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The major option for improved lagoon management lies in a gradual intensification of the existing practices. The present rudimentary culture system (trapping and harvesting of finfish and crustaceans) is touching it's limits, for reasons which lie within the system (unselective harvesting, conflits between different groups, etc…) and external factors, e.g contamination. Better management practises could be an immediate solution, e.g.

  1. better hydraulic systems to ensure adequate water renewal.

  2. controle of pollution

  3. restocking with caught finferlings and with under sized fish caught in the traps.

The next step in intensification, i.e stocking with hatchery grown finferlings and possibly, outgrowing in cages with seeding should come only when the following intermediate objectives have been met.

  1. establishment of a autochthon research and evelopment of infrastructure capable of marketing and adapting the technology (i.e producing fry and feed at reasonable prices).

  2. the adaptation of legal and other measures (such as training, etc …) to assure the full participation of the local coops and fishermen, with the aim of maximising income distribution effects.

  3. the monitoring and forecast of market dynamics to assure a positive rentability of the operations.

The present situation, as evaluated by the mission, warrants a caution strategy to approach large scale, intensive lagoon culture. The constraints are visible at different levels :

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