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Annex 10 - Structuring PRA Information by Site and Preparing Village Profiles

Objective: To document the results of the appraisal in individual village profiles.

Description: Based on the documentation sheets from the PRA, village profiles are prepared that are structured along the major subject areas of the appraisal. The village profile should in the first place provide and answer to all the key questions as stated in the PRA outline. In addition, the village profile should also contain in an easily accessible format primary and secondary information that was gathered from the PRA. The profile should include a reproduction of tables, maps, clocks, historical profiles, diagrams and other visual materials that were used.

Village profiles should provide information and answers in a comprehensive, and easily accessible manner, given that they the information will provide the basis for further analysis and aggregation.

The village profile will also provide a reference point for participatory monitoring and evaluation. A village profile is therefore a living document that will evolve over time and reflects the dynamic nature of community participation in development. It belongs to the community and should therefore also be shared with them. This can be done prior to starting causal analysis, so that the opportunity can be used to verify remaining assumptions or filling crucial information gaps.

Participants: The entire appraisal team

How to facilitate:

1. If the village profile is to be written in a language different from the language in which the PRA was done, translate the field notes.

2. Define and convert local measures, calendars etc. into units that will allow comparison among villages.

3. Review the information that was collected according to the key questions as stated in the PRA outline.

4. When documenting findings, make a distinction between findings that can be triangulated and can therefore be considered as firm, assumptions that need confirmation and list any crucial information gaps.

5. For the assumptions and crucial information gaps, indicate how the team should go about filling these gaps.

6. In addition, for each key question, determine if the findings are valid for all socio-economic groups, gender, age groups, agro-ecological zones, ethnic or religious groups, etc. Explain the differentiation.

7. Reproduce any visual materials that were prepared during the PRA and attach in annex.

8. Prepare tables for findings that can be quantified and attach in annex.

9. Have the village profile reviewed by sector specialists as well as by the community or its representatives.


Village profiles

Resources needed:

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