Table of Contents


This joint report provides a brief overview of the status of the project in its final stage. It has been produced at the end of the fifth mission of the Technical Adviser and the fourth mission of the Aquatic Pollution Consultant (8 October to 7 December 1991). It discusses the situation of the individual project elements during the last field visit of both consultants. A summary of observations and recommendations will be presented in the Technical Report which will be submitted in early 1992.


The terms of reference of the Technical Adviser and the Aquatic Pollution Consultant during their missions were to:

The main goal of this joint mission was to gather all information and data acquired during the project's existence, to evaluate them and to prepare a draft Terminal Report of the project.



Bratislava   8.10.91
Vienna (transit)8.10.91  8.10.91
Bandar Anzali11.10.9117.11.91


Budapest   5.11.91
Vienna (transit)5.11.91  5.11.91
Tehran/UNDP6.11.91  7.11.91
Bandar Anzali7.11.9117.11.91

Holcik + Olah

Rome (debriefing)20.11.91    4.12.91 (O)
      7.12.91 (H)
Budapest (O)/Bratislava (H)       4.12.91 (O) 
        7.12.91 (H) 

3.1 Persons Met

Mr. A. Soghaier, Officer-in-Charge, UNDP, Tehran
Mr. M. Pournik, Programme Officer, UNDP, Tehran
Dr. H. R. Ghaffarzadeh, Programme Officer, UNDP, Tehran
Mr. H. Abdulhay, Director, SFRTO Establishment at Bandar Anzali (SFRTO BA)
Mr. B. Razavi, Deputy Director, SFRTO BA
Mr. A. Mellatparast, Head, Department of Limnology (DL), SFRTO BA
Mrs. T. Mohammadjanii, Head, Phyto- and Zooplankton Section, DL SFRTO BA
Mr. S. R. Khodaparast, Head, Chemical Laboratory (CHL), SFRTO BA
Mr. S. A. Nezami, Chemist, CHL, SFRTO, BA
Mr. A. A. Esteki, Chemist, CHL SFRTO BA
Mr. M. R. Noi, Head, Biological Department (BD), SFRTO BA
Mr. D. Rhaniinajad, BD SFRTO BA
Mr. N. Hosseinpour, National Project Director
Mr. M. Karimpour, National Project Staff
Mr. D. Haghighi, National Project Staff
Mr. B. Zenzad, Department of Biological Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran
Mr. A. Mohammed, Hydrologist, North Water and Power Organization, Rasht
Mr. N. Najafpour, Inland Waters Fisheries Research Centre, Ahwaz
Mr. A. Rahimi, Adviser of the Deputy Secretary of Ministry of Jehad Fisheries Affairs, Bandar Anzali


4.1 Equipment

The Technical Adviser has been informed by the National Project Director that of the remaining equipment not yet delivered, only the HACH field laboratory arrived. Other equipment ordered at the end of 1989 was reported to be lost at Rome airport. The lost consignment contained an inverted microscope, various types of scales, calculators, dissecting set, muffle surface, field oxygen meter, etc. As already mentioned in our previous reports (IRA/88/001 Field Documents 3,4, and 5) this has had a negative impact on the work both in the field and in the laboratory, and made it impossible to carry out some significant observations which had been scheduled.

4.2 Physico-chemical analysis of the Anzali Lagoon Water

Analyses of the physico-chemical properties of the surface water and the lagoon sediments were completed, the data were presented as graphs and summarized in tables. The samples collected for the total N and total P in sediment, and for the chlorophyll a and bacterioplankton in the water were analysed in Hungary in the laboratory of the Aquatic Pollution Consultant due to the lack of adequate equipment in Bandar Anzali. The macrophytes decomposition rate and the vertical distribution of the coarse detritus in the upper layers of sediment were determined by the Aquatic Pollution Consultant and his assistants during this mission.

Water gauges installed in mid-1991 in some parts of the lagoon to measure water level fluctuation were not read during the absence of consultants and thus information on the current rise in the Caspian Sea level and its impact on the lagoon water level is unknown. This is most regrettable as the Caspian Sea level has a major impact upon the ecosystem of the lagoon.

4.3 Aquatic pollution survey

The ground water and rain water samples collected since April 1991 have been analysed for NO3-N and NH4-N and the results evaluated. Also the rainwater and ground water nitrogen loads were calculated.

4.4 Hydrobiological sampling

Sampling of phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos was completed in September. Samples were identified, organisms counted and the results statistically treated, tabulated and graphed.

4.5 Crayfish stock assessment

Data on the crayfish in the lagoon collected during the project were summarized and given to the Technical Adviser in draft. The results will be presented in the Technical Report.

4.6 Fish stocks assessment

Fish collected in streams entering the lagoon in April, as well as those captured in the Lagoon in the period April to August, were identified, and a list prepared of all fish and species distribution in the watershed of the Lagoon. Fish scale readings, age determination and back calculation for the major fish species were completed. Results were tabulated and the grand average of each species growth in length was then used in the von Bertalanffy's growth equation. Fecundity was determined for Vimba vimba. A double-check of the scale readings for Rutilus frisii showed that the data on the age and growth need to be revised. Using the catch and effort data gathered in 1990 the total yield of fish was calculated and its economical values estimated.

