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Annex IV: APPPC Regional standard setting procedural guidelines

The following procedural guidelines included in this document are:

1. Standard Setting

2. Terms of Reference for the APPPC Standards Committee

3. APPPC Standards Committee Rules of Procedure

4. Submission of proposal

5. Guidelines for the discussion paper

6. Procedure for determination of priorities for standard setting

7. Guidelines for specification

8. Availability of specifications to members

9. Procedure for designation of members of working groups

10. Guidelines for format of standard

11. Checklist for in-country consultation

12. Guidelines for submission of comments

13. Procedures for the adoption and review of standards

14.. Clarification of the use of Open-Ended Discussion Groups

15. Guidelines for identifying an emergency situation

16. Review period

1. Standard setting

Step 1: Proposals for a new regional standard or the review or revision of an existing standard are submitted to the APPPC secretariat by an NPPO in the form of a discussion paper.

Step 2: A list of proposals is submitted by the APPPC secretariat to the commission. The commission identifies the topics and priorities for standard setting from among the proposals submitted and others raised by the commission.

If an emergency situation arises and commission members wish to change the priority of the proposals for standards, such a request should be submitted to the APPPC secretariat by at least three members. The APPPC secretariat then submits the request to the Commission. If more than half of the members agree, the amendment is adopted.

Step 3: Specifications for the standards identified are drafted by the APPPC secretariat with assistance from APPPC members. The draft specifications are submitted to the APPPC Standards Committee for approval/amendment and subsequently made available to members for comment (60 days). Comment is by written submission to the APPPC secretariat. Specifications are finalized by the APPPC Standards Committee taking into account the comments.

Step 4: The APPPC Standards Committee with the assistance of the APPPC secretariat designates a working group. The working group drafts the regional standard according to the specification approved by the APPPC Standards Committee. The draft standard is submitted to the APPPC Standards Committee for review and approval.

Step 5: The approved draft standard is distributed by the APPPC secretariat to APPPC members and the IPPC secretariat for consultation (120 days). Comment is by written submission to the APPPC secretariat.

Step 6: The draft standard is revised by the APPPC Standards Committee with the assistance of the APPPC secretariat taking comments into account. The final version is submitted by the APPPC Standards Committee to the commission for adoption. The draft standards should be sent to members two months prior to the APPPC meeting.

Step 7: The regional standard is reviewed by the specified date or such other date as may be agreed upon by the commission.

Where appropriate, the APPPC Standards Committee may recommend the establishment of an open-ended discussion group to facilitate the development or review of a standard at any stage of the process.

2. Terms of reference for the APPPC Standards Committee

2.1 Establishment of the Standards Committee

The 22nd session of the APPPC established the APPPC Standards Committee

2.2 Scope of the Standards Committee

The APPPC Standards Committee manages the standard-setting process and assists in the development of Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (RSPM) which have been identified by the APPPC as priority standards.

2.3 Objective

The main objective of the APPPC Standards Committee is to prepare draft RSPMs according to the standard setting procedures in the most expeditious manner for adoption by the commission.

2.4 Structure of the APPPC Standards Committee

The APPPC Standards Committee will consist of 9 members, including 2 members from each of the South Asia, North-east Asia, Pacific APPPC sub regions and three members from the South-east Asia region. The distribution for each APPPC sub region will be:

South Asia


South-east Asia


North-east Asia




As the membership of the APPPC increases, the numbers of experts in the APPPC Standards Committee should be reviewed.

2.5 Appointment of the Standards Committee

The APPPC Standards Committee is appointed by the commission.

2.6 Functions of the APPPC Standards Committee

The APPPC Standards Committee serves as a forum for:

2.7 APPPC Secretariat

The APPPC Secretariat provides administrative, technical and editorial support as required by the APPPC Standards Committee. The APPPC secretariat is responsible for reporting and record keeping regarding the standard-setting programme.

3. Rules of procedure for the APPPC Standards Committee

Rule 1. Membership

Members should be senior officials designated by governments and have qualifications in a scientific biological discipline (or equivalent) in plant protection, and experience and skills particularly in the:

Each APPPC sub-region may nominate a sub-regional coordinator (notified to the commission) or request assistance from the APPPC secretariat in arranging selection of members for the APPPC Standards Committee.

