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The authors would like to thank the veterinarians who contributed their expertise. The main technical reviewers, Dr Michael Woodford and Dr Susan Mikota, provided both academic knowledge and the wisdom of much field experience. Dr Parntep Ratanakorn, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University, read parts of the manuscript and offered many useful suggestions. Dr Bjarne Clausen, a friend of the Thai Elephant Conservation Center, proffered several useful thoughts. Dr Vishnu Songkitti, Technical Assistant, Agriculture Department Group (RAPG), FAO, provided sound advice to early drafts.

Ms Sarah Scarth, IFAW's Director of Emergency Relief, provided constant support and encouragement.

Within FAO, we wish to thank Mr Masakazu Kashio, Forest Resources Officer, Forestry Department Group (RAPO), for his extraordinary hard work and dedication, and Mr Ronald Van Nijnanten, Coordinator, Regional Operations Branch (RAPR), for his patience and understanding.

Within our own organization, we wish to thank Mr Chanatt Lauhawatana, former Managing Director of the Forest Industry Organization, for his understanding of the project. His predecessor, Col. M.R. Aduldej Chakrabandhu, provided much help and support in early days, as did Mr Manoonsak Tuntiwiwat, Deputy Managing Director. Mr Suntud Sangkul, Head of the Wood Product Division, Wood Industry Office, and Ms Sureeporn Niyomdham, Head of Sub-division, attached to the Office of Internal Audit, provided invaluable logistics support. In Lampang, Mr Nipakorn Singphutankul, Chief of General Administration, was a constant support, as was Mr Chalermsak Toomhirun, Manager for the Thai Elephant Conservation Center. Dr Sittidet Mahasawangkul, Acting Chief of FIO's Elephant Hospital, and Dr Saran Chansitthiwet offered useful veterinary advice. Mr Prasob Thipprasert, Chief of our Training School for Mahouts and Elephants, proffered useful suggestions. Ms Wikanda Wongsuk did most admirable secretarial work.

We would like to thank Mr Saksith Camluang and Mr Chalaphan Upakij, who did the layout, and Ms Sirikorn Inkom, who did the beautiful pencil drawings.

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