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NOTE:   The English term (the first entry) is double-underlined, the corresponding French term(s) is single-underlined. An alphabetical list of all French terms is given at page 105. The number in brackets corresponds to the References (SECTION III).

  1. Abundance     Abondance

    -  used in fisheries to denote the relative numbers (8)

  2. Acidity (of water)     Acidité (de l'eau)

    -  number of hydrogen ions released in water, giving a pH of less than 7

  3. Acidotrophy     Acidotrophie

    -  waters in which the concentration of hydrogen ions is high, producing highly acidic reactions, and in which humic material is lacking

  4. Active fishing     Pêche active

    -  fishing with gear which is moved in order to catch fish

  5. Additional catch     Captures additionnelles

    -  supplementary catch obtained either purposely or accidentally

  6. Adequate diet     Alimentation équilibrée

    -  fully sufficient and balanced feeding

  7. Adipose fin     Nageoire adipeuse

    -  a small fleshy rayless fin on the back between the dorsal and caudal fins (18)

    -  a fleshy fin on the back behind the dorsal fin as in salmons, smelts, and lanternfishes (19)

    -  a fleshy fin on the back behind the dorsal fin, as in trouts, salmons, whitefishes, smelts, and catfishes (31)

  8. Adult     Adulte

    -  any animal that has attained full growth or is sexually mature normally, that is not precociously (13)

  9. Advanced fry     Alevin

    -  young fish especially from the time the yolk sac is absorbed

    -  for salmon and migratory trout, see “parr”

  10. Aeration     Aération

    -  introduction of air into the water

  11. Aerator     Aérateur

    -  apparatus by means of which air is introduced into the water

  12. Aerobe     Aérobie

    -  any micro-organism capable of living in the presence of oxygen; opposed to anaerobe

  13. Aerobic     Aérobie

    -  requiring free oxygen to maintain life processes (29)

    -  pertaining to oxygen-dependent form of respiration (30)

  14. Aestival pond     Etang de belle saison

    -  pond which contains some water throughout the open season but freezes to the bottom in winter (28)

  15. Affluent     Affluent

    -  stream that flows into another stream or lake

    -  tributary stream

  16. Afloat     Flottant (corps)

    -  floating on the surface of water

  17. Age     Age

    -  the number of years of life completed, usually indicated by a Roman numeral, or an Arabic numeral followed by a plus sign (27)

  18. Absolute conversion rate (of food)     Taux de conversion absolu(des aliments)

    -  an index obtained by dividing the quantity of food distributed by the extra growth belived to have been obtained only by that food (36)

  19. Age at recruitment     Age au recrutement

    -  age at which fish are recruited to fishable stock (51)

  20. Age determination (of fish)     Age des poissons(détermination)

    -  defining the age of fish on the basis of scales or other parts of skeleton, or on the basis of age distribution

  21. Age distribution     Age (distribution par groupes d')

    -  the relative abundance of individuals of various ages in a population (32)

  22. Age group     Age (groupes d')

    -  a group of fish at a given age. O group fish are fish in the first year of life; I group fish are fish in the second year of life; II group fish are fish in the third year of life. A fish born on 1 April remains in the O group until 1 April in the subsequent year, after which it is allocated to the I group, II group, etc. (1)

  23. Air bladder     Vessie natatoire

    -  a sac filled with air or other gases lying beneath the backbone and either attached or not to the walls of the body cavity (19)

    -  a membranous gas filled sac in the upper part of the body cavity (18)

  24. Air bubble curtain     Rideau de bulles d'air

    -  a continuous stream of bubbles emitted from a sunken hose perforated at intervals through which compressed air is released. Acts as fence by restricting movement of some fish species (13)

    -  type of fishing where a perforated polythene plastic pipe is laid along the sea floor to emit a curtain of bubbles, a path which the fish follow into a stop seine enclosure (2)

  25. Air-hole     Trou d'aération

    -  an opening in the ice over a body of water (42)

  26. Air ploughing     Aération benthique

    -  aeration, the pumping of air into the lower, oxygen depleted layer of a water body to encourage the mixing of deep and surface waters and/or the oxidation of bottom sediments (17)

  27. Alevin     Alevin vésiculé

    -  newly hatched salmon or related fish (usually) with a yolk sac attached, before it emerges from the spawning gravel to begin swimming freely (20)

    -  newly hatched, incompletely developed fishes (usually salmonids) still in nest or inactive on bottom, living off stored yolk (31)

    -  stage from hatching to end of dependence on yolk sac as primary source of nutrition (usually salmonids) (54–55)

  28. Algae     Algues

    -  primitive (or not primitive photosynthetic) plants that occur as microscopic forms suspended in water (phytoplankton) and as unicellular and filamentous forms attached to rocks and other substrates (35)

  29. Alga-eating     Phytophage

    -  animal feeding on algae, especially fish feeding on phytoplankton

  30. Algal bloom

    -  see water bloom

  31. Alkalinity (of water)     Alcalinité (de l'eau)

    -  number of hydroxyl ions released in water, giving a pH greater than 7

  32. Amelioration     Amélioration

    -  betterment, improvement

  33. Amphibious plant     Amphibie (plante)

    -  plant adapted to life both on land and in water

  34. Anaerobic     Anaérobie

    -  not requiring free oxygen to carry on respiration (or metabolism) (29)

    -  pertaining to an oxygen-independent form of respiration (or metabolism) (30)

  35. Anadromous     Anadrome (espèce)

    -  pertaining to fishes which ascend fresh-water streams to spawn, e.g., salmon (4)

    -  up running; refers to fishes that leave seas and ascend streams to spawn (8)

    -  ascending rivers from the sea to spawn (18)

  36. Anal fin     Nageoire anale

    -  the ventral unpaired fin just ahead of the caudal peduncle (18)

    -  the fin on the median ventral line behind the anus (19)

  37. Animal food     Aliments animaux

    -  animal substances used as food (37)

  38. Animal manure     Engrais animal

    -  animal excrements used in different form as fertilizer

  39. Angle     Pêcher à la ligne

    -  to fish with a rod

  40. Angler     Pêcheur à la ligne

    -  one who fishes with rod

  41. Angling     Pêche à la ligne

    -  the act or art of fishing with a rod

  42. Annulus     Anneau

    -  the annual mark or zone on the scales, vertebrae, or other hard portion of a fish, which is formed once each year (8)

    -  a mark formed on a fish scale each year, often in late winter (18)

    -  a mark or marks formed on a fish scale or bone each year (31)

  43. Aquatic     Aquatique

    -  of or pertaining to water

  44. Arm (of a water body)     Bras (d'un plan d'eau)

    -  a narrower portion projecting from the main water body, as an arm of lake, branch of a river, etc.

