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(proposal from AMREF in concertation with technical LBDA staff and Consultant)

Appendix 10.1 Objective 1: Evaluation of the Impact of Fish culture on the Health and Nutritional Status of fish farmers households

Areas of Data Needs

Methods of Data Collection

Appendix 10.2 Objective 2: Analysis of the Social Economic Profile of Small Scale FishFarmers in Western Kenya

Areas of Data Needs

Methods of Data Collection

Appendix 10.3 Objective 3: Farmers Perception of aquaculture

Areas of data need

Methods of Data Collection

Appendix 10.4 Objective Four: Economic analysis of aquaculture

Areas of data need

Methods of Data Collection

PRA will be conducted first before the questionnaire survey to allow the study team establish rapport with the community. From the PRA results there may arise issues which need further investigation using the questionnaire survey.

Appendix 10.5 Data analysis

This to be a continuous process from the first day of data collection. While using PRA, on spot analysis will be done with community members. Other qualitative data will be summarised, discussed and conclusions drawn on each day. In this way, issues that require more attention will be identified for follow up. Those where sufficient information will be obtained and thus will not require further attention will be set aside. Quantitative data will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).

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