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1920Formation of Uganda Game Dept.Cadwalladr & Stoneman (1966).
1927–29First inventory surveys, Lakes Victoria, Albert, & Kyoga.Graham (1929); Worthington (1929). Recommendation for fisheries management authority.
1933–36Beginning of catch statistics collection & publication.Limited coverage. Fisheries operates as section of Game Dept. (Uganda Game Dept. 1936; Mann 1970).
1947–49Establishment of LVFS (1947) & EAFRO (1949).Move towards unified system data collection for L. Victoria (Beauchamp 1955).
1950Establishment of Game & Fisheries Dept.Increasing importance of fisheries marked by formation of joint department (Cadwalladr & Stoneman 1966).
1957Sastry evaluation of data collection in Uganda.First comprehensive assessment of collection practices; proposed adoption standardised method, sampling system.
1959Crutchfield marketing study.First comprehensive study fish marketing in Uganda (Crutchfield 1959).
1960Disbandment of LVFS. EAFRO becomes EAFFRO.Implementation of regional “minimal programme”; data collection reverts to the three East African territories. (EAFRO 1959; EAFFRO 1960, 1964, 1966, 1967; Garrod 1960).
1961Establishment of Fisheries Dept.Separate, distinct department formed in July 1961 (Cadwalladr & Stoneman 1966).
1967–71Establishment & operation of LVFRP (FAO/UNDP).Further attempt at lakewide statistical system; Bazigos' CAS programme (Bazigos 1971, 1972).
1969Stoneman evaluation of national statistics collection.Observed regional disparities in procedures, called for standardisation (Stoneman 1969).
1972Countrywide aerial fishing craft survey & CAS.Aerial survey & CAS based on Bazigos' approach. Last countrywide surveys to date.
1973–77Establishment & operation of LVFC.Further attempt at standardised procedures for L. Victoria. Commission failed to function effectively (EAFFRO 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976).
1977Collapse of East African Community & EAFFRO. Formation separate fisheries research institutes in three E.A. states.Further obstacles to regional coordination statistics & information management. Formation of UFFRO (UFFRO 1977).
1970s–80sPeriod of political & economic disruption.Retrenchment of statistics & monitoring work (Reynolds & Greboval 1988).
1983TDRI study of national fisheries situation.Recommendations for re-equipping of UFD & staff training (TDRI 1983).
1987FAO/CIFA mission to assess statistics collection situation on L. Victoria.Lack of uniformity again observed; poor levels staff performance, conditions of service Bernacsek 1987).
1986–89ADP fishery survey of L. Kyoga.CAS & socioeconomic survey L. Kyoga; reiteration of statistics collection problems noted in earlier commentaries ADP 1988).
Recent socio-economic studies of lakes fisheries.Etoori (1986), Enfield (1989), & Dunn (1989) for Lakes Edward & George; Reynolds & Greboval (1988) for L. Victoria.
1988–89FAO/UNDP FISHIN Project UGA/87/007.Project for the rehabilitation of fisheries statistics & information systems in Uganda.


List of Documents


Coenen, E., Mission report, Tororo District, 29/11 – 1/12/88. BIOSTAT Field Report No. 1, (Dec. 1988).

Wadanya, J., Report on the tour of Kichwamba Region: the area of Lakes George - Edward and Kazinga Channel Complex. BIOSTAT Field Report No. 2, (Feb. 1989).

Wadanya, J., Report of the visit to Kigungu Landing. BIOSTAT Field Report No. 3, (Feb. 1989).

Coenen, E., F.L. Orach-Meza, Mission Report to Mwanza (15–26/2/1989): HEST/TAFIRI and DANIDA Regional Seminar on Lake Victoria. BIOSTAT Field Report No. 4, (March 1989).

Tumwebaze, R., Mission report to Kasenyi Fish Landing (20/01/1989). BIOSTAT Field Report. No. 5, (June 1989).

Tumwebaze, R., Report on the tour of Masaka Region - Lake Victoria. BIOSTAT Field Report. No. 6, (June 1989).

Nyeko, D., 1989. Report on the tour of south-western lakes: George and Edward landings. BIOSTAT Field Report No. 7, (July 1989).

Ikwaput, J., Report on the mission to Iganga District, 29/5 – 2/6/1989. BIOSTAT Field Report No. 8, (July 1989).


Odongkara, O.K., Visit to Kasenyi Landing: 20th January, 1989. SEC Field Report No. 1, (May 1989).

Odongkara, O.K., Preliminary report on Kichwamba Region landings: 4th – 7th February, 1989. SEC Field Report No. 2, (May 1989).

Reynolds, J.E., C.T. Kirema-Mukasa & O.K. Odongkara, Trip to Jinja Town and UFFRO. SEC Field Report No. 3, (May 1989).

Reynolds, J.E. & C.T. Kirema-Mukasa, Visit to Kampala markets. SEC Field Report No. 4, (May 1989).

Reynolds, J.E. & O.K. Odongkara, Preliminary notes on Iganga District landings. SEC Field Report No. 5, (June 1989).

Reynolds, J.E., & C.T. Mukasa, Notes on Kichwamba Region. SEC Field Report No. 6, (July 1989).

Reynolds, J.E. & O.K. Odongkara, Fish marketing and distribution in Tororo and Mbale Regions: a brief survey. SEC Field Report No. 7, (Aug. 1989).

Reynolds, J.E. & F.L. Orach-Meza & E. J. Coenen, Moyo District fisheries conditions and prospects. SEC Fld Rpt. No. 8, (Sept. 1989).

Reynolds, J.E. & F.L. Orach-Meza, Management of Lake Victoria fisheries - Deliberations of the CIFA Meeting, Mwanza, Sept. 1989. SEC Field Report No. 9, (Sept. 1989).

Kirema-Mukasa, C.T., & J.E. Reynolds, Brief notes on fisheries production, marketing and credit facilities in Uganda. SEC Field Report No. 11, (Nov. 1989).


Nyeko, D., Past and present fisheries statistical systems in Uganda - A bibliographic study. BIOSTAT Working Paper No. 1, (April 1989).

Wadanya, J., Fisheries statistical training needs: initial assessment. BIOSTAT Working Paper No. 2, (July 1989).

Ikwaput, J. & R. Tumwebaze, The present status of fisheries data collection and analysis in Uganda. BIOSTAT Working Paper No. 3, (Sept. 1989).

Wadanya, J., & D. Nyeko, Fisheries statistical systems in Uganda. BIOSTAT Working Paper No. 4, (Sept. 1989).

Orach-Meza, E.J.Coenen & J.E.Reynolds, Past and recent trends in the exploitation of the Great Lakes fisheries of Uganda. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Resource Use and Conservation of the Great Lakes. Bujumbura, 29/11 – 2/12/89, (Nov. 1989).

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