  45. Artificial fertilization     Fécondation artificielle     Fertilisation artificielle

    -  artificial fecundation carried out by stripping fish-breeders and mixing together the milt and eggs

  46. Artificial food     Aliment de complément

    -  any kind of feeds introduced from outside to water environment in order to feed fishes

  47. Artificial hatching     Incubation artificielle     Eclosion artificielle

    -  hatching of fish under artificial condition

  48. Artificial lake     Lac artificiel

    -  man-made lake

  49. Artificial manure     Engrais chimiques

    -  chemical manure, composed of other than animal dung

  50. Autumn overturn     Circulation automnale     Inversion automnale

    -  the period of mixing of previously stratified water masses which occurs in the autumn when water temperatures in the lake are uniform (17)

  51. Artificial propagation     Reproduction artificielle

    -  breeding of fish to increase the species under artificial conditions (53)

  52. Artificial reproduction

    -  see Artificial propagation

  53. Artificial spawning ground     Frayère artificielle

    -  any man-made arrangement put into a water body for fish to spawn

  54. Associated fishes     Poissons d'accompagnement

    -  fish species as a rule occurring jointly with main species characteristic for given conditions

  55. Automatic feeder     Distributeur automatique d'aliments

    -  any implement for artificial feeding of fish working automatically, used especially in intensive fish culture

  56. Autumn fry     Estivaux

    -  fry caught at the end of vegetation period, usually characterized by relatively high vitality

  57. Availability     Disponibilité

    -  the fraction of a fish population which lives in regions where it is susceptible to fishing during a given fishing season (27)

  58. Back-fin

    -  see Dorsal fin

  59. Backwater     Remous     Contre courant     Bras mort     Ressac

    -  water turned back by an obstruction, opposing current, etc. (56)

    -  water held back from the main flow, as that which overflows the land and collects in low places or that forming an inlet approximately parallel to the main body and connected thereto by a narrow cutlet (56)

    -  an arm of the sea, usually lying parallel with the coast, behind a narrow strip of land (56)

  60. Bag net     Filet trappe

    -  pound net (2)

  61. Bag     Poche

    -  the centre part of a seine net between the shoulders and the cod end, or inclusive of the cod end, or only the cod end (2)

  62. Bailer     Ecope

    -  utensil for manual emptying a boat of water

  63. Bait     Escher     Esche

    -  to put food (real or sham) on or in (hook, trap, fishing place) to entice fish or like

    -  real or sham food used to entice fish or like

  64. Bait casting     Pêche au lancer

    -  one of the four basic methods of angling requiring heavy lure which is cast into water. The lure drawn by line imitates a living bait alluring especially predatory fishes

  65. Bait fish     Vif

    -  usually small fish used as a bait

  66. Bait fishing     Pêche au coup

    -  one of the four basic methods of angling in which relatively heavy bait is dropped and left in water

  67. Balanced diet     Alimentation équilibrée

    -  diet which furnishes all necessary nutrients in such proportion and amount as will properly nourish a given animal (52)

    -  the way of feeding that includes all the essential feedstuff (14)

  68. Bank     Rive

    -  the margin of any water body especially of a river

    -  elevation of sand, mud, etc., in a river bed

    -  the ground near the river

  69. Bank protection     Rives (protection des)

    -  stabilization of river-banks in order to prevent deposition of material in the stream (49)

  70. Barbel     Barbillon

    -  a slender flexible projection near the mouth, usually provided with taste or touch receptor (18)

    -  an elongated, hair-like projection, usually about the mouth, chin or nose

  71. Barbel section     Zone à barbeau

    -  a zone in a river with moderate currents, but still with a considerable velocity; the appearance of species with a taller body, as for example, the barbel, dace, etc. (25)

  72. Barbel zone (reach)

    -  see Barbel section

  73. Barrage     Barrage

    -  artificial bar in any watercourse to raise the level of water

  74. Barrage pond     Etang de barrage

    -  pond formed by damming a stream, hance crossed by all watercourse

  75. Barricade     Barrière à poissons

    -  a barrier usually of non-textile material which is erected to prevent the escapement of fish after they have entered the tail of a river, etc. (2)

  76. Barrier lake     Lac de retenue

    -  a lake formed by damming a water-course

  77. Basic diet     Aliments de base

    -  food which covers elementary nutritional requiremente, i.e., assuring normal development (of fish)

  78. Basic slag     Scories de déphosphoration

    -  artificial fertilizer containing phosphates obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of steel

  79. Basin     Bassin

    -  a hollow depression, natural or artificial, containing water (40)

    -  the area drained by a river and its tributaries

  80. Basket trap     Casier Nasse

    -  a wickerwork trap used for catching fish, crayfish, etc.

