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This report is based on the results of the pilot project ‘Field Testing of Aquaculture in Rural Development’. The pilot project intended to demonstrate an extension method for small-scale rural farmers as opposed to the implementation of an already established extension method. The description of experiences, problems and possible solutions is based on five years of field work in Chipata, Eastern Province in Zambia, 1987–1991.

The developed extension method can be subdivided into nine steps:

  1. Identification of the target group. The selection of the target group enabled the pilot project to gear extension services to the specific circumstances of the target group, thereby increasing the adoption rates.

  2. Participation of the target group. The critical involvement of the target group at all stages encouraged their interest as well as long term sustainability.

  3. Situation analysis. Information on the target group and the extension service facilitated precise and comprehensive planning of fish farming extension.

  4. Definition of the extension message. The extension message had to provide sufficient knowledge on minimum requirements to start, risks involved as well as expected yields to enable the target group to decide whether or not to engage in fish farming.

  5. Decision on the extension methods to be used. Appropriate ways of providing the information to the target group had to be found. The choice depends on the goals to be reached as well as the capacity of the extension service.

  6. Preparation of extension material. The various media all reach a specific public and have their advantages and limitations. A careful selection of media to be used at the different stages in the extension process will increase their impact.

  7. Testing of extension material. The extension material needed to be tested amongst a sample of the target group to see whether it had the intended effect.

  8. Training of extension agents. To encourage the use of participatory extension methods, extension personnel received on-the-job as well as formal training in these communication techniques.

  9. Monitoring and evaluation of the results. The collection of data during the implementation of the project was used to check whether it was on the right track and necessary adjustments were made. The evaluation involved a review of results achieved in relation to the extension advice given.

The significance of these steps is to indicate how solutions to problems encountered in the field can be systematically worked out. To test the effectiveness of this extension method, a number of studies were carried out. This does not mean that all extension services need to conduct detailed studies. However, a basic situation analysis to define and appropriate extension message and simple checks for the comprehension of extension material is imperative for every extension service.

This report can be used as a guide by fish farming extensionists to improve the planning, implementation and evaluation of fish farming extension. It tries to provide a framework and practical guidelines for work in fish farming projects. The guidelines should not be understood as a set of recipes, since it cannot possibly prescribe for individual cases. They are meant to be flexible in their use by extension services.

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