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This document is the adopted report of the Ninth Steering Committee meeting of ALCOM (Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme). It was hosted by the Government of Botswana and held in Gaborone, from 13 to 16 February 1996.

The document also contains; the ALCOM Narrative Progress Report for 1995, the Work Plan for 1996, the Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Second Working Group on the Future of ALCOM, Recommendations and Decisions of the Ninth Steering Committee and the List of ALCOM Publications.

Members of the Steering Committee are representatives of the member-countries of SADC; Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, donors (Sweden and Belgium), and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as executing agency.

The main tasks of the Steering Committee are to:

The Steering Committee meets annually by rotation in member-countries.

ALCOM is a regional aquaculture and fisheries programme of the FAO. The programme is devoted to enhancing output from smallholder farming systems through improved management and conservation of aquatic resources. This aim is achieved through a participatory approach to development where socio-economic and socio-cultural issues are emphasized as strongly as technical components.

ALCOM address:

Mail:P O Box 3730, Harare, Zimbabwe
Telex:26040 FAO ZW
E-mail:[email protected]

The designations and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning its legal status.

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