  81. Bathymetric chart     Carte bathymétrique

    -  a map of any water body with (different depth) countour-lines

  82. Bathymetry     Bathymétrie

    -  measurement of the depth at which the bottom and objects on it lie below the surface (16)

  83. Beach seine     Senne de plage

    -  a seine type net, often with the netting hung loosely to cause bagging, it is operated from the shore or a river bank, in a circular action (2)

  84. Beck     Torrent (petit)

    -  a small brook, especially a mountain stream with stony bed or rugged course

  85. Bed     Lit

    -  the ground at the bottom of any water body

    -  the submerged basin of a water body (56)

  86. Behaviour     Compertement

    -  any reaction of a whole organism (4)

  87. Bend     Coude Méandre

    -  a sudden turn of any water body especially river

  88. Benthic     Benthique

    -  of, or pertaining to, the bottom of a body of water (4)

  89. Benthos     Benthos

    -  organisms living on the bottom of a body of water (4)

    -  animals (and plants) living in the bottom substrata (in the water) (16)

    -  the lake bottom, the bottom region of a body of water. Also, the organisms which live in the bottom regions of a body of water (17)

  90. Berry     Oeufs de poissons ou de crustacés

    -  one of the eggs of a fish or a crustacean

  91. Bioassay     Essai biologique

    -  a test in which the quantity or strength of material is determined by the reaction to it of a living animal (6)

    -  the determination of the effect of any material on living organisms by testing it against living organisms under standardized conditions (8)

  92. Biological indicators     Indicateurs biologiques

    -  organisms that by their presence (or absence) tend to indicate environmental conditions (8)

    -  a form of vegetation or a species which indicates the presence of certain environmental conditions (4)

  93. Biomass     Biomasse

    -  the total quantity of living material in any particular body of water (8)

    -  the live weight of animals or plants (16)

    -  the total amount of organic matter present in a lake per unit area or unit volume (17)

  94. Biotope     Biotope

    -  a place of life; the totality of the environment for life, for any group or community of organisms (17)

  95. Birth rate     Taux de natalité

    -  ratio of birth to population usually expressed in percentage

  96. Bloom     Fleurd'eau

    -  a high population of minute aquatic organisms (plankton), especially algae (4)

    -  also see Water bloom

  97. Blooming

    -  see Water bloom

  98. Blow-line     Soie

    -  in angling a light fishing-line with real or artificial bait, allowed to float over the surface of water with the wind

  99. Blue-green algae     Algues bleues

    -  Cyanophyta, the only algae in which photosynthetic pigments are not localized in chromatophores, and which do not have a nucleus. The pigments are masked by blue pigment: phycocyanin

  100. Boarding the net

    -  see Hauling in

  101. Bob     Pelote de vers

    -  a bunch of worms used in fishing for eels

  102. Bob-fly     Santeuse

    -  in angling, a second artificial fly that bobo on the water, to indicate the position of the end-fly (40)

  103. B.O.D.     Demande biologique en oxygène (D.B.O.)

    -  abbreviation for biochemical oxygen demand; the amount of oxygen absorbed by a putrefying waste (6)

    -  biological or biochemical oxygen demand. The amount of oxygen in milligrammes per litre consumed in the biological decomposition of organic matter initially present in an enclosed sample of water. BOD5 is the biochemical oxygen demand over a period of 5 days at 20°C (35)

  104. Bog     Marais

    -  wet spongy ground, consisting chiefly of decayed moss and other vegetal matter

  105. Bog-margined     Marécageux (à bords)

    -  a water body with wet, spongy margins and difficult access to open water

  106. Bottom     Fond

    -  the ground of any body of water

  107. Bottom configuration     Configuration du fond

    -  shape of the bottom

  108. Bottom feeding     Bentophage (néologisme)

    -  any animal (especially fishes) which feeds on the organisms and substances occurring at/in the bottom

  109. Bottom-land     Terrains en contre bas

    -  lowland along a river (sometimes flooded)

  110. Bow-net     Nasse

    -  wicker-work fish trap of a cylinder shape with one narrow entrance, usually used for catching crayfish

  111. Box trap     Nasse (Parallellépipédique)

    -  box-shaped fish trap

  112. Brackish water     Eau saumâtre

    -  any mixture of sea water and fresh water with a salinity of less than 30 parts per thousand (10)

    -  mainly marine water with reduced salinity caused by the mingling of salty water with fresh water (14)

  113. Brail     Bourdon

    -  short stick fitted at each end of a beach seine for spreading purposes (2)

  114. Brail net     Salabarde Sallebarde

    -  small dip net for scooping out portions of the catch from the main net and transferring inboard (2)

  115. Breadth of river     Largeur d'une rivière

    -  the actual cross-channel measurement of water at a given time (23)

    -  the width at near bankfull stage (23)

  116. Bream section     Zone à brême

    -  a zone in a river with slow currents, bottom partly of silt, partly of sand, with water-weeds in the stream-bed, and a predominance of fishes with laterally flattened bodies, such as the bream, roach, rudd, etc. (25)

  117. Bream zone (reach)

    -  see Bream section

  118. Breeding     Elevage

    -  purposeful selection of parent organisms for natural breeding

    -  act of producing

  119. Breeding age     Age de reproduction

    -  an age at which fish reaches sexual maturity, and is ready to spawn

  120. Breeding bottom     Frayères (zones de)

    -  part of a bottom suitable for fish spawning

  121. Breeding colour     Noces (parures de)

    -  skin pigmentation developed during spawning period

  122. Breeding cycle     Cycle de reproduction

    -  a period between hatching and the first spawning of a given generation

  123. Breeding efficiency     Taux de fécondation

    -  effectiveness of fecundation usually expressed in percentage

  124. Breeding ground

    -  see Spawning ground

  125. Breeding nursery     Nursery

    -  nursery used mainly for selection purposes

  126. Breeding place

    -  see Spawning place

  127. Breeding pond

    -  see Spawning pond

  128. Breeding season

    -  see Spawning season

  129. Breeding stock     Stock de reproducteurs

    -  stock of fish reared for selection purposes

    -  also see Brood stock

  130. Brood     Classe de recrutement

    -  an offspring, progeny hatched at the same time

    -  a race, a kind

  131. Brood fish     Reproducteurs

    -  sexually mature fish, especially for propagation in fish farms

  132. Brooding establishment

    -  see Hatchery

  133. Brood pond     Bassin à reproducteure

    -  kind of holding pond in which breeders are kept before spawning

  134. Brood stock     Stock reproducteur

    -  stock of fish (breeders) used for reproduction

    -  spawning population

  135. Brood year     Année de naissance

    -  the year in which given generation was born, usually used for juvenile form

  136. Brook     Ruisseau

    -  small stream usually emerging from a spring

  137. Brooklet     Ruisselet

    -  a little brook

  138. Bubble fence (screen)

    -  see Air bubble curtain

  139. Bulk food     Aliment fourrage

    -  food characterized by large volume and relatively low nutritive (feeding) value

