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FRA Working Papers


1. FRA 2000 Terms and Definitions (18 pp. - E/F/S/P)

2. FRA 2000 Guidelines for assessments in tropical and sub-tropical countries (43 pp. - E/F/S/P)


3. The status of the forest resources assessment in the South-Asian sub-region and the country capacity building needs. Proceedings of the GCP/RAS/162/JPN regional workshop held in Dehradun, India, 8-12 June 1998. (186 pp. - E)

4. Volume/Biomass Special Study: georeferenced forest volume data for Latin America (93 pp. - E)

5. Volume/Biomass Special Study: georeferenced forest volume data for Asia and Tropical Oceania (102 pp. - E)

6. Country Maps for the Forestry Department website (21 pp. - E)

7. Forest Resources Information System (FORIS) – Concepts and Status Report (20 pp. E)

8. Remote Sensing and Forest Monitoring in FRA 2000 and beyond. (22 pp. - E)

9. Volume/Biomass special Study: Georeferenced Forest Volume Data for Tropical Africa (97 pp. – E)

10. Memorias del Taller sobre el Programa de Evaluación de los Recursos Forestales en once Países Latinoamericanos (S)

10. Non-wood forest Products study for Mexico, Cuba and South America (draft for comments) (82 pp. – E)

12. Annotated bibliography on Forest cover change – Nepal (59 pp. – E)

13. Annotated bibliography on Forest cover change – Guatemala (66 pp. – E)

14. Forest Resources of Bhutan - Country Report (18 pp. – E)

15. Forest Resources of Bangladesh – Country Report (89 pp. – E)

16-17 (In preparation)

18. Forest plantation resource in developing countries (75 pp. – E)

19. Global forest cover map (14 pp. – E)

20. A concept and strategy for ecological zoning for the global FRA 2000 (23 pp. – E)

21. Planning and information needs assessment for forest fires component (32 pp. – E)

22. Evaluación de los productos forestales no madereros en América Central (102 pp. – S)

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