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Appendix 6. Level and nature of threats to the integrity of populations of important tree species in India

Species in ecogeographic (geo-ecological) zones

Reserves, natural areas

In situ conservation stand

Managed forest

Unmanaged forest



Ex situ cons. stand, naturalized from cultivation

Villages, fields, homesteads

Experimental fields, trials

Degree of threat index

1. Abies delavayi (EH)









5, High

2. Acer caesium (WH)









3, Medium

3. Actinodaphne lanata (WG)









2, Low

4. Ailanthus kurzii (A.Is.)









3, Medium

5. Albizia gamblei (EH)









5, High

6. Amentotaxus assamica (EH)









5, High

7. Aquilaria malaccensis (EH&NEI)









4-5, Medium-High

8. Artocarpus hirsutus (EG & SI)









3-4, Medium

9. Bentinckia coddapanna (EG&WG)









3-4, Medium

10. Boswellia ovalifoliolata (EG)









3, Medium

11. Cephalotaxus griffithi (NEI)









4-5, Medium-High

12. Commiphora wightii (GP & WI)









3-4 Medium

13. Cochlospermum religiosum (N & SI)









2-3 Low-Medium

14. Dalbergia lanceolaria (NWI)









3-4 Medium

15. Dipterocarpus kerrii (A & N)









4-5 Medium-High

16. Gleditsia assamica (NEI)









3-4, Medium

17. Gmelina arborea var. canescens (GP)









5, High

18. Hopea jacobi (WG)









2-3, Low-Medium

19. Kingiodendron pinnatum (SW Ghats)









2-3, Low-Medium

20. Lagerstroemia hypoleuca (A. Is.)









1-2, Low

21. Madhuca bourdillonii (SWG)









2-3, Low-Medium

22. Mangifera andamanica (A. Is.)









1-2, Low

23. Mesua manii (A. Is.)









2-3, Low-Medium

24. Michelia punduana (NEI)









3-4, Medium

25. Picea spinulosa (E H)









4-5, Medium-High

26. Podocarpus neriifolius (A. Is., NEI)









2-3, Low-Medium

27. Populus gamblii (EH)









1, Low

28. Pterocarpus santalinus (EP)









1, Low

29. Rhododendron johnstoneanum (NEI)









4-5, Medium -High

30. Shorea thumbaggaia (EG)









5, High

31. Syzygium bourdillonii (SI)









4-5, Medium -High

32. Syzygium palghatensis (WG)









2-3, Low –Medium

33. Taxus baccata ssp. wallichiana (NW & EH)









3-4, Medium-High

34. Trachycarpus takil (WH)









4-5, Medium -High

35. Vateria macrocarpa (EP&WG)









2-3, Low Medium

Direct causes of threats may include Unmanaged use and harvesting; unmanaged grazing / browsing (domestic animals, wildlife); wildfires, environmental biotic/ abiotic factors (drought, pests, diseases, floods, pollution); clearing for agriculture and pasture land; infrastructure development (dams, mining, urban expansion); biological incompatibility for reproduction/interdependence for dispersal and regeneration; monotypic taxa

Threat Index (1-5):

1 = Implementation/enforcement of regulations probable and regulations scientifically sound. Low level of threat.

5 = Implementation/enforcement of regulations unlikely; or threat severe with high probability of genetic degradation or loss. High level of threat.

2-4 = Intermediate between 1 and 5.


A.Is. = Andaman Islands; A &N. = Andaman & Nicobar Islands; DP = Deccan Peninsula; EG = Eastern Ghats; EH = Eastern Himalaya; EP = Eastern Peninsula; GP = Gangetic Plains; NEI = North East India; SI = South India; SWG = South Western Ghats; WC = Western Coast; WH = Western Himalaya; WI = Western India; WP = Western Peninsula

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