  140. Bulk of food     Contenu de l'estomac

    -  the main mass of food especially stomach content

  141. Bunt     Poche d'un filet

    -  the bagging part of a fishing net

  142. By-pass

    -  see By-pass channel

  143. By-pass channel     Canal de dérivation

    -  channel running along ponds used for regulating their water level; when feeding the pond with water called - supply channel

  144. By product     Sous produit

    -  a secondary product; any material or product obtained in the course of a specific process but not its primary object

  145. Cage     Cage

    -  a box or enclosure of wire, network, etc., often used for controlled fish-rearing in open water

  146. Californian incubator     Incubateur californien

    -  horizontal box-like apparatus for hatching fish-eggs, especially salmonids

  147. Canal     Canal

    -  artificial watercourse connecting water bodies used especially for navigation

  148. Capacity     Capacité     Contenance

    -  ability to contain or receive

    -  greatest possible extent

  149. Carbon dioxide     Acide carbonique

    -  CO2

  150. Carnivorous fishes     Espèce carnivore (poisson)

    -  fishes feeding on flesh, these which naturally prey on other animals

  151. Carp-like     Carpe (semblable à)

    -  pertaining to fishes with body shape similar to carp

  152. Carp with a single row of scales     Carpe miroir

    -  carp having one row of scales of identical sises on its sides (36)

  153. Carrier     Vecteur

    -  an infected animal harbouring a specific infectious agent and serving as a potential source of infection to the rest of the population

  154. Carrying capacity     Stock limité     Charge utile     Charge biotique

    -  the maximum poundage of a given species of fishes that a limited and specific habitat may support during a stated interval of time (3)

    -  usually considered to be the maximum quantity of fish that any particular body of water can support over a long period (8)

  155. Cascade     Cascade

    -  small waterfall, one section of a broken waterfall

  156. Cast     Pêcher au lancer

    -  to throw a fishing-net, fishing-line, sounding-lead, etc.

  157. Casting-net     Epervier

    -  a net thrown into the water and at oncedrawn in

  158. Cast-net     Epervier

    -  conical net usually operated by one man, which is thrown to cover the fish. Also called: throw net, trow net (2)

  159. Catadromous     Catadrome (espèce)

    -  down running; refers to fishes, … that spawn in the sea, but live a large portion of their existence in fresh waters (8)

    -  going down rivers to the sea to spawn as does the eel (19)

  160. Catch     Capture

    -  act of catching fish, crayfish, etc.

    -  the amount of fish or like caught in a given period

  161. Catchability     Capturabilité

    -  the fraction, of the whole fish stock under consideration, which is caught by a defined unit of the fishing effort actually used (27)

  162. Catch composition     Composition des captures

    -  composition of the catch in respect to fish species, age, size, etc.

  163. Catchment     Captage(d'eau)

    -  catching and collection of water over a natural drainage area

  164. Catchment basin (area)     Bassin de réception

    -  area from which a given body of flowing or standing water is fed

  165. Catch per unit of effort     Capture par unité d'effort

    -  the catch of fish, in numbers or in weight, taken by a defined unit of fishing effort (27)

  166. Caudal fin     Nageoire caudale

    -  tail fin

  167. Causative agent of disease     Facteur de maladie

    -  factor which results in a disease as an effect of its activity

  168. Causeway     Digue

    -  a raised road across wet place or shallow water

  169. Channel     Chenal

    -  the bed of a stream, artificial or natural

    -  narrow piece of water connecting two larger pieces

  170. Characteristic species     Espèces indicatrices

    -  any species of living organisms used as indicators of given conditions in water environment

  171. Chemical fertilizer     Engrais chimiques

    -  fertilizer composed of inorganic matter

  172. Chemical quality of water     Qualité chimique de l'eau

    -  quality of water due to the content of various substances dissolved and suspended in it

  173. Circular pond     Bassin circulaire

    -  a circular raceway with a concrete perimeter and sloping down bottom to an outlet at the centre; water is introduced in such a way as to create an even circular current

  174. Cirrus     Cirrhe

    -  filamentary process or appendage, as the beard of some fishes (40)

  175. Class frequency     Fréquence de classes

    -  number of individuals occurring in a given class, i.e., possessing common attributes; also frequency of occurrence of a given class

  176. Closed season     Période de fermeture

    -  a period when fishing for particular species is restricted, with the intention of protecting that species during the breeding season (10)

  177. Cluster     Rassemblement provisoire

    -  a temporary union of a few shoals or elementary populations of fishes due to various causes (25)

  178. Coarse fish     Poissons blancs     Espèces secondaires

    -  common fish species considered as being of inferior quality or value depending on given conditions

  179. Coarse vegetation     Végétation émergée

    -  a term loosely used to denote emergent plants especially reeds

  180. Cod end     Cul da chalut

    -  end of a trawl of seine net which acts as the receptacle for fish caught in the net. It is closed and held, at the extreme end, with a line (2)

  181. Coefficient of condition

    -  see Condition factor

  182. Colony     Colonie     Cohorte

    -  temporary, usually consisting of individuals of one sex, a protective grouping of fishes, which originates at the spawning grounds in order to protect the offspring from predators (25)

  183. Commercial abundance

    -  see Commercial stock

  184. Commercial catch     Captures commerciales

    -  catch resulting from commercial fishery activities

  185. Commercial fish culture     Pisciculture commerciale

    -  fish culture aimed at achieving a profit and/or socio-economic benefits

  186. Commercial fishery     Pêche professionnelle

    -  fishery carried out in order to achieve profit and/or socio-economic benefits

  187. Commercial size     Taille légale

    -  minimal sizes of fish which may be captured (25)

  188. Commercial stock     Stock exploitable

    -  the part of the total fish stock which commercial fishery potentially could use in the course of its activities

  189. Commercial yield     Captures commerciales optimales

    -  the part of the total fish stock which commercial fishery obtains or could obtain

  190. Community     Communauté

    -  a general term applying to any aggregation of organisms irrespective of its successional position (4)

