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Appendix C

    COFI/83/1Annotated provisional agenda
     2Provisional timetable
     3Objectives, policies and strategies for fisheries development
     4Principles and techniques of fishery management
     5Access to and control of fisheries in exclusive economic zones
     6Special problems of small-scale fisheries
     7Special problems of small developing island States in the management and development of fisheries under the new regime of the oceans
     8Special problems of inland fisheries and aquaculture
     9International trade in fish and fishery products
10, Corr.1
International collaboration in research, management and development including the role of FAO
10, Add.1
Cooperation between FAO and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC, of Unesco) in marine scientific aspects of fisheries development and management
10, Add.2
Declaration by the Ministers of Fisheries of the Member Countries at their Fourth Meeting within the framework of the SELA Action Committee on Marine and Freshwater Products
    11Basic elements for a strategy for fisheries management and development
    12Basic elements for action programmes
 12, Add.1
Proposal for an action programme to promote the role of fisheries in alleviation of undernutrition
 12, Add.2
Proposal for an action programme for management and development of fisheries in exclusive economic zones
     13The work of FAO in fisheries during 1984/85
     14Report on the Programme of Assistance in the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zones
 15, Rev.1
FAO/UNEP draft global plan of action for the conservation, management and utilization of marine mammals
 15, Add.1
(Comments from the Government of Japan)
COFI/83/Inf.1, Rev.1List of documents
List of delegates and observers
COFI/83/Inf.3Text of Director-General's address
Review of the state of world fishery resources
4, Add.1
Review of the state of world fishery resources
5, Corr.1
Fishery commodity situation and outlook 1981/83
Activities of regional fishery bodies and other international organizations concerned with fisheries
The legal regime with respect to fisheries under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, with a brief history of the negotiations leading up to the adoption of the Convention
Scientific inputs to fishery management: international implications - submitted by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Cooperative use of vessels for fisheries research and development

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