Rule 2. Period of Membership

Members of the APPPC Standards Committee shall be appointed for four years. The APPPC commission may extend this period as is required with the sub-region concerned.

Rule 3. Chair

The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the APPPC Standards Committee are elected by the Standards Committee and serve for two years, with a possibility of re-election for two years.

Rule 4. Sessions

Meetings shall be arranged as required to deal with the duties of the committee.

Rule 5. Approval

Approvals relating to specifications or draft standards are made by consensus.

Rule 6. Reports

The APPPC Standards Committee meeting reports should be kept by the APPPC secretariat. Meeting reports shall include:

Reports should be adopted by the APPPC Standards Committee before they are made available to APPPC members.

Rule 7. Language

The business of the APPPC Standards Committee shall be conducted in the English language.

Rule 8. Amendments

Amendments to the rules of procedures and terms of reference may be promulgated by the commission as required.

4. Guidelines for the submission of proposals for the development of Standards

The guidelines should be followed when submitting proposals for standard development:

5. Guidelines for the discussion paper

The discussion paper submitted to the APPPC secretariat should contain as much as the following information as possible:

Procedure for the determination of priorities for standard setting

The procedure below should be followed in determining priorities for standard setting:

The commission will decide the priorities (using a Chairperson’s working group if required) using the following criteria:

(i) Priority standards should be relevant to developing countries and take account of the urgent need for standards to assist with an emergency phytosanitary situation, and

(ii) Other criteria that should be considered include:

7. Guidelines for a specification

The following subjects should be covered in the specification document:

Proposing of the standard:

Description of the purpose of the standard:

Provision of resources
Proposed work programme
Membership of the working group

8. Availability of specifications to members

The APPPC secretariat will use both post and e-mail (where available) to distribute draft specifications to members for comment. Specifications may be distributed along with draft standards of other subjects sent to APPPC members for consultation.

9. Guidelines for designation of members of working group

The APPPC Standards Committee with the assistance of the APPPC secretariat designates members of working groups using the following guidelines:

10. Guidelines for the format of the standard

The following format should be used for APPPC regional standards:

Title page
Administration page
Definitions and abbreviations
General/specific requirements

11. Checklist for in-country consultation

NPPOs may consider distributing draft standards to the following types of organizations/institutions to obtain input for the preparation of their national comments:

The APPPC secretariat shall send a reminder notice to members requesting comments after 90 days.

12. Guidelines for submission of comments

APPPC members are provided 120 days to review the documents, consult on their content, and compile and submit comments through their NPPOs to the APPPC secretariat.

The following are guidelines for the submission of comments to ensure maximum benefit from the consultation process:

The APPPC secretariat encourages submissions as early as possible to facilitate the analysis of comments by the APPPC Standards Committee.

13. Procedures for adoption and review of standards

When draft standards are complete they will be put on the agenda of the next Commission meeting. Standards will be adopted by the commission by consensus (Article VIII of the revised Agreement).

The quorum will be a simple majority (Article V of the revised Agreement). Draft standards will be presented to the Commission by the Chair of the APPPC Standards Committee.

Standards will be reviewed when the APPPC Standards Committee requests this. The review would be placed on the list of proposals for the commission to determine the priorities for expert examination. If the standard is revised, it is then adopted according to the usual adoption procedure.

14. Clarification of the use of open-ended discussion groups

Open-ended discussion groups are used as follows:

15. Guidelines for identifying an emergency situation

An emergency situation in this instance is regarded as a new or unexpected phytosanitary situation.

Such a situation could arise when:

Important pests are those that severely effect production, trade or the environment.

16. Review period

Standards shall be reviewed by the APPPC Standards Committee six years after adoption. If after review the APPPC Standards Committee decides a revision is required the standard will be placed on the list of standards to be prioritized by the commission for action.

A Standard may be reviewed earlier if the commission (as requested by an APPPC member) decides this is necessary.

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