  191. Competition     Compétition

    -  the indirect effect (excluding predation) that one species may have on another through utilization of food, space, dissolved gases, spawning beds, etc. (8)

    -  struggle between organisms of the same or different species for necessities of life (10)

  192. Complementary     Complémentaire

    -  helping to constitute a whole or to supply a lack (42)

  193. Complete fertilizer     Engrais complet

    -  fertilizer having needed elements especially N, P, K

  194. Concentrates     Aliments concentrés

    -  feeds that are low in fibre and high in total digestible nutrients (52)

  195. Condition factor     Coefficient de condition

    -  an index that expresses the condition of fish in numerical terms, usually reflecting fluctuations of weight in relation to length (22)

    -  a measure of plumpness or fatness of a fish (6)

  196. Condition index

    -  see Condition factor

  197. Confluence     Confluence

    -  a point of junction of streams

  198. Confluent     Confluent

    -  a stream which unites and flows with another (40)

  199. Conservation of nature     Conservation de la nature

    -  the preservation, protection and management of natural environment in a condition to fulfill human needs for a healthy and satisfying life

  200. Contagious disease     Maladie contagieuse

    -  an infectious disease transmitted by direct or indirect contact

  201. Container     Conteneur

    -  vessel, box, etc., designed to contain some particular articles (38)

  202. Convection currents     Courants de convection

    -  currents occurring in a water body as a result generally of temperature differences between water layers

  203. Conversion rate (of food)     Taux de conversion (des aliments)

    -  an index expressing in kilogrammes the amount of food necessary to produce one kilogramme of fish (36)

  204. Cork line     Ralingue des lièges

    -  headline (2)

  205. Course of river     Cours d'une rivière

    -  a tract of a river

  206. Cove     Anse

    -  a small inlet of the sea, creek, or bay

  207. Cover net

    -  see Cast net (2)

  208. Craft liftnet     Carrelet

    -  framed shallow liftnet which is baited, sunk to the bottom by lines and weights, and occasionally hauled quickly to the surface (2)

  209. Crayfish (crawfish)     Ecrevisse     Langouste

    -  a fresh-water crustacean, species belonging to Astacus and Cambarus, resembling a small lobster

    -  a marine crustacean belonging to Palinurus: spiny lobster

  210. Creel     Panier

    -  a wicker basket for fish, usually used by anglers

    -  a wicker trap for catching fish, crayfish, etc.

  211. Creol census     Registre des résultats de pêches

    -  a canvass of anglers to gather data on their catches, time spent in fishing, etc. (8)

  212. Creek     Crique     Anse     Ruisseau (terme américain)

    -  small inlet, bay on the seacoast or tidal estuary of a river

    -  small river (U.S.)

  213. Ctenoid scale     Ecaille cténoïde

    -  a teleost scale possessing small sharp spines or ctenii (8)

    -  scales bearing teeth or prickles on the exposed (posterior) margin (18)

    -  said of scales of most spiny-rayed fishes having posterior margin of scale with tooth (19)

  214. Cull     Trier

    -  to select or sort out (fish)

  215. Cultivation of dried-out ponds     Culture sur assec

    -  agricultural utilization of dried-out ponds in order to improve their productivity or achieve additional production

  216. Cultural eutrophication     Eutrophisation artificielle

    -  the acceleration of the natural process of ageing or maturation or nutrient enrichment in a lake as a result of man's activities or contributions (17)

  217. Current     Courant

    -  part of any body of water moving in a definite direction

    -  in general circulation or use, in progress

  218. Cut-off     Bras mort     Méandre ocurt-circuité

    -  new natural or artificial channel cutting off a river bend

  219. Cut-off     Lac formé par un méandre de rivière court-circuité

    -  a lake formed by cutting off a river bend

  220. Cycloid scale     Ecaille cycloïde

    -  a teleost scale without spines or ctenii (8)

    -  oval or smoothly rounded scales having no prickles (18)

    -  said of the scales of typical soft-rayed fishes having smooth margins (19)

  221. Dam     Barrage     Barrer

    -  any barrier for preventing the passage of water

    -  water confined by dam

    -  to hold back water by means of a dam

  222. Dap     Pêcher à la trembleuse

    -  to fish by letting a baited hook gently on the water

  223. Dead lake     Lac vieilli     Lac comblé

    -  an ageing lake, usually overgrowing with water plants

  224. Dead water     Eau morte     Remous de sillage

    -  absolutely still water

    -  the eddy water just behind the stern of a boat

  225. Death rate     Taux de mortalité

    -  ratio of death to population usually expressed in percentage

  226. Decalcification     Décalcification

    -  a process in which due to the uptake of carbon dioxide CO2 (by plants) the equilibrium between calcium bicarbonate Ca/HCO3/2 and the pressure of CO2 in water is destroyed, resulting in the precipitation of calcium carbonate CaCO3.

  227. Decomposition     Décomposition

    -  the process (mainly microbial) whereby a compound is broken down to its elements or to smaller compounds which are themselves not easily decomposed further (49)

  228. Deep

    -  see Depth

  229. Deficiency diseases     Maladies nutritionnelles

    -  diseases caused by lack or insufficiency of some essential food constituents in a diet

  230. Deficiency syndroms     Syndromes de déficience

    -  abnormalities in functioning and morphology of internal organs and/or fish behaviour, growth and development appearing as a result of unproper feeding

  231. Degree-days     Degrés-jours

    -  the sum of successive days' water temperatures on the centigrade scale (26)

    -  the sum of the mean Celsius temperatures on successive days of development of fish eggs (34)

  232. Degree of digestion

    -  see Digestibility

  233. Delta     Delta

    -  triangular tract of land formed at the mouth of a river enclosed or/and traversed by its diverging branches

  234. Demand for oxygen     Demande en oxygène

    -  amount of oxygen needed

  235. Demersal     Démersal

    -  on the bottom; also applied to fish eggs that are spawned on or sink to the bottom where they hatch (8)

  236. Demersed     Immergé

    -  situated or growing under water, especially aquatic plants

  237. Denitrification     Dénitrification

    -  the reduction from nitrate to nitrite, and further, to elemental nitrogen (17)

