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On the basis of data collected during the mission for 26 out of 39 exploited lagoons, there is a 20.5% reduction in production between 1978 and 1983, even if in 1980 there was a peak. As the table shows the production in these lagoons in 1978 was 1.046 tons while it decreased to 832 tons in 1983. it must be underlined that these figures refer to 75% of average total Greek lagoon production.

Table 4 Production in 26 Greek lagoons 1 years 1978–83

Tons1 0469931 081NA896832

1 Values refer to the following lagoons : Poliopotamos Tholi, Klissova Mot, Komma, Vesiladi, Poros, Prokopanistos, Agricolos, Kaftra-Poliopoula, Tsoukalio, Prokopos, Monelimini, Kotixi, Aghiasmov, Basora, Erataino, Keramoti, Vistonida, Mazma, Bogonitta, Tsopoli, Aliki, Elos, Mana, Ptelea.

When considering the performance of the total greek lagoon production in 1982 and 1983 (for these years much more detailed data are available) we find a 9% reduction in production and a 3.3 kg reduction in yield per hectare. The value of catch shows an increase of 11.2% partly explained by inflation and partly explained by better handling, i.e an improvement in quality of the product.

Table 5. Production, value, kg/ha in Greek lagoons
Years 1982 – 83 2

Tons1 2041 108-9
(000) Dr301.109334.853+11.2

2 This table considers all the following lagons : Schinias, Tourlida, Lagarou, Drane, Batasta, Bonte, Mgastia Adikes, Popopolioy, Tafra, Pallos, Loytse, Rixo, Cogoy.

Among the larger lagoons, downward trends in production are most significant the Amvrakikos and the Messolonghi lagoons, i.e.

Avrakikos - 21% (-3,6% invalue) and Messolonghi - 23,6% (-6,4% in value). These figures are of particular relevance for Sarakikos, as this lagoon contributed 34,3% (1983) to the total lagoon production.

Two lagoons (Kavala and Xanthi) showed, however, increases in 1983 (34,5% and 60,5% respectively), which shows that an overall downword trend is not universal. More detailed figures for the above mentioned four lagoons are presented as following :

Table 6 : Main lagoons productivity parameters

Messolonghi196.94515042945 27142 38819.014.54.344.09516.413.6

As an off hand explanation for the reduced yields of most lagoons two factors are mentioned by most observers :

  1. increasing contamination of the lagoons, and

  2. competitive exploitation (cooperative versus individual fishermen) and strategieswhich attempt to maximise returns on a short term basis

Both factors will be discussed in more detail in the final chapter of this report.

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