4.7 Training

The National Project Staff was trained by the Technical Adviser in the use of statistics for the evaluation of data obtained from the samples, analyses in testing the differences and in the computation of the von Bertalanffy's equation of the fish growth in length and weight. The NPS was also trained in the use of a simple method for the calculation of a lagoon area from the map. The Aquatic Pollution Consultant trained the national staff of the Chemical laboratory in both the field and the laboratory to sample and to quantify the vertical distribution of the coarse particulate organic carbon in parts of the lagoon covered by macrophytes, to use the litter bag method to measure the decomposition rate of the macrophytes and in the in situ respiration of the decomposing macrophyte detritus.

4.8 Overseas training

Mr. N. Hosseinpour, the National Project Director, and Messrs. M. Karimpour and D. Haghighi, the National Project Staff, undertook a study tour in Italy to become familiar with the various problems related to the management of coastal lagoons. The itinerary prepared by Dr. T. Petr and R. S. Seneviratne from FAO, and Professor Cataudella from the University of Rome in collaboration with the personnel of a number of research organizations in Italy involved a visit to seven lagoons and/or aquaculture facilities of various types and also attendance of a seminar dealing with the aquaculture research with particular reference to lagoon aquaculture. The study tour took place between 12 September and 2 October 1991. Dr. A. Coche, Aquaculturist, accompanied the visitors together with L. Criscuolo from FAO. The National Project Director also attended the seminar for the NPDs organized by FAO in Rome.

4.9 Topographic survey

As the full fishery rehabilitation of the Anzali Lagoon, preservation of its fishery and non-fishery interests and the long-term fishery/aquaculture development require some hydraulic engineering works, the Technical Adviser initiated a topographic survey of selected pieces of land adjacent to the Lagoon. The survey was done by Eng. Mohammed and Eng. Moghadam on 14 November 1991.


The Technical Adviser also assisted the Deputy Director of the SFRTO BA in preparation of the national project “The Freshwater Fish Fauna of the Islamic Republic of Iran” programmed to take place during the next 10 years and which is expected to be approved by the Jehad authorities at the end of this year. He also advised on improving the technique for the mass marking of the Rutilus frisii kutum fingerlings currently used by the SFRTO in Bandar Anzali. At the request of the Inland Waters Fisheries Research Centre in Ahwaz he also assisted with the identification of freshwater and marine fish from the Zohreh River, Khuzestan Province, in southern Iran, and instructed two biologists from the national staff in Bandar Anzali in fish scale readings, identification of the juvenile marks and in discerning false annual rings. He also met Mr. Abbas Rahimi, Adviser to the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Jehad Fisheries Affairs and discussed possibilities for cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic in the utilization of kilka (Clupeonella spp.) for food.


The Implementation Committee met in Bandar Anzali on 16 November 1991. Mr. H. Abdulhay, Diector of the SFRTO in Bandar Anzali; Mr. N. Hosseinpour, the National Project Director, and both FAO consultants participated in this meeting. The project was evaluated and various technical problems were discussed. FAO consultants stressed the need for further studies of the Anzali Lagoon. The rising water level of the Caspian Sea has far reaching consequences for the Lagoon's ecosystem and these changes must be regularly monitored if efficient management of the lagoon for fisheries and conservation is to be achieved. The consultants expressed hope that the national staff continue the most important investigations.


A meeting of the Tripartite Review was held in the UNDP office in Tehran, on 18 November 1991. Mr. M. Pournik, UNDP Programme Officer, Mr. N. Hosseinpour, the National Project Director, the Technical Adviser and the Aquatic Pollution Consultant participated in the meeting. The project performance was discussed and the Project Performance Evaluation Report submitted. The project was evaluated by the Programme Officer, and by Mr. Soghaier, Officer-in-Charge, who consider it as being one of the most successful among those currently implemented in Iran. The TPR also endorsed the need for further investigations and monitoring of the Anzali Lagoon.


IRA/88/001 Project - List of Equipment delivered by 19 November 1991

ItemUNDP CodeDate of delivery
 PlanimeterIRA/88/001/1December 1990
 Copier CANON NP 1215IRA/88/001/2"
 Computer IBM PS 30 286IRA/88/001/3"
 Stabilizator for IBM PSIRA/88/001/4"
 Printer EPSONIRA/88/001/5"
 Microscope OlympusIRA/88/001/6"
 Microfiche-fish scales reader MEOPTA RT 8 DIRA/88/001/7 
 Electroshocker DECA 6000 60/551IRA/88/001/8"
 FLOY TAG Gun Tag Fast IIIRA/88/001/9"
 Binocular ZEISSIRA/88/001/11"
 Bottom samplerIRA/88/001/12"
 Turbidity Meter ELE  
 PAQUALAB 521-012IRA/88/001/14"
 Photometer ELE EL 430-55IRA/88/001/15"
 Ph Meter ELE Model 3070IRA/88/001/16"
 Conductivity meter ELE Model 4070IRA/88/001/17"
 Phytoplankton net "
HACH Field Laboratory  
 Conductivity/TDS MeterIRA/88/001/22-1"
 pH/mV MeterIRA/88/001/22-2"
 Spectrophotometer (with container)IRA/88/001/22-3v
 pH Meter (with container)IRA/88/001/22-4"
 Automatic TitratorIRA/88/001/22-5"

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