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ABARE & J. Pöyry, 1999. Global Outlook for Plantations. ABARE, Canberra, Australia. 99 p.

ANON, April, 1999. Role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest Management – International Expert Consultation, sponsored by the Governments of Chile, Denmark, India, New Zealand and Portugal, Santiago, Chile. 72 p.

Carle, J., P. Vuorinen & A. Del Lungo, 2002. Status and Trends in Global Forest Plantation Development. Forest Products Journal 52(7/8): 12-23.

FAO, 1967. World Symposium on Man-Made Forests and their Industrial Importance. Unasylva 21(86-87). 116 p.

FAO, 1998. FRA 2000 Terms and Definitions. FRA Working Paper 1, FAO Forestry Department.

FAO, 1999. State of the World's Forests. FAO, Rome, Italy. 154 p.

FAO, 2000a. The Global Outlook for Future Wood Supply from Forest Plantations by C. Brown. Working Paper GFPOS/WP/03, Forest Policy & Planning Division. FAO, Rome, Italy.146 p.

FAO, 2000b. On Definitions of Forest and Forest Change, Forest Resources Assessment Programme Working Paper 33, November, 2000, FAO, Rome, Italy. 15 p.

FAO, 2001a. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. Main report. FAO Forestry Paper 140. FAO, Rome, Italy. 479 p.

FAO, 2001b. Forest Plantation Resources, FAO Data-Sets, 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000. Forest Plantations Working Paper, FP/14, Forest Resources Division, FAO, Rome, Italy. 38p.

FAO, UNEP and UNECE, July, 2002. Expert Consultation on Global Forest Resources Assessment – Linking National and International Efforts. Kotka IV, Kotka, Finland, 1-5 July, 2002

FAO, 2003. Proceedings: Second Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions for Use of Various Stakeholders. Meeting sponsored by FAO, WMO, IPCC, UNEP, CIFOR and IUFRO, Rome, Italy, 11-13 September, 2002. 323 p.

Govil, K., 2002. Process of FRA 2005: Review of Sustainability. Paper presented at the FRA Advisory Group, First Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, October, 2002

Holmgren, P., Variable Describing Naturalness and Forest Management in Global Forest Resources Assessment. Concept Note for FRA Advisory Group First Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, October, 2002

Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Working Papers

(For web-links to the below papers, see: – click on “Working Papers on the menu on the left)

The Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Working Paper Series is designed to reflect the activities and progress of the FRA Programme of FAO. Working Papers are not authoritative information sources – they do not reflect the official position of FAO and should not be used for official purposes.

The FRA Working Paper Series provided an important forum for the rapid release of preliminary FRA 2000 findings needed for validation and final development of an official quality-controlled FRA 2000 information set.

In the FRA 2000 post-publishing phase the The FRA Working Paper Series continue to function as a forum for analysis of the FRA 2000 findings and in preparation for FRA 2005. Should users find any errors in the documents or have comments for improving their quality they should respond to The FRA-Programme by mailing to [email protected].

Working Paper 1

FRA 2000 Terms and definitions (English)

FRA 2000 Termes et définitions (Français)

FRA 2000 Términos y definiciones (Español)

FRA 2000 Termos e definições (Português)

Working Paper 2

FRA 2000 Guidelines for assessments in tropical and sub-tropical countries (English)

FRA 2000 Directives pour les evaluations dans les pays tropicaux et sub-tropicaux (Français)

FRA 2000 Directrices para la evaluación en los países tropicales y subtropicales (Español)

FRA 2000 Diretrices para a avaliação nos paises tropicais e subtropicais (Português)

Working Paper 3

The status of the forest resources assessment in the south-Asian sub-region and the country capacity building needs (English)

Working Paper 4

FRA 2000 Volume/Biomass special study: Georeferenced forest volume data for Latin America (English)

Working Paper 5

FRA 2000 Volume/Biomass special study: Georeferenced forest volume data for Asia and tropical Oceania (English)

Working Paper 6

Country maps for the Forestry Department website (English)

Working Paper 7

Forest resources information sytem (Foris) Concepts and status report (English)

Working Paper 8

Remote sensing and forest monitoring in FRA 2000 and beyond (English)

Working Paper 9

FRA 2000 Volume/Biomass special study: Georeferenced forest volume data for tropical Africa (English)

Working Paper 10

Memoria Del Taller Sobre El Programa De Evaluación De Los Recursos Forestales Ee Once Países Latinoamericanos (Español)

Working Paper 11

FRA 2000 Non-wood forest products study for Mexico, Cuba and South America (English)

Working Paper 12

Annotated Bibliography Forest Cover Change - Nepal (English)

Working Paper 13

Annotated Bibliography Forest Cover Change - Guatemala (English)

Working Paper 14

Forest Resources of Bhutan - Country report (English)

Working Paper 15

Forest Resources of Bangladesh - Country report (English)

Working Paper 16

Forest Resources of Nepal - Country report (English)

