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CAP Tool 5. Secret Ranking of Problems to be Addressed in CAP Workshop


How to facilitate

1. Explain the objective of the ranking.

2. Ask different participants from the community to draw a simple picture or symbol explaining the different problems on a small piece of paper, and attach these symbols next to the respective problem to ensure that everybody can understand the list.

3. Read out all different problems and show the picture belonging to them.

4. Explain that everybody has 3 votes and ask them to come to the chart one by one. Everybody is invited to vote by making a dot with a big pencil next to those proposed problems that she/he wants to address in the Community Action Planning. The dots go next to the problem. Alternatively you could use stones. The facilitator and note-taker assist people who need help. Please ensure that the ranking is done confidentially and that nobody can see how the individuals have voted!

5. Count all the votes and write down the rank for each problem and announce the result.

6. Fill in the documentation sheet for the brainstorming and the ranking tool and attach a copy of the ranked problems to the sheet.

Duration of this task: 20 minutes

Material needed: Sheets used in the brainstorming session, small pieces of paper for the drawings, big pens (markers);

Documentation Sheet for Brainstorming and Ranking

Name of location: kebelle/tabia & gott/kushet


Name of note-taker:

Total number of participants:

Name of facilitator/s:

Number of men:

Method used:

Brainstorming and Ranking of Problems

Number of women:

Group composition (e.g. landless, female headed HH):

What was good?

What was difficult?

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