  238. Density     Densité

    -  number of individuals or other units per unit area (15)

  239. Depletion of stock     Déplétion d'un stock

    -  reduction of fish stock in respect to its number, amount or condition

  240. Deposition of silt     Envasement

    -  see Siltation

  241. Depth     Profondeur

    -  measurement from the surface of water downwards

    -  deep part of any body of water

  242. Depth contour     Lignes de niveaux     Lignes de profondeur

    -  a line on a map of a water body connecting points having the same depth

  243. Detergent     Détergent

    -  a chemical surface-active substance used in place of soap, based peculiarly on phosphorous compounds

  244. Detritus     Détritus

    -  term given to fragmented organic material from plant and animal remains (6)

    -  suspended matter of organic origin permanently incapable of reproduction (12)

    -  organic debris from decomposing plants and animals (14)

    -  composed of more or less finely-divided organic material, such as bits of leaves, twigs, bark, remains of water plants, etc. (16)

    -  finely-divided, settleable material suspended in the water, both organic and inorganic (17)

  245. Developmental stages     Stades de développement

    -  defined periods or steps of the growth process and/or development of an organism

  246. Development of shoreline     Taux de développement des rives

    -  the ratio of the shoreline length to the length of the circumference of a circle of the same area as the lake (23)

  247. Diacmic     A deux pics

    -  having two maxima, usually pertaining to plankton development during vegetation season

  248. Diet     Régime alimentaire

    -  prescribed course of food, restricted in kind or/and quantity (40)

  249. Dietary protein level     Taux de protéines dans le régime alimentaire

    -  level of proteins in the diet as a rule equal to minimum protein level

  250. Digestibility     Digestibilité

    -  the degree into which given food can be digested and absorbed by an animal

  251. Digger     Défonceuse

    -  any implement for lifting and turning the soil or excavating (42)

  252. Dike     Digue

    -  natural or artificial watercourse

    -  embankment or dam

  253. Dipnet     Epuisette

    -  a small mesh bag, sometimes attached to a handle, shaped and framed in various ways. It is operated by hand or partially by mechanical power, to capture the fish by a scooping motion. Also called: scoop, scoop net (2)

  254. Discharge     Débit

    -  the total volume of stream water passing a point in a given period of time (23)

  255. Discontinuity layer

    -  see Thermocline

  256. Disease     Maladie

    -  a deranged condition of an organism which may be inherited or caused by parasites, dietary deficiencies, or by physical and chemical factors in the environment (10)

  257. Dish     Récipient

    -  a dish-like utensil used for any purpose (mostly in hatcheries)

  258. Distended scales     Ecailles distendues     Ecailles érigées

    -  erection of scales - a typical symptom of an acute form of infectious carp dropsy (carp septicaemia)

  259. Distribution     Distribution

    -  the way in which something is arranged or divided, also the act of those

  260. Ditch     Fossé

    -  long and narrow excavation dug out to receive or conduct water

  261. Diurnal     Journalier

    -  pertaining to a day, and often used to describe the action performed within 24 hours

  262. Diversion pond     Etang en dérivation

    -  pond supplied by a diversion of a stream, hence crossed only by a part of a watercourse

  263. Diverter     Fossé d'évacuation     Canal d'évacuation

    -  a ditch constructed in order to direct wastes (water) from a given body of water

  264. Dormant period (rest period)     Période de repos

    -  any period during which an organism or some of its organs is/are inactive or with strongly reduced activity

  265. Dorsal fin     Nageoire dorsale

    -  the fin or fins on the back that bear spines or rays (18)

    -  the fin on the back, usually central in position (19)

    -  a fin on the back, usually central in position supported by rays or spines (31)

  266. Downstream     Vers l'aval

    -  in a direction of the current

  267. Drag     Traîner

    -  to pull the gear through the water (2)

  268. Drag net     Filet traînant

    -  net in which the capture of fish is effected by a horizontal pulling or dragging motion of gear (2)

  269. Drag seine

    -  see Beach seine

  270. Drain     Drainer     Vidanger     Drain     Drainage

    -  to draw or carry of (water, sewage, etc.)

    -  any implement for draining

    -  act of draining

  271. Drainable pond     Etang vidangeable

    -  pond from which water can be totally drawn out, but not to an extent enabling cultivation of the bottom

  272. Drainage     Vidage     Vidange

    -  process, method or system of draining

    -  that which is drained off

  273. Drainage basin     Bassin versant     Bassin de réception

    -  an area of land from which the natural drainage flows into a single stream (26)

    -  the total land surface from which a system of streams receives its waters (23)

  274. Drainage ditch

    -  see Drain-channel

  275. Drain box     Moine

    -  an implement for draining out water, especially a monk

  276. Drain-channel     Canal de drainage     Fossé de drainage

    -  an implement (channel) for draining

  277. Draining     Drainage

    -  drawing or carrying off water, sewage, etc.

  278. Drain-pipe     Canalisation de drainage     Drain

    -  pipe used for draining

  279. Drain water     Eau de drainage

    -  water drained off especially by artificial drainage system

  280. Draught     Prise     Trait

    -  catch of fish at one drawing of a net

    -  act of drawing a net for fish

  281. Draught of fish     Coup de filet

    -  a haul of fish (2)

  282. Draw     Vider     Relever un filet

    -  to drain off contents

    -  to haul in (a fishing net)

  283. Dredge     Drague     Draguer

    -  apparatus for clearing out mud, etc., from the bottom of a water body

    -  to bring up any material from under the water by means of a dredge

  284. Dried-up pond     Etang asséché

    -  pond from which water can be totally drawn out, to an extent enabling cultivation of the bottom

  285. Drift     Dérive     Drift

    -  anything driven by currents of water

    -  action of drifting

  286. Drift-net     Filet dérivant

    -  large net for catching fishes, extended by weights at bottom and floats at top and allowed to drift

  287. Drop line     Ligne à soutenir

    -  a handline used without rod for still fishing (53)

  288. Dry-fly     Mouche sèche

    -  a hook covered with feathers, coloured silk, …to resemble an insect used as a lure in fishing and floating on the water

