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The Ministry of Agriculture estimates that in 1983 total landings in the country included 769 tons of gilted sea-bream, 588 tons of sole, 5790 tons of mulets, 1007 tons of sea-bass, 4776 tons of shrimp, 1180 tons of mussels and 2000 tons of oysters. The total quantity of these species accounts for 2,5% of total production ; mulets represent 40% of this percentage.

It must be underlined that although, 85% of total landings are caught to Black Sea, the largest part of high valued and. potential culture species come form the Aegean and Mediterranean. areas, with exception for relatively abundant catches of sole and shrimp in the Marmara Region.

The Black Sea production of high value species accounts for only 21,5% of the total; out of these 3082 tons, 2858 tons are mullets.

On the contrary, the Mediterranean area produces 31,9% of sea bass, 91,6% of sole and 61,3% of gilthead sea bream of those totally landed in Turkey.

The Aegean Sea contributes for 28% to the catches of these species. In particular there is 66% of sea bass, 36,9% of gilted sea bream, 29,2% of sole, 73,9% of mussels.

The contribution of high value landings from the Sea of Marmara accounts for 28,9%. Most of it are shrimp (70,8%) and sole, 25%.

Another interesting aspect that is worthwhile to stress is the high percentage of high valued species with an aquaculture potential on total landings in southern areas. In fact, the species considered represent 29%, 28% and 9,6% of total landings respectively in the Mediterranean, Egean, and Marmara regions.

The Black Sea only contributes 0,7% and most are mullets.

The following table shows the above figures

Tab. 6     Geographical distribution of production with acquacolture potential - 1983 - MT.

Sea Bream769100- 141,828436,94716,3
Sea bass100710090,9121,266566,032131,9
Mussel117910050,4- 87173,430325,7
Oysters200100- - 200100- 
 14309 3082 4140 4007 3080 
 (100) (21,5) (28,9) (28) (21,6) 

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