ALCOM Report No. 12

ALCOM                                                                                         GCP/INT/555/SWE
Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme     GCP/RAF/277/BEL

ALCOM Report No. 12

Report of the Technical Consultation on the enhancement of small water body fisheries in southern Africa

Harare, Zimbabwe
25–29 January 1993

Boyd A. Haight
Senior Aquaculturist

Funding Agencies:

Executing Agency:
Harare, Zimbabwe, January 1994


The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


This document reports on the discussions and decisions resulting from a Technical Consultation on the Enhancement of Small Water Body Fisheries in Southern Africa. It was organized by ALCOM under its project “Utilization of Small Water Bodies for Aquaculture and Fisheries” which is financed by Belgium.

The consultation was held 25–29 January 1993 in Harare, Zimbabwe, and was attended by 52 participants and observers from within and outside the region.

The objective of the consultation was to review the status of small water body fisheries and estimates of their potential in southern Africa, and suggest management action which will bring exploitation closer to resource potential and also benefit local communities.

The document summarizes the proceedings of the consultation's three sessions. It contains the findings and recommendations of four working groups of consultation participants. It also contains abstracts of some of the papers presented at the consultation.

ALCOM is a regional aquaculture and fisheries programme of the FAO (Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). It is based in Harare, Zimbabwe, and covers all the SADC countries. The aim of ALCOM is to assist member countries to improve the living standards of rural populations through the practice of aquaculture. Toward this end, pilot activities are conducted in member countries to demonstrate new ideas, techniques and methodologies. Successes achieved, ideas derived, lessons learnt, are applied on a wider scale by member governments.

ALCOM is funded by Sweden and Belgium. Its preparatory phase began in October 1986, and its first implementation phase in October 1990.

The Technical Consultation on the Enhancement of Small Water Body Fisheries in Southern Africa was organized by ALCOM in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 25 January to 29 January, 1993. Fifty two participants and observers from within and outside the region attended.
This report of the consultation summarizes the proceedings of the opening session and the three technical sessions of the consultation -- on “Small reservoir resource”, “Resource assessment methods” and “Management and exploitation methods”. The decisions and recommendations of four working groups -- on “Assessment methods”, “Enhancement options”, “Fishery management and extension” and “Environment” -- are summarized. Two tables sum up the present status of knowledge on small water body fisheries in southern Africa, and parameters for a small water bodies data base. Abstracts of 23 papers presented at the consultation are reproduced.




Keynote Address

Session 1:   The Small Reservoir Resource

Session 2:   Resource Assessment Methods

Session 3:   Management and Exploitation Methods

Findings and Recommendations of Working Groups

Group 1:     Assessment Methods

Group 2:     Enhancement Options

Group 3:     Fishery Management and Extension

Group 4:     Environment

Concluding Remarks


1   Status of Knowledge about small water bodies in Southern Africa

2   Parameters for small water bodies database which May be used for comparative studies aimed at creating predictive models


1   List of Participants

2   Agenda

3   List of Documents

4   Abstracts

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