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Appendix 1: List of participants


Name and address


Mr Geoff Armitage
Data Manager
Data Management & Collection Section
GPO Box 1563, Canberra
ACT 2601

Tel: 61 2 6272 2367
Fax: 61 2 6272 2324
[email protected]


Mr Chen Jiawen
Senior Engineer
State Forest Administration
Beijing, 100714

Tel: 86 10 84238299
Fax: 86 10 84238428
[email protected]

Cook Islands

Mr William Wigmore
Director of Research
Ministry of Agriculture
P.O. Box 96, Rarotonga

Tel: 682 26 720 / 28 711
Fax: 682 21 887
[email protected]


Mr Osea Tuinivanua
Director Planning
Ministry of Fisheries & Forests
P.O. Box 2218, Suva

Tel: 679 330 1611
Fax: 679 330 8218
[email protected]


Mr Hassan Rasheed
Deputy Director
Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture & Marine Resources
Ghaazee Building, Male

Tel: 960 322625
Fax: 960 326558
[email protected]


Dr Avirmed Ayurzana
Officer in charge of Forests
Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment
Government Building No.3
MNR & E, Baga Toiruu-44
Surhbaatar District

Tel: 976-11-312025
Fax: 976-11-326616
[email protected]


Mr Sein Htoon Linn
Assistant Director
Planning & Statistics Dept
Ministry of Forestry
Thirimingalar Avenue
Off-Kabaraye Road, Yankin
P.O. Yangon,

Tel: 951 664459
Fax: 951 664459
[email protected]

Papua New Guinea

Mr Kini Karawa
Marketing Officer
PNG Forest Authority
P.O. Box 5055
Boroko, NCD

Tel: 675 327 7881
Fax: 675 325 9943


Mr Tolusina Pouli
Forestry Officer
Forestry Division
Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries & Meteorology
P.O. Box 1874, Apia

Tel: 685 22561/22729
Fax: 685 22171
[email protected]
[email protected]

Solomon Islands

Mr Tommy Tagili
Senior Forest Officer
Forestry Department
Ministry of Forests, Environment & Conservation
P.O. Box G24

Tel: 677 22453 / 28802
Fax: 677 22824


Mr Alipate Tavo
Agriculture Officer
Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry (MAF)
P.O. Box 14, Nuku’alofa

Tel: 676 17937
Fax: 676 24271
[email protected]


Mr William Bani
Forest Utilization Officer
Private Mail Bag 064
Port Vila,

Tel: 678 23856 / 23171
Fax: 678 25051
[email protected]

Resource persons


Mr Felice Padovani
Forestry Officer (Statistics)
Forestry Policy & Planning
Forestry Department, Rome

Tel: 39 06 5705 2193
Fax: 39 06 5705 5137
[email protected]

Mr Aru Mathias
Forest Resource Management Officer
FAO Sub-Regional Office
PMB Apia,

Tel: 685 22127
Fax: 685 22126
[email protected]

Resource Persons

Mr Chris Perley
16 Dacre Court, Maryhill,
Dunedin 9001,

Tel: 64 3 453 4948
Fax: 64 3 453 4945
[email protected]


Mr Steve Johnson
International Tropical Timber Organization
International Organizations Center -
5th floor, Pacifico-Yokohama,
1-1-1 Minato Mirai,
JAPAN 220-0012.

Tel: (81-45) 223 1110
Fax: (81-45) 223 1111
[email protected]


Dr U.N. Bhati
School of Resources, Environment and Society,
Australian National University,
Canberra 0200

Tel: 61 2 6125 2579
Fax: 61 2 6125 0746
[email protected]

Professor Peter Kanowski
School of Resources, Environment and Society,
Australian National University,
Canberra 0200

Tel: 61 2 6125 2667
Fax: 61 2 6125 0746
[email protected]

Mr Rob McWilliam
School of Resources, Environment and Society,
Australian National University,
Canberra 0200

Miss Emma Soraya
School of Resources, Environment and Society,
Australian National University,
Canberra 0200


Mr Robert Adams
Australian Bureau of Statistics

Mr Richard Stanton
Private sector perspective

Appendix 2: Workshop and training programme


08:30 - 09:00

Registration (shuttle from University House at 08:30)

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome addresses:

Peter Kanowski - Australian National University

Aru Mathias (FAO)

09:30 - 0945

Self-introduction by participants

09:45 - 10:00

Introduction to the workshop: Background, objectives and expected outcomes (F. Padovani, FAO)

10:00 - 10:30

Emerging trends in forests and forestry in the Asia-Pacific region and their implications on collection and analysis of forest products statistics (C. Perley)

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30

Country presentations focusing on:

· Current status of collection, analysis and dissemination of forest product statistics

· How forest product statistics are used in policy analysis at the country level

· Constraints in making forest product statistics relevant to decision-makers

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15: 00

Country presentations (contd.)

