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6 Combining high and low spatial resolution classifications

As seen from the reviews above, NOAA AVHRR data have been used operationally for providing global scale land-cover maps. However, the estimation of land-cover proportions from these maps will be associated with a systematic bias due to spatial aggregation effects, especially in areas where the amount of spatial fragmentation is high (Nelson 1989; Gervin et. al., 1985). For this reason, a number of researchers have indicated that NOAA AVHRR data should be used in conjunction with data from higher spatial resolution data for mapping and monitoring purposes (e.g. Nelson and Holben 1986; Van Roessel 1990; Jeanjean and Achard 1997)

We have already discussed the use of higher spatial resolution data for calibrating and validating various NOAA AVHRR sub-pixel classifications (see section 4.5). In this section we review the methods suggested for the use of image classifications from high spatial resolution data to improve the results of the classifications obtained at coarse spatial resolution. A few studies have applied a simple “regression estimator” approach. This involves relating the fine scale forest cover directly to the coarse scale forest cover (Nelson 1989; Stone and Schlesinger 1990; Amaral 1992; Stibig 1993). Forest/non-forest proportions are determined over blocks of AVHRR-size pixels, and related to the forest/non-forest proportions for the corresponding areas on the fine scale classifications. A simple linear regression is sought and then applied inversely to the whole of the AVHRR classification to correct for the estimation bias. However, the regression parameters depend heavily on the type of landscape analysed. When calculating the simple regression over large areas, ignoring the effect of spatial organisation leads to a large instability of the results (Nelson 1989).

In more recent work, Mayaux and Lambin (1995) showed that different regressions were obtained between Landsat TM-based and AVHRR-based forest percentages when the spatial pattern of the AVHRR-based forest/non-forest classification was taken into account. Mayaux and Lambin (1995) used AVHRR forest/non-forest classifications and Landsat TM classifications from 13 sites within the TREES project area. They aggregated forest proportion amounts in 13 x 13 km blocks, and used a simple spatial index (the Matheron Index as defined by Kleinn et. al., 1993) in a two-step correction function. The various stages of the two-step correction process were to:

Mayaux and Lambin (1995) were able to conclude that the integration of spatial information in a correction model significantly improves the retrieval of proportions of cover types from coarse resolution data compared with a simple correction function relating directly proportions at coarse and fine scale resolutions. This was true even is a simple spatial measure such as the Matheron Index was applied to the coarse resolution classification.

In a subsequent study, Mayaux and Lambin (1997) improved the two-step correction model by including textural measures derived from the coarse resolution data (e.g. minimum local variance for 3 x 3 AVHRR channel 2 pixels) instead of the Matheron Index. In a detailed study that tested a number of hypotheses they were able to show that:

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