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Ecological criteria used for evaluation of suitability of the site for sea cucumber culture are followings:

5.1 Sheltered area

A good culture bed for sea cucumber culture should sited in a bay shelter from strong wind and wave action.

5.2 Substratum

Substratum should be sandy or sandy loam with loose rock, gravel, and good growth of sea grass.

5.3 Salinity

The sea cucumber has poor osmotic regulation. it can not tolerate the big salinity changes. The salinity of the site should be with in the range of 30–34 ppt.

5.4 Water depth

Under natural conditions, the water depth at which sea cucumber live is related to size. The juveniles are distributed in intertidal zone; but as they grow, they move to deeper water. A site with depth from 0.40–1.50m during low tide is suitable for sea cucumber culture.

5.5 Availability of seed

The site should locate in the vicinity of the natural occurring of the stock. The availability of the stock of the cultured species is a good indicator that the ecological conditions of the site are favorable for the species. The presence of the local stock at the site or nearby areas also eliminates the problem of seed acquisition and reduces operation costs.

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