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Achieng, P. 1994 Technical Paper No. 8. A new approach to training fish farmers.

Achieng, P. 1995 Field Document No. 2, The problems encountered and recommendations on the operation of a Credit Revolving fund for small-scale fish farmers.

Campbell, D. 1995 The impact of the field day extension approach in the development of fish farming in selected areas of Western Kenya TCP/KEN/4551 Field Document No. 1 Kisumu, Kenya.

Campbell, D., Obuya, S. and Spoo, M. 1995. A simple method for small scale propagation of Clarias gariepinus in Western Kenya - TCP/KEN/4551. Field document No. 2 Kisumu, Kenya.

Chambers, R. 1994 the Origins and Practise of Participatory Rural Appraisal World Development Vol. 22 No. 7 pp 953 – 969 - Elservier Science Ltd.

Chambers, R. 1994 Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Analysis of Experience World Development Vol. 22 No. 9 pp 1253 – 1268 - Elsevier Science Ltd.

Chambers,R. 1994 Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA): Challenges, Potentials and Paradigm World Development Vol. 22 No. 10 pp 1437 – 1454. Elsevier Sciences Ltd.

De Graaf, G.J. 1994 Artificial reproduction and the farming of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus in the Lake Basin Area.

De Graaf, G.J. 1994 The artificial reporduction and pond rearing of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus.

Edward, P& all 1996 Sustainable Aquaculture for Small Scale Farmers: Need for a Balanced Model Agriculture Vol. 25 No. 1, 19 – 26.

Humpreys and Assoc. Ltd., 1993. Report on the study - FAO/UNDP Credit (1993): Revolving Scheme Project.

Humpreys and Assoc. Ltd;, 1994 Report on the study - FAO/UNDP Credit (1994): Revolving Credit Scheme.

Hurrison, E. 1993 Fish farming in the Lake Basin of Kenya (ODA Consultant Report).

Japan International Cooperation Agency October 1987The Study of Integrated Regional Development Master Plan for the Lake Basin Development Area. Final Report Vol. 1 Executive Summary Report.

L'Heureux, R. 1992 Cost-benefit analysis of individual fish farms and fry production centres.

Leendertse, K. 1996 Meeting small-scale fish farmers' needs factoring Socio-Economic Aspects into the third phase of the small-scale Fish Farming in the Lake Basin. TCP/KEN/4551 - Technical report. FAO Rome.

Obuya, S.K. 1994 Technical Paper No. 1. Tilapia spawning at Project Fingerling Production Centres.

Obuya, S.K. 1994 Technical Paper No. 2 Rice-cum-fish culture in the Lake Basin Area.

Obuya, S.K., Ochieng, J.I and Campbell, D. 1995 Field Document No. 1 Integration of chicken raising and rearing larval Clarias gariepinus in large ponds.

Onyango, D.A. and Obuya, S.K. 1994 Technical Paper No. 3 Clarias propagation guidelines.

Onyango, D.A. and Obuya, S.K. 1994 Technical Paper No. 4 Clarias propagation results.

Ongadi, C. 1994 Technical Paper No. 5 Clarias/Tilapia polyculture, field results.

Otieno, Z. 1994 Technical Paper No. 6 Results of tilapia fingerling production by private farmers.

Otieno, Z. and Campbell, D. 1995 Field Document No. 3 Preliminary results in the establishment of private tilapia fingerling producers in Western Kenya, with some considerations for the future.

Ochieng, J.I. 1994 Technical Paper No. 7 Integrated farming, results in the field.

Viveen, W.S.R; Richlen, C.J.J; Van Ont P.G.W.J.; Janssen, 5 A.L and Huisman, E.A. -1985: Practical Manual for the culture of the african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Section Research and Technology - Netherland Minister for Development Cooperation.

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