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Annex 4 - Documentation Matrix

Tool/Village: Indicate who carried out the exercise in which community.

Objectives of the tool: List the different objectives of the tool.

Key questions: Prepare a separate matrix for each key question as per the format shown below.

Key question: Write the key question.


Open questions



List the findings for each group that was considered, e.g. separate findings for men, women, the poor, the better off, different age groups, etc.

What issues have not been resolved?

Are there any of the findings which could not be firmly confirmed. E.g., issues that have been presented as findings but which are actually based on assumptions made by the facilitator or the group.

Are the findings valid or different for different groups (e.g. poor versus better off, men and women, age groups, ethnic groups, religious affiliation, etc.) or for different geographic areas (e.g. agro-ecological zones, altitudes, urban versus rural, etc.) or for different seasons, etc.

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