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ALLANSON, B.R. and P.B.N. JACKSON. 1983. Limnology and Fisheries Potential of Lake Leroux. South African National Scientific Programmes Report No.7. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Pretoria. 180p.

BERNACSEK, G.M. 1984. Guidelines for dam design and operation to optimize fish production in impounded river basins (based on a review of the ecological effects of large dams in Africa). CIFA Tech. Pap.,(11): 98 p.

BOARD ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (BOSTID). 1988. Fisheries Technologies for Developing Countries: Selected literature. Report of BOSTID. National Research Council. National Academy Press. 58p.

BRUTON, M.N., P.B.N. JACKSON, P.H. SKELTON. 1982. Pocket Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa. Centaur Publishers, Cape Town. 88 p.

CHONDOMA, C. 1988. National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 19. Lesotho. FAO Fish. Circ., (770.19):132 p.

DEGERMAN, E., P. NYBERG AND M. APPELBERG. 1988. Estimating the number of species and relative abundance of fish in oligotrophic Swedish lakes using multi-mesh gillnets. Nordic. Journal of Freshwater Research 64:91–100.

DUNN, I.G. 1989. Development of inland fisheries under constraints from other uses of land and water resources: guidelines for planners. FAO Fisheries Circular No 826. Rome, Italy. 52p.

DURHAM, B.J. and K.A. RAMSAY. 1992. The utilization of small water bodies for aquaculture in South Africa. Paper presented at the fifth meeting of the SARCUSS Sub-committee for Aquaculture: Maseru. Lesotho, 10–14 August 1992. 37p.

FJALLING, A, M. FURST. 1991. Introduction of standardized test fishing methods to Zambian waters: preliminary manual for test-fishing in Zambian reservoirs. Fisheries Development Series 53. ISSN 0280–5375. Institute for Freshwater Research, Drottningholm, Sweden. 23p.

GAIGHER, I.G. 1984. Reproduction of Labeo umbratus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in Wuras dam, a shallow, turbid impoundment. S. Afr. J. Zool., 19(2): 105–108.

HAIGHT, B.A. 1993. Small Water Body Fisheries: New directions for the future. ALCOM News 10:7–13.

HAIGHT, B.A. 1994. Report of the technical consultation on the enhancement of small water body fisheries in southern Africa. ALCOM Report No 12. FAO, Harare, Zimbabwe. 35 p.

HAMMAR, J. and O. FILIPSSON.. 1985. Ecological test fishing with the Lundgren gillnets of multiple mesh size: the Drottningholm technique modified for Newfoundland Arctic char populations. Rep. Institute for Freshwater Research, Drottningholm 62:12–35.

HENDERSON, H.F. 1980. Some statistical considerations in relation to sampling population of fishes. In Guidelines for sampling fish in inland waters. Edited by T. Backiel and 1xL. Welcomme. FAO EIFAC, Technical paper (33): 167–176

JUBB, R.A. 1967. Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa. A. A. Balkema, Cape Town, Amsterdam. 248p.

KUMAR, D. 1992. Fish culture in undrainable ponds. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No 325. Rome, FAO. 239p.

LINDQVIST, O.V. 1993. Enhancement of Small Water Body Fisheries in Southern Africa. ALCOM News, 10:14–16.

MATTSON, N.S. and J.C. MUTALE. 1992. Multi-mesh gillnets to estimate species composition and catch per unit effort of fish in asmall water body in Zambia. Journal of Fish Biology 41: 897–908.

MOFOLO, S.G. 1993a. Fisheries Annual Report 1992/1993. Fisheries Section, Maseru, Lesotho. 6p. (Manuscript).

MOFOLO, S.G. 1993b. Fish Marketing and Consumption of fish in Lesotho. In Marketing and Consumption of fish in Eastern and Southern Africa. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 332. Rome, FAO. pp. 43–61.

MOFOLO, S., TILQUIN C., HAIGHT B.A. and N., MATTSON. 1993. Biophysical Survey of Selected Small Reservoirs, Lesotho: Initial finding. Draft FAO/ALCOM internal report. 22p.

NEDELEC, C. 1975. FAO Catalogue of Small Scale Fishing Gear. FAO Fishery Industries division. Fishing New Books Ltd, Surrey, U.K. 191p.

NEDELEC, C. and J., PRADO. 1990. Definition and Classification of Fishing Gear Categories. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 222 (1). FAO. Rome, Italy. 92p.

NERMARK U. and T.G. MMOPELWA, 1994. Utilization of small water bodies, Botswana. Report on activities towards fisheries exploitation, 1993-1993, ALCOM paper, in editing

NYBERG, P. and E. DEGERMAN. 1988. Standardized test fishing with survey nets. Inform. Inst. Freshw. Res., Drottningholm (7). 22p. (In Swedish with English summary).

NYMAN, L. 1990. Surveying fish and crustacean resources in tropical reservoirs: a stragegy for monitoring, management and exploitation. Institute for Freshwater Research, Fisheries Development Series 42, Drottningholm, Sweden. 28 p.

REYNOLDS, J.E.(ed.). 1993. Marketing and Consumption of fish in Eastern and Southern Africa, selected country studies. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No 332. Rome, FAO. 194p.

SEN, S. 1989. Socio-economic survey on demand for fresh fish in communities around small water bodies. FI:GCP/INT/436/SWE.11, FAO Lusaka. 53 p.

SKELTON, P. 1993. A complete guide to freshwater fishes of Southern Africa. Southern Book Publishers. 388p.

TILQUIN, C. and T.A. MASEATILE. 1994. Small Body Inventory in Lesotho lowlands. ALCOM field document. (In press).

VAN DER MHEEN, H. 1993a. Assessment of Fishing Pressure in Reservoirs. ALCOM News, 10:17–22.

VAN DER MHEEN, H. 1993b. Fisheries extension in Zimbabwe:training manual. Draft Field document. FAO project ZIM/88/021. Harare, Zimbabwe. 38p.

VON BRANDT, A. 1984. Fish Catching Methods in the World. Fishing News Books Ltd, Surrey, U.K. 418p.

WESTERLUND, L. 1993. Fisheries Monitoring Survey at Sebaboleng Dam, Maseru Town, Lesotho. ALCOM Field Document No.30. 27p.+ 4 appendix,

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