  289. Dry matter

    -  see Dry weight

  290. Dry weight     Poids sec

    -  weight of any substance totally dehydrated

  291. Dubisch method     Méthode Dubisch

    -  a method of carp cultivation in which specially designed spawning ponds are distinguished

  292. Dung     Fumier     Fumer

    -  excrement of animals, used as manure

    -  to manure

  293. Dun fly     Olive

    -  kind of artificial fly used in angling

  294. Dung-worm     Vers de fumier

    -  worm or larva found in cow-dung, used as bait for fishing (39)

  295. Dy (Swedish term) Dy (terme suédois)

    -  limnic peat, a kind of dark lake bottom sediment rich in colloidal humic substances formed by plant decay in saprobic condition

  296. Dyke

    -  see Dike

  297. Dystrophic     Dystrophe

    -  pertaining to lake of brown colour, with much organic matter in solution, poor in bottom fauna, and with a pronounced oxygen consumption (4)

  298. Dystrophy     Dystrophie

    -  waters low in lime content and nutrients, but having a high humic and acidic quality (17)

  299. Echo sounder     Sondeur à écho

    -  a device for sounding, based on sending sound waves and receiving their echoes from the bottom or various objects in water

  300. Echo-sounding     Sondage par écho

    -  measurement carried out by means of an echo sounder

  301. Eclosion     Eclosion

    -  the process of hatching from an egg (42)

  302. Ecology     Ecologie

    -  the branch of biology which deals with organisms in relation to their environment; the study of organic communities (4)

    -  the inter-relations between living organisms and their environment (8)

    -  the study of the relations of organisms to their environment (10)

    -  study of the relationships of animals and plants to their surroundings, both animate and inanimate (18)

  303. Ecosystem     Ecosystème

    -  any combination of living and nonliving components that, with a supply of matter and energy is selfsustaining over a defined period of time (35)

  304. Ectoparasite     Ectoparasite

    -  an organism that lives on another organism (the host) and is dependent on the host for its metabolism; for example, leeches on the skin of fishes (13)

  305. Edible fish     Poisson comestible

    -  fish suitable as food, usually commercial one

  306. Eel-basket     Nasse à anguille

    -  a trap of basket-work with funnel-shaped entrance for catching eels (40)

  307. Eel-buck     Nasse à anguille

    -  a large basket used to catch eels

  308. Eel-fare     Montaison des civelles ou pibales

    -  the passage of young eels upstream

  309. Eel-pot     Bosselle

    -  a form of basket trap for catching eels

  310. Efferent     Efférent

    -  conducting or conveying away from

  311. Efficiency of fertilizers     Efficacité des engrais     Effet des engrais

    -  the degree in which fertilizers give a desired effect

  312. Effluent     Effluent

    -  flowing out

    -  stream flowing from larger stream, lake, reservoir, etc.

    -  outflow from sewage tank

  313. Effluents     Effluents

    -  discharged polluted waters, also after purification treatment

  314. Efflux     Ecoulement

    -  flowing out

    -  that which flows out

  315. Egg     Oeuf

    -  the female reproductive cell of fish and many water invertebrates usually deposited externally

  316. Egg-bearing season     Saison pendant laquelle la femelle porte ses oeufs

    -  a period during which a female is carrying eggs

  317. Egg-laying     Ponte

    -  the action of depositing eggs

  318. Egg-laying area

    -  see Spawning area

  319. Egg mass     Dépôt d'osufs

    -  laid eggs, especially in large amount

  320. Egg pouch

    -  see Egg sac

  321. Egg sac     Sac d'oeufs (des cladocères)

    -  the envelope enclosing the ova of the Cladocera

    -  see ovary

  322. Egg yolk     Vésicule vitelline

    -  the yellow part of an egg, containing vitellin and other proteins, and serving as nourishment for the embryo and (often) larvae

  323. Electrical conductivity of water     Conductivité électrique de l'eau

    -  ability of water to conduct electric current, depending on salt concentration

  324. Electrical fence

    -  see Electric screen

  325. Electrical fishing     Pêche à l'électricité

    -  fishing with electrical devices based on electro-taxis and electro-narcosis phenomena

  326. Electric screen     Barrière électrique

    -  a series of electrodes across a waterway (or hung in a water body) which serve to exclude fish from selected areas or to direct their movements (into trapping devices, fish passes, etc.) by an action of electric field

  327. Electro-narcosis     Electronarcose

    -  state of immobility resulting from muscular slackening of fish due to electric current

  328. Elementary population     Population élémentaire

    -  usually of one age, frequently a life grouping of fishes in the same biological condition, and with the same rhythm of biological processes (25)

  329. Elver     Civelle     Pibale

    -  a young eel which has metamorphosed and which is usually found in estuaries or on its way up rivers (1)

  330. Embankment     Digue     Levée

    -  a raised bank or any structure for confining a river, etc.

    -  the act of embanking

  331. Embouchure     Embouchure

    -  the mouth of a river or stream

  332. Embryo     Embryon

    -  one of the different stages of fish development into egg

  333. Embryonal stage     Stades embryonnaires

    -  pertaining to different stages of fish development in egg

  334. Emerge     Emerger

    -  come up out of water

  335. Emerge from egg     Eclore

    -  to hatch

  336. Emergent aquatic plants     Plantes aquatiques émergées

    -  rooted plants, submerged at their basal portions and projecting out of the water for part of their length

  337. Emergents

    -  see Emergent aquatic plants

  338. Emersed aquatic plants

    -  see Emergent aquatic plants

  339. Emptying     Vidange     Vidage

    -  to make empty, to draw off water

  340. Empty-gutted     Avec le tube digestif vide

    -  fish with empty intestines

  341. Endoparasite     Endoparasite

    -  an organism that lives inside another organism (the host) and is dependent on the host for its metabolism (13)

  342. Encircling gill net     Filet maillant tournant

    -  gill net paid out in a circle or an arc of a circle, and the gilling process is hastened by frightening the fish with various devices (2)

  343. Enclosure     Enclos

    -  that which encompasses, encloses, or shuts in, as a fence, barrier, wall, etc.