Working Paper 17

Forest Resources of Sri Lanka - Country Report (English)

Working Paper 18

Forest plantation resources in developing countries (English)

Working Paper 19

Global forest cover map (English)

Working Paper 20

A concept and strategy for ecological zoning for the global forest resources assessment 2000 (English)

Working Paper 21

FRA 2000 Planning and information needs assessment for forest fires component (English)

Working Paper 22

Evaluación de los productos forestales no madereros en América Central (Español)

Working Paper 23

Forest resources documentation,archiving and research for the global forest resources assessment 2000 (English)

Working Paper 24

Maintenance of country texts on the FAO forestry department website (English)

Working Paper 25

Field Documentation Of Forest Cover Changes For The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (English)

Working Paper 26

Global Ecological Zones Mapping - Workshop Report Cambridge, 28-30 July 1999


Working Paper 27

TROPICAL DEFORESTATION LITERATURE: Geographical and Historical Patterns in the Availability of Information and the Analysis of Causes (English)

Working Paper 28

Global Forest Survey - Concept paper (English)

Working Paper 29

Forest cover mapping & monitoring with NOAA-AVHRR & other coarser spatial resolution sensors (English)

Working Paper 30

Web Page Editorial Guidelines (English)

Working Paper 31

Assessing state and change in Global Forest Cover: 2000 and beyond (English)

Working Paper 32

Rationale and Methodology for Global Forest Survey (English)

Working Paper 33

On definitions of Forest and Forest change (English)

Working Paper 34

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Nicaragua (Español)

Working Paper 35

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: México (Español)

Working Paper 36

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Costa Rica (Español)

Working Paper 37

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: El Salvador (Español)

Working Paper 38

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Ecuador (Español)

Working Paper 39

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Venezuela (Español)

Working Paper 40

Annotated bibliography - Forest cover change: Belize (English)

Working Paper 41

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Panamá (Español)

Working Paper 42

Proceedings of FAO Expert Consultation to Review the FRA 2000 Methodology for Regional and Global Forest Change Assessment. (English)

Working Paper 43

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Colombia (Español)

Working Paper 44

Bibliografía comentada - Cambios en la cobertura forestal: Honduras (Español)

Working Paper 45

Proceedings of the South-Asian Regional Workshop on Planning, Database and Networking for Sustainable Forest Management (English)

Working Paper 46

Global Forest Survey Field Site Specification And Guidelines

Draft for comments

Working Paper 47

Proceedings from regional workshop on forestry information services. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 12-17 february 2001. (English)

Working Paper 48

Forest cover assessment in the Argentinean regions of Monte and Espinal (English)

Working Paper 49

Pan-tropical Survey of Forest Cover Changes 1980-2000


Working Paper 50

Global forest cover mapping (English)

Working Paper 51

FRA 2000: FAO Workshop Data Collection for the Asia Pacific Region

Working Paper 52

Deforestación en América Latina

for revision and formating

Working Paper 53

Forest occurring species of conservation concern: Review of status of information for FRA 2000 (English)

Working Paper 54

Assessing forest integrity and naturalness in relation to biodiversity (English)

Working Paper 55

Global Forest Fire Assessment 1990-2000. (English)

Working Paper 56

Global ecological zoning for the global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. (English)

Working Paper 57

Not allocated

Working Paper 58

Not allocated

Working Paper 59

Comparison of forest area and forest area change estimates derived from FRA 1990 and FRA 2000 (English)

Working Paper 60

On sampling for estimating global tropical deforestation (English)

Working Paper 61

The role of remote sensing in global forest assessment

Woking Paper 62

FAO’s database on mangrove area estimates.

Working Paper 63

Status and trends in mangrove area extent worldwide

Working Paper 64

GFRAField-Testing and Evaluating the Interview Component of FAO’s Approach to National Forest Assessments

Woking Paper 65

Information Framework for Global Monitoring of Forests, Land Use and the Environment Informal Meeting

Working Paper 66

Estudio Piloto para el Inventario Forestal Nacional en Costa Rica Iniciativa de FAO FRA

Working Paper 67

Forestry Reporting Requests by FAO

Working Paper 68

Wood volume and woody biomass review of FRA2000 estimates
Monica Garzuglia

Working Paper 69

Volume and biomass part II

Working Paper 70

Workshop on the FAO approach to National Forest Resources Assessment and ongoing projects (SAKET)


Working Paper 71





National reporting tables

Working Paper 72

Global reporting tables

Working Paper 73

Terms and definitions

Working Paper 74

Pilot Study for Country Reporting: Guatemala

Working Paper 75

Pilot Study for Country Reporting: South Africa

Working Paper 76

Pilot Study for Country Reporting:

Working Paper 77

Pilot Study for Country Reporting:

Working Paper 78

Pilot Study for Country Reporting:

Working Paper 79

Definitions Related to Planted Forests
Jim Carle and Peter Holmgren

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