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We would first like to express our appreciation to the people of Gayeu Village, Saisi Village and Tamoyot Village in Attapeu Province for their hospitality, their patience and their generous sharing of time and information. All field activities conducted during this mission were done in collaboration and with coordination support from local government authorities in Attapeu Province and programme staff from the IUCN Lao PDR Office. Logistical arrangements were provided through collaboration of IUCN staff with the Attapeu Provincial Division of Agriculture and other provincial and district authorities. Thanks also to our national counterparts from the Living Aquatic Resources Research Centre (LaRReC), the Provincial Division of Agriculture, the Provincial Division of Public Health and personnel from district agriculture and public health offices who provided invaluable assistance in many forms throughout this study. A final note of thanks to the many people who gave generously of their time to offer comments and feedback on the draft of this report.

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