15:00 - 15:15

Coffee break

15:15 - 17:15

First Working Group Discussion on issues relating to: Improvement of forest product statistics

Presentation of reports of the first working groups, and discussion

17:15 - 17:30

Strengthening collection of country forest product statistics: Roles and responsibilities of national correspondents (F. Padovani)


08:30 - 09:00

Improving forest product information flow in the context of globalization (R. Nelson)

09:00 - 09:45

Role of international organizations in collection and dissemination of forest product statistics: the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire 2001 (Returns, Structure, Definitions; Functions; Statistical Cycles; Notes; Communication; Security; Sharing Information; Data Processing) (F. Padovani and S. Johnson)

09:45 - 10:45

Second Working Group Discussion relating to: Problems encountered in completing and using JFSQ 2001

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 - 11:45

Report of discussion on the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire

1:45 - 12:45

Hands-on training in completing the JFSQ 2001 (F. Padovani)

12:45 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00

International trade statistics (classifications HS96 and SITC rev.3) (S. Johnson)

15:00 - 15:30

Forest product statistics - problems in data collection, reporting -consolidation of forest product data (F. Padovani)

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:00

Working Group: Consolidation of national forest product data

17:00 - 17:30

Reports by working groups and discussion


09:00 - 13:00

Experience of countries in data collection and analysis - presentations by invited speakers focusing on methodologies and approaches:

Australian presentations:

· Robert Adams - Australian Bureau of Statistics

· Geoff Armitage - ABARE

· Richard Stanton - PTAA/APIC - private sector perspective

Other Countries

Judith Dennis - New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry - Roundwood Removals in New Zealand

13:00 - 13:45


13:45 - 17:30

Site visit:

· Bureau of Rural Sciences (National Forest Inventory)

· Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry Australia


08:30 - 09:00

Dissemination and use of forestry sector information for decision making at the national and international levels (A. Mathias)

09:00 - 10:00

Third Working Group Discussion relating to: Solutions to main problems related to collection, compilation and dissemination of wood product statistics

10:00 - 10:30

Presentation of the reports of the working groups

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30

Hands-on training in the use of international forest product statistics on FAOSTAT CD WWW and FTP (F. Padovani)

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:00

Presentation of the FAO Virtual Questionnaire (F. Padovani)

14:00 - 15:30

Hands-on training for completing the Virtual Questionnaire

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 16:30

Role and responsibility of national statistical correspondents on forest products: actions and perspectives of forest sector statistics in the region (F. Padovani, A. Mathias, S. Johnson)

16:30 - 17:00

General conclusions and recommendations


Closure of the workshop


Departure of participants

Optional site visits to ACT Forests/Environment ACT

Appendix 3: Working group discussion notes

The participants were divided into two subgroups to discuss a number of issues relating to improving the effectiveness of collection and dissemination of forest product statistics. The first subgroup included the smaller forest producers: the Cook Islands, Maldives, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The second subgroup included the larger timber exporters of Australia, Fiji, China, Mongolia, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea.

The subgroups met during three separate workshops throughout the week, each focusing on a separate issue. The working groups were facilitated by Aru Mathias, Felice Padovani, Steve Johnson and Chris Perley.

First working group - improvement of forest product statistics

The first working group session had the objective of identifying the issues and constraints affecting the reliability and sustainability of forestry statistics.

The national statistical correspondents were invited to discuss the problems affecting their national forest product statistical systems, in accordance with the following subheadings.

Source of information

Issues and constraints identified related to:

Methodologies used

Issues and constraints identified related to:

Information flow

Information flows are constrained by:

Data reliability: for example, how accurate is the information?

Issues and constraints relating to data reliability relate to:

Institutional structures and responsibilities in data collecting and reporting

Issues and constraints relating to institutional structures relate to:

Other weaknesses and constraints affecting the forestry sectors in responding to different data consumer needs

The groups suggested that the commitment by governments to the forestry sector - and forestry departments - is a major driver for many of the problems and issues identified above.

Second working group - problems encountered in completing and using the JFSQ 2001

Each subgroup discussed issues and problems relating to the following aspects of forest product statistics, and requested clarifications or amendments as detailed.

Preferred format for receiving the questionnaire - on paper/ via e-mail/floppy disk, etc.

Some country representatives had problems receiving the questionnaires over e-mail because FAO had the wrong e-mail address. E-mail could not be relied upon completely with some countries. It was recommended to require confirmation on receipt to enable an FAO follow up if required. There were also some problems where the country’s designated person was not identified. Some countries reported late arrival of the questionnaires.

