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Micro Economic Development Project MEDP

Support to hill tribe people
Self help saving and Credit Union groups in highland community
Development for sustainable.

Brief History

The Micro- Economic Development Project MEDP started 1999 this work continued from the community spirit development project CSDP The CSDP has been worked with the hill-tribes since 1987-1998. These two project was divided under Christian service foundation (Baptist) by the financial support of Baptist Union of Sweden (BUS) The target groups were hill tribes people. Consisting of Karen, Lahu, Lawa, Akha and Chainess people. It covered the area of 16 districts with in 4 provinces i.e. Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son and Tak. All the target groups were farmers.

The communities involved in this project were hill tribes locating in barren remote areas. Since reaching the communities was very problematic and the transportation was still substandard, the direct agricultural product trade was so difficult. As a result, they had to rely on the intermediate merchants for their trading. Usually the hill tribes did not get the reasonable prices, because all were set by these agents.

MEDP Project applied the principle of development with participation to the development process. The community members, especially the members or the committees of the saving group, had to understand clearly the basic of co-operative and gather to help each other, There fore the committee had to be imparted the Knowledge of administration, accounting and crediting. Furthermore, during the activity operating of the group, the committee had to efficient in counseling and problem solving to build up the strength of community.

Project Goal

The main goal for the project is to improve the socio-economic environment for poor Tribal communities, through establishment of village based micro institution and cooperation and co-operatives. MEDP will provide opportunity for the people in poor tribal communities to gain the Knowledge needed to establish and to successfully sustain micro economic institutions. MEDP will together with the officers and the members of such institutions. Work for further development of the institution in order to strengthen their impact in solving socio-economic problems ensure that the institutions adhere to democratic principles.


  1. The people help themselves to have enough to eat.
  2. Bring The people to participation and cooperation.
  3. Village have their own community funds.
  4. The communities will have sustainable Development.
  5. To improve the hill tribe lively hood.

Project activities

  1. To provide training and education for the poor people living in villages. And conduct seminars and workshops.
  2. Provide and establishing community saving groups in villages.
  3. To develop the saving groups to co-operative credit unions in villages.
  4. Provide opportunities for leadership training and special training in cooperative management, bookkeeping and accounting.
  5. To serve and support low interest loans for the member occupations.
  6. To visit and meet with group members and communities.
  7. To evaluate every six months.
  8. To consult with other organizations.



3 / 10 Soi 2 Thunghotel Rd. Chiang Mai Thailand. 50000



(66) (053) 249 306



(66) (053) 247246



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