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FAO 1985 Forest Tree Improvement. Report on FAO/DANIDA Training Course on Forest Tree Improvement, Merida, Venezuela; Jan–Feb 1980. FAO Forestry Paper No. 20. FAO Rome.

Faulkner, R. 1975 Seed Orchards. Forestry Commission Bulletin No. 54, London.

Granhof, J. 1991 Seed Orchards. Lecture note D-8. Danida Forest Seed Centre, Humleback, Denmark.

Wright, J.W. 1976 Introduction to Forest Genetics. Academic Express, New York.

Zobel, B. and Talbert, J. 1986 Applied Forest Tree Improvement. John Wiley & Sons.


The UNDP/FAO Regional Project on Improved Productivity of Man-Made Forests Through the Application of Technological Advances in Tree Breeding and Propagation, abbreviated FORTIP (Forest Tree Improvement Project) is a regional project on tree breeding and propagation. It covers 10 countries, viz. Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The development objective of our Project is to help stem deforestation and resulting environmental degradation through the establishment of more productive and well adapted plantations.

The Project is supporting the on-going national Research & Development activities in the participating countries to promote the use of genetically superior seeds and propagules in their tree planting programmes, which will ultimately lead to more productive plantations.

Our Project serves as a co-ordinating forum for tree improvement and tree breeding activities undertaken by the member countries in the region.

Our aim is to promote technology transfer and co-ordinate research and development activities undertaken by the participating countries.

Our professional staff assist in the holding of training courses and workshops and provide technical assistance to countries as and when required.

Field Manuals
Field Manuals are addressed to field workers in Forest Tree Improvement. They aim at giving practical guidelines for the various activities undertaken in the breeding programmes in an easily understood way. Some Field Manuals are specific on a particular topic or species, while others present general guidelines to be adopted and modified in the particular programme.
Following Field Manuals are available from the project:
 FM 1: Mass Vegetative Propagation of Dipterocarp Species, by Dr. N. Q. Zabala.
 FM 2: Selection of Plus Trees, guidelines on selection practices in tree improvement, Mr. L. Schmidt.
 FM 3: Seed stands, guidelines on selection and management practices, Mr. L. Schmidt.
 FM 4: Seed Orchards, guidelines on establishment and management practices, Mr. L. Schmidt.
 FM 5: Vegetative Propagation, guideline on grafting, air-layering and cuttings by Mr. L. Schmidt.

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