Access to and downloading from the Internet

Some countries or country representatives (Myanmar and Mongolia for example) have difficulty with Internet access.

Understanding the data structure relating to the individual FAO and ITTO questionnaires (JQ1, JQ2, DOT1, DOT2, SP1, ITTO1, ITTO2, and ITTO3)

Some country representatives thought that including the relevant codes with forms JQ1 and SP1 would assist clarity.

Any issues or problems relating to the use of forest product statistics’ classifications: SITC Rev. 3; HS96

No problems were reported with the classifications.

Any issues or problems relating to forest product statistics’ definitions

Not all country departments were familiar with forest product definitions (e.g. customs).

Access to and use of MS Excel

All country representatives had access to MS Excel, but some suggested that including formulae in JQ1, JQ2, SP1, ITTO1 and ITTO2 would assist data entry.

Any issues or problems relating to functionality (discrepancies, consumption, unit values, etc.)

Country representatives favoured the metric system for recording data. Not all countries operate along these lines.

Any issues or problems relating to JFSQ 2001 notes

No problems were reported.

Any issues or problems relating to conversion factors

No problems were reported.

Any issues or problems related to communication with FAO/ITTO

FAO has a reputation for good communication.

Any problems or issues related to measurement units - cubic metres (CUM) versus tonnes (MT)

No problems were reported.

Any problems or issues relating to collecting and integrating different data sources in the JQ (production data and trade data)

There are problems reconciling statistics collected in the fiscal year versus the calendar year by Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand and Mongolia. Some data are unavailable in some countries due to gaps in the data (for wood charcoal, woodchips, and fuelwood, etc.).

Any other issues or problems

Mongolia reported that a Russian language option would be preferred for the JFSQ forms. Myanmar recorded a problem in collecting some data where private companies were involved (export prices). Some countries experience data collection problems for certain forest products relating to volumes, country of destination and ports of origin.

Third working group: Solutions to main problems related to collection, compilation and dissemination of wood product statistics

The two subgroups discussed the main problems identified in the collection, assessment, dissemination and use of (forest) wood statistics, and suggested solutions.



Sources of information

Lack of cooperation between agencies

Identify national agency as a focal point for forest product statistics
Nominate and confirm appointment of National Correspondent (NCs)
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between departments
Reinforce and create partnership at the national level

Staff resource problems related to:

· Retaining skills

· Developing and maintaining relationships

· Commitment and motivation

· Institutional knowledge

Exacerbated by:

· Staff turnover

· Lack of resources

Regular workshops by FAO/ITTO and other partners to support the NCs
National workshops to increase and maintain skills and personal relationships, and to increase motivation
Encourage and support the continuity of NC roles (increase status) to minimize staff turnover
New staff should be aware of all the roles of NCs, and the importance of the statistics - who uses them and for what
Ensure documentation of responsibilities of NCs

Financial constraints

Develop good relationships with other departments
Develop partnerships between countries

Lack of availability of data

Develop systems for use across private and public sectors
Develop and maintain trust with key data sources by demonstrating integrity

Lack of policy and legislation to support data collection

Advocate for appropriate policies, e.g. maintenance of confidentiality

Methodologies used

Different standardized units and methods of statistics collection

Encourage people to use standard units/systems
Encourage data validation and checking
Explore and utilize existing data collection systems (e.g. agricultural statistics)

Competing national data collection

Rationalize national data collection

Information flows (dissemination, etc.)

Lack of appropriate resources

Invest in computer technology
Establish networks within and between departments

Lack of awareness of information

Promotion and better networking between stakeholders
Ensure consistent (and reliable) regularity of data reporting to increase usefulness, and increase usefulness for planning, policy etc.

Lack of relevancy

Ensure information for public dissemination effectively targets the audience

Data reliability

Lack of regular updates reducing reliability.
Related to:

· Financial resource constraints

· Staff resources

· Varying workloads and changes in priorities

Ensure regularity through adequate resourcing and more effective use of available resources and systems. For example cross sector data sharing and maintenance

Other constraints

Insufficient political support for forestry sector

Encourage reinvestment in forestry sector

Appendix 4: Terms of reference (TOR) of national correspondents for forest product statistics

Data exchange between FAO and National Correspondents

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ)
(Basic Annual Statistical Cycle)


National correspondent’s benefits

1. Yearbook


3. Internet full access

4. Participate in network activities among countries and within countries (training, workshops, meetings)

5. Receive other relative documents, information, user notes, updated information from FAO

National correspondent’s responsibility

Ways of communicating the JFSQ

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Australian National Univerity
International Timber Trade Organization

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