  344. Enmesh     Capturer au filet

    -  to entangle or catch in a net

    -  to entrap

  345. Enrichment     Enrichiasement

    -  making more rich (as water in nutrients)

  346. Entangling net     Folle

    -  net which effects the capture of fish by entanglement (2)

  347. Environment     Environnement

    -  conditions or influences under which any organism lives (14)

  348. Environmental conditions     Conditions d'environnement

    -  all factors conditioning structure and form of life within a defined space, both physical and biological (26)

  349. Environmental disease     Maladies dues à l'environnement

    -  disease caused by improper environmental conditions, e.g., lack of oxygen, temperature variations, etc.

  350. Environmental resistance     Résistance de l'environnement

    -  the difference between the potential ability of a population to increase and the actual observed performance (33)

  351. Enzootie     Enzootie

    -  an animal disease indigenous to or established in a certain locality

  352. Ephemeral stream     Cours d'eau temporaire

    -  a stream which has water only in some periods

  353. Epilimnion     Epilimnion

    -  the upper layer of water in stratified lakes (4)

    -  the layer of water above the thermocline in stratified lakes (8)

    -  the upper layer of water in a lake, being warmer and less dense than the lower waters (17)

  354. Epizootic     Epizootie

    -  disease attacking a large number of animals, nearly simultaneously (as an epidemic) (13)

  355. Epizootiology     Epizootiologie

    -  study of the simultaneous outbreak of a disease among many members of a population

  356. Equipment     Equipement

    -  all things necessary for a particular kind of work

  357. Estimate by eye     Estimation à vue d'oeil

    -  a rough appraisal of the value, number, amount, extent, etc.

  358. Estuary     Estuaire

    -  mouth of a large river up which the tide flows

  359. Eutrophic     Eutrophe

    -  pertaining to lakes low in oxygen content in the bottom waters, rich in nutrients, and productive of plants and animal life (4)

    -  refers to a type of lake characterized by a high ratio of volume of epilimnion to hypolimnion, a high rate of sedimentation, and high productivity (8)

    -  waters rich in nutrients, well nourished (17)

  360. Eutrophication     Eutrophisation

    -  the process whereby deep clear lakes of low productivity gradually become shallower and more productive, eventually filling up completely and becoming dry land (8)

    -  the complex sequence of changes initiated by the enrichment of natural waters with plant nutrients (35)

  361. Eutrophy

    -  see Eutrophic

  362. Evaporation     Evaporation

    -  diffusion of water vapour to the atmosphere occurring below the boiling point of water

  363. Evaporation loss     Perte par évaporation

    -  loss of water due to evaporation

  364. Expanding population     Population en expansion

    -  ecological term referring to developing population characterized by a strong tendency to occupy new ecological niches

  365. Experimental fishing     Pêche expérimentale

    -  use of fishing gear to determine the properties of the gear itself, or of the entire unit of which the gear is part, especially with regard to its effect on the fish stocks (16)

  366. Experimental station     Station expérimentale

    -  a place where… experiments are developed and conducted with a view to improvement in methods and products (42)

  367. Exploitable age     Age d'exploitation

    -  any age of fish in a fishable stock

  368. Exploratory fishing     Pêche exploratoire

    -  use of various types of fish-searching equipment and fishing gear to ascertain kinds of fish present in an area, and to obtain some idea of the magnitude of the stocks of these (16)

  369. Extensive fish culture     Pisciculture extensive

    -  fish culture requiring relatively low level of expenditures (per area unit) and most frequently giving low incomes

  370. Eyed egg     Embryonné (oeuf)

    -  fish egg in which pigmented eyes of an embryo are visible

  371. Factor     Facteur

    -  a circumstance, fact, or influence which produces a result, e.g., physical, chemical, and biological factors (14)

  372. Fairway     Chenal     Passe

    -  navigable part of a river, usual course of vessels

  373. Falling nets     Filets lances

    -  kind of cone-shaped fishing nets thrown out on the water surface, enclosing and trapping the fish as they sink

  374. Fall overturn     Inversion automnale     Circulation automnale

    -  the overturn that takes place in autumn

  375. Farm manure     Fumier

    -  kind of manure from large cattle and swine farms, usually characterized by very high BOD

  376. Fattening pond     Etang de production     Etang d'engraissement

    -  pond in which table fish is produced

  377. Fatty degeneration     Dégénerezcence graisseuse

    -  a condition in which the efficient cells of particular organs are enveloped in or replaced by fat

  378. Favourite food     Aliments favoris

    -  kind of food preferred above others, searched for

  379. Fecundity     Fécondité

    -  the capacity of females to produce young (5)

    -  the number of ripening eggs in the famale prior to the next spawning period (24)

  380. Feed     Alimenter     S'alimenter

    -  to give food to…

    -  to take food

  381. Feeder channel     Canal d'alimentation     Canal d'amenée

    -  channel supplying water to any receptacle

  382. Feeding     Alimentation     Aliment

    -  the act of giving or taking food

    -  food

  383. Feeding ground     Aire d'alimentation     Aire d'engraissement

    -  part of the bottom rich in food available to fish

    -  place where fish are fed

  384. Feeding mixture

    -  see Food mixture

  385. Feeding place     Lieu d'alimentation

    -  part of the feeding ground where fish actually feed

  386. Feeding ratio     Coefficient alimentaire

    -  weight of food consumed divided by increase in weight of an animal, during a given time interval (34)

  387. Feeding value     Valeur nutritive

    -  a term referring to the nutritive value of different feeds, i.e., expressing the amount of nutrients furnished by each feed and the degree of their digestibility (52)

  388. Feed pipe     Tuyau d'alimentation

    -  a pipe for conveying or distribution of water, etc.

  389. Feeds     Aliments

    -  the materials on which animals are fed

  390. Feedy fish     Poisson nourri

    -  fish with food in its intestines

  391. Female     Femelle

    -  (fish) producing eggs

  392. Fertilization     Fertilisation

    -  the act of applying a material improving the productivity of soil or water

    -  fusion of male reproductive cell with female one

  393. Fertilizer     Engrais

    -  a material applied to soil or water to improve their productivity

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