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In the course of preparing a seminar on socio-economic aspects of aquaculture in the countries of the Mediterranean, MEDRAP, THE FAO/UNDP Mediterranean Regional Aquaculture Project recruited two consultants, Mr. U.W.SCHMIDT and Mr. SPAGNOLO, to carry out a study on social, economic and legal aspects of lagoon management in Greece. The consultants visited Greece from the 5 to the 10 of August 1985. Their terms of reference were given as follows :

  1. To study the different types of management for Greek lagoons from a socio-economical viewpoint :

    -   lagoon property (on general state owned

    -   characteristics of the managerial staffs 'professions (fishermen, farmers, etc…) of recruitment and of the socio-economical level, etc…

    -   links between production and commercialisation

    -   influence of the type of contract between owners and managerial staff on the investment possibilities, the method of management, etc…

  2. To study the consequences and the problems possible, due to the introduction of new technologies :

    -   modernization of the traditional fishing system

    -   development of the fish rearing in or around lagoons,

  3. Finally to give recommendations on the modification of relations between owners and aquaculturists for the improvement of production and commercialization structures, for the introduction of new technologies, etc…

The study must not deal with all the lagoons but 1 or 2 examples will be taken.

The report which is presented here was prepared in Rome in September and updated again in November, after another visit to Greece by Mr. SCHMIDT in October (in the course of another mission) and the participation of both consultants in the above mentioned seminars. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Government officials, researchers, administratives cooperation members and fishermen who contributed, through their insight and advice, to the study. Particular reference has to be made in this aspect to Mr. NORDSTRAND, Resident Representative and Mr. KOUSSIDIS, Programm Officer, of the UNDP Office in Athens.

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