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FAO. 1995. Evaluación de los recursos forestales 1990, Síntesis mundial. Estudio FAO Montes No. 124. ISSN 0258-6150.

IUCN. 1984. Categories, Objectives and Criteria for Protected Areas. In: National Parks, Conservation and Development: The role of Protected Areas in sustaining society, eds, J.A. McNeely and K.R. Miller. IUCN/Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.

Nyyssönen, A. & Ahti, A. (Editors) 1996. Proceedings of FAO Expert Consultation on Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 in Cooperation with ECE and UNEP (Kotka III). The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Paper 620. ISBN 951-40-1541-X.

ONU-CEPE/FAO. 1997. Temperate and boreal forest resources assessment 2000, Terms and definitions. Naciones Unidas, Nueva York y Ginebra.

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