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Appendix A

  1. Opening of the Session

  2. Adoption of the Agenda and arrangements for the Session

  3. Election of Officers

  4. Key issues for fisheries management and development

    1. Objectives, policies and strategies
    2. Principles and techniques of fisheries management
    3. Conditions and control of access to fishery resources in exclusive economic zones
    4. Special problems of small-scale fisheries
    5. Problems of small developing island states
    6. Inland fisheries and aquaculture
    7. International trade in fish and fishery products
    8. International collaboration in research, management and development, including the role of FAO

  5. Preliminary consideration of basic elements for a Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development and for specific Action Programmes (for submission to the policy phase of the FAO World Fisheries Conference)

  6. The work of FAO in fisheries

    1. Draft Programme of Work and Budget for 1984/85
    2. Report on the programme of assistance in the development and management of fisheries in the exclusive economic zones
    3. FAO/UNEP Draft Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Management and Utilization of Marine Mammals

  7. Any other matters

  8. Date and place of the Sixteenth Session of the Committee

  9. Adoption of the Report

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