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Seasonal diagram on agricultural activities, rainfall, income and expenditures, Subira village


MAIZE FARMINGTilling and plantingWeeding and fertilizingWeeding and fertilizing   
TOBACCO FARMINGTilling and plantingWeeding and fertilizingPruningConstructing drying houseHarvesting and dryingBurning and bundling
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FISH FARMING*)Feeding and managing pondFeeding and managing pondFeeding and managing pondHarvestingClearing and pond constructionClearing and pond construction
VEGETABLE GARDENING   Clearing and burningTilling and plantingTilling and planting
Green maize, bananas, milkFish, milk, bananasFish, milk, bananasSugar cane, sweet potatoes, milk, bananasSugar cane, sweet potatoes, bananasSugar cane, sweet potatoes, bananas
Fertilizer and other farm costs, school feesFertilizer and other farm costsDomestic costsGardening costs, domestic costsDevelopment levy, gardening costs, domestic costs, pond constructionDevelopment levy, gardening costs, domestic costs, pond construction


MAIZE FARMINGHarvestingHarvestingHarvestingClearing and burningTilling and plantingTilling and planting
... ..
TOBACCO FARMINGMarketingMarketingNursery preparationNursery preparationNursery preparation and fertilizingTilling and planting
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FISH FARMINGclearing and pond constructionClearing and pond constructionPond repairingPond repairingWater filling, stocking, feedingWater filling, stocking feeding
VEGETABLE GARDENINGWeeding, appl. of fertilizer and insecticidesWeeding, appl. of fertilizer and insecticidesWeeding, appl. of fertilizer and insecticides, harvestingHarvesting  
Maize, tobaccoTobacco, maizeMaize, vegetablesMaize, vegetablesSugarcane, bananas, fishBananas, fish, milk
Transporting crops, pond construction, domestic costsPond construction, transporting cropsDomestic costsDomestic costsFertilizer and other farm costsFertilizer and other farm costs

*) All fish farming activities can be done all year round. In the table, an example is given with pond construction starting in May when the main crop, maize, has been harvested. Subsequently, stocking, fertilizing, feeding and harvesting are done accordingly. However, when no new ponds are constructed, these activities are done throughout the year.

+: 1 male labour unit.

*: 1 female labour unit.

#: 1 hired labour unit.

.: 1 child labour unit.

Labour units in the various activities are estimated on a scale from 0 to 5.

|: 1 rainfall unit. Rainfall units are estimated on a scale from 0 to 10.

$: 1 income unit.

@: 1 expenditure unit.

Income and expenditure units are estimated on a scale from 0 to 20.

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