorandum of understanding between the countries that provided for joint surveillance of quarantine pests and diseases within the region. These provide early warning for potential pest incursions. Australia noted that this approach may serve as a useful model for other countries that share common borders.

11.1.3 Meeting of the APPPC Standing Committee on pesticides

(i) Attendance:

The Standing Committee on Pesticides was attended by the following delegates:


Chen Youquan

Wendy Wen-chi Ko




Ismail Bin Hashim


Myint Nu Thwin


Muhammed Hanif

Papua New Guinea

John Kola

Sri Lanka

S. Weerasena


Thirapol Unjitwatana

Viet Nam

Pham Minh Sang

Dam Quoc Tru


P.K. Saha

(ii) Appointment of the Chairperson:

Pakistan was re-elected to chair the APPPC Standing Committee on Pesticides for 2002 to 2003. M. Hanif, the delegate from Pakistan, was entrusted to assume the Chairpersonship.

(iii) Review of the progress in pesticides:

The committee reviewed the progress of work in the countries of the Asia and Pacific region. It was noted that:

a) To minimize pesticide use, member countries implemented IPM programmes for selected crops.

b) Some countries of the region had carried out training programmes for dealers and farmers on safe handling and use of pesticides.

c) Need for creating public awareness through agricultural extension/plant protection departments, print and electronic media on the harmful effects of pesticides and their safe use was identified.

d) It was informed that the use of pesticides in general in the region is decreasing however consumption of herbicides is increasing.

e) The problem of disposing obsolete, unwanted, and banned pesticides was highlighted by all countries.

(iv) Recommended work programme for 2002 to 2003:

a) Harmonization of regulatory procedures in pesticides

b) Promotion of safe handling of pesticides

c) Prior Informed Consent (PIC)

The member countries were requested to provide information on status of PIC and the Designated National Authority (DNA) for pesticides to the APPPC Secretariat.

d) A regional website on pesticide should be created in line with the ASEAN Agreement when Malaysia has agreed to host similar information. Type of information to be placed on the website should be drafted by Malaysia.

e) Disposal of obsolete/unwanted and banned pesticides

f) Biopesticides

The registration and use of biopesticides may be encouraged with adequate research information.

11.2 Discussion and identification of the programme of work for 2002 to 2003 and its financial resources

The Executive Secretary outlined the proposed programme of work for 2002 to 2003. He commented that as the amended Article of Agreement for establishing the mandatory financial contributions by the members of the commission has still not entered into force, the secretariat of the commission may have to make adjustments in line with the FAO regular programme budget, in the implementation of the following proposed programme of work for 2002 to 2003:

A. The secretariat will emphasize on the following activities:

1. Regional standards setting.

2. Undertaking regional TCPs, the first is Pest Risk Analysis for South American Leaf Blight of Rubber. The secretariat hopes the second one will be Strengthening the Land Border Plant Quarantine.

3. Establishment of an information system.

B. Consultations and meetings:

1. Expert consultation on draft regional standards for phytosanitary measures, in April 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.

2. Expert consultation on strengthening land border plant quarantine facilities in Asian countries, August 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.

3. Expert consultation on the formulation of plant pest management curriculum module towards the streams of bachelor degree, November 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.

4. Expert consultation on the development of bio-pesticides use in plant pest management, April 2003, Bangkok, Thailand.

5. Expert consultation on capacity building towards monitoring and management of migratory pests, July 2003, Bangkok, Thailand.

6. 23rd session of Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission, September 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

C. Training programme/workshops:

1. Three workshops for pest risk analysis for South American Leaf Blight of rubber.

2. Training programme for land border quarantine inspectors through Regional TCP or FAO/TCDED project.

3. PRA training course proposal may seek a budget from UNDP or other donor agencies and FAO’s ongoing relevant project.

4. Other training programmes according to member countries’ requirements.

D. Assist in activities of the various working group of the APPPC’s Standing Committee on:

1. Plant Quarantine

2. IPM

3. Pesticide

However, once the commission has its own financial resources, it may wish to use funds to carry out more development support activities of the working groups of the Standing Committee of the APPPC. So there is an urgent need to accept the amended Article of the Agreement for establishing the mandatory financial contribution by the member states of the commission.

The session endorsed the work programme for 2002 to 2003. However, the meeting recommended low priority to the activities B3, B4 and B5 and to exchange these activities for others if required.

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