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Catches in the fishery surveyed are low because of inefficient gear and lack of knowledge of fishing techniques among respondents. This in turn is related to a weak fishing tradition in Lesotho. The relatively large number of juveniles and the small sizes of fish caught are on account of the kind of bait used, which is mainly bread or cereal-based left-overs. It also relates to the fact that the handline gear types used do not reach far out in the dam. A large number of frog-eating juveniles which affect reproduction have also been observed in Sebaboleng. They could have an effect on the number of larger fish available.

Sebaboleng dam is at present underutilized and there should be scope for increasing catches -- by introducing more efficient fishing gear in combination with fisheries extension, for example. However, it would be appropriate to undertake a fish market survey before any fisheries promotion.

A large number of persons was identified fishing during the survey period in spite of the discouragingly low catches. This is explained by the fact that many of them operated part-time.

The monitoring survey proved difficult to implement successfully, because of the suspicion of respondents about the purpose of the survey, and because of the survey design. Catch data are hence likely to be underestimated, and some fisheries parameters proved difficult to calculate from the data collected.

A stratified and randomized sample survey design may have facilitated the collection of more reliable data, and part of the questionnaire needs revision so as to rule out ambiguities.

On the basis of this survey experience, it is recommended that:

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