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Annex 2: Terms of Reference (Fisheries)

National Consultant
(Coastal Fishery/Aquaculture)

Under the overall supervision of TCE and the immediate supervision of RAP/TAS, under the technical direction of RAP technical officers concerned (RAPI), and in close cooperation with the government counterpart officials, national and provincial authorities, the consultant will conduct a damage and emergency/rehabilitation needs assessment for coastal fisheries and aquaculture in the Tsunami affected provinces in southern Thailand. In particular, the consultant will undertake following duties:

1. Assess damages to coastal fisheries and aquaculture as well as livelihood of coastal communities through field visits and data collection including verification of available data, observation of affected areas and discussion with victims, concerned government officers and other relevant partners, including Department of Fisheries, Provincial Fisheries Office, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and NGOs (World Vision, Wildlife Fund Thailand, Small-Scale Fisheries Association, YADFON, CHARM, etc.)

2. Identify the Government emergency and rehabilitation strategy and plan, and assess the areas to reinforce national response,

3. Assess the emergency as well as medium/long-term rehabilitation needs and their priority taking into consideration of long-term implication for future sustainable development and associated assistance, taking into account the impact on natural resources and rehabilitation plans of government and NGOs,

4. Identify necessary fisheries inputs and their specifications, and identify potential supply sources with emphasis on local suppliers,

5. Prepare the criteria for selecting beneficiaries and obtain concurrence of government counterpart on the selection criteria,

6. Identify an institutional mechanism for project implementation and inputs distribution at provincial and district level,

7. Prepare draft full project document(s) for emergency assistance for the affected fisherfolk for next 6 to 12 months (to be attached as the Annex of the mission report),

8. Prepare project proposal(s) for medium/long-term rehabilitation in coastal fisheries and aquaculture sector in the Tsunami affected areas (to be attached as the Annex of the mission report),

9. Prepare mission report and submit to DRR, RAP within 1 week after the completion of the assignment for technical clearance.

Duration: total 4 weeks

2 weeks for field mission plus 2 week for report writing starting from middle of January 2005.


- Advanced university degree in fishery or aquaculture with minimum of 10 years’ working experience.

- Good knowledge of English.

- Good knowledge of fisheries sector in Thailand, preferably in affected areas.

Terms of Reference (Agronomy)

National Consultant

Under the overall supervision of TCE and the immediate supervision of RAP/TAS, under the technical direction of RAP technical officers concerned (RAPG), and in close cooperation with the government counterpart officials, national and provincial authorities, the consultant will conduct a damage and emergency/rehabilitation needs assessment for agriculture and livestock sector in the Tsunami affected provinces in southern Thailand. In particular, the consultant will undertake following duties:

1. Assess damages to agriculture and livestock as well as livelihood of coastal communities through field visits and data collection including verification of available data, observation of affected areas and discussion with victims, concerned government officers and other relevant partners.

2. Identify the Government emergency and rehabilitation strategy and plan, and assess the areas to reinforce national response.

3. Assess the emergency as well as medium/long-term rehabilitation needs and their priority taking into consideration of long-term implication for future sustainable development and associated assistance.

4. Identify necessary agriculture/livestock inputs and their specifications, and identify potential supply sources with emphasis on local suppliers.

5. Prepare the criteria for selecting beneficiaries and obtain concurrence of government counterpart on the selection criteria.

6. Identify an institutional mechanism for project implementation and inputs distribution at provincial and district level.

7. Prepare draft full project document(s) for emergency assistance for the affected farmers for next 6 to 12 months (to be attached as the Annex of the mission report).

8. Prepare project proposal(s) for medium/long-term rehabilitation in agriculture and livestock sector in the Tsunami affected areas (to be attached as the Annex of the mission report).

9. Prepare mission report and submit to DRR, RAP within 1 week after the completion of the assignment for technical clearance.

Duration: total 4 weeks

3 weeks for field mission plus one week of report writing starting from middle of January 2005.


- Advanced university degree in agronomy with minimum of 10 years’ working experience.
- Good knowledge of English.
- Good knowledge of agriculture/livestock sector in Thailand, preferably in affected areas.

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