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One of the Fisheries Section's main objectives is to concentrate on entrepreneurs who can fish in reservoirs in a more intensive way. To help meet this objective, the Fisheries Section carried out activities to assess and improve fish stocks and local fishing methods. ALCOM has assisted in this effort in the context of its small water body fisheries programme.

SWB activities in Lesotho were initiated in 1989 by a study on the demand for fresh fish around selected lowland small water bodies (Sen, 1989). A fishing survey carried out in 1991/92 around two reservoirs documented the seasonal hook and line fisheries, the only type of fishing currently allowed in Lesotho (Westerlund, 1993). In August 1992, an ALCOM staffer (Associate Professional Officer) was assigned to Lesotho to help implement a two-year sub-project.

The overall sub-project objective was to increase fish production from existing small reservoirs that benefit the local communities.

The expected outputs were:

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