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Appendix 11 Budget for socio-economic studies

Expenditure itemsComputationTotal (US$)
Professional fee
Principal Investigator (Socio economist)US$ 180 for 66 days11,880
EconomistUS$ 150 for 44 days6,600
NutritionistUS$ 150 for 44 days6,600
Gender and Institutional Development consultantUS$ 150 for 44 days6,600
2 PRA trainersUS$ 100 for 42 days each8,400
12 PRA assistantsUS$ 20 for 42 days10,080
5 DriversUS$ 15 for 50 days3,750
Principal InvestigatorUS$ 30 for 50 days1,500
EconomistUS$ 30 for 40 days1,200
Gender and Institutional Development consultantUS$ 30 for 40 days1,200
NutritionistUS$ 30 for 40 days1,200
2 PRA trainersUS$ 30 for 42 days each2,520
12 PRA assistantsUS$ 15 for 42 days each7,560
5 DriversUS$ 15 for 35 days2,625
Training Research AssistantsVenue300
5 Motor vehicles40000km for 0.5$ each20,000
Stationery and Communication (Telephone, faxes etc) 1,500
Secretarial support and data processingUS$ 100 for 20 days2,000
Contingency5% of total cost4,385

NB: There is a likelihood of administrative fee by the agency through which the funds will be channelled. Budget can be cut down by Conducting PRA in Intervention sites only and availing motor vehicles from the project so that only running cost is charged.

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