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OPENING SESSION : November 18th

Preliminary remarks : Chairman FERLIN

Welcoming speech by the municipal delegate

The municipality of DJERBA greeted the participants and welcomed them on behalf of DJERBA

Opening address made by the Tunisian commissioner of Fisheries

-   Welcoming speech : The commissioner of fisheries expressed to the seminar participants, as well as to the people in charge of MEDRAP, gratitude and honour felt by Tunisia and DJERBA in hosting the seminar.

-   The importance of the seminar for Tunisia : The subject of the seminar centered on various aspects of aquaculture which are of particular interest for Tunisia. Since Tunisia has already been involved in this field for some time, it recognises the prospect of new forms of production and of the development of rich Mediterranean resources. The results of the present workshop are therefore of profound interest.

-   Research : Aquacultural research is still in an embrionic stage, however, it already has recorded tangible results in the industrial and agricultural fields.

-   Inconclusive marine culture experiments: In the marine world, the private sector has undertaken big industrial aquacultural projects, however, the results of these initiatives in terms of employment are definitely not in accordance with the money invested. The present meeting should reveal real openings for small and medium-sized concerns.

-   Socio-economic study of the Tunisian context : Tunisia also hopes that certain specific types of aquaculture in the southern regions (including Gabon) could be developed as family operations combined with other types of farming or cultivation (Duck farming, for example).

-   Compatibility : In principal, aquaculture shouldn't be incompatible with tourism. But the assembly should be able to clear any last doubts on the subject.

-   Fish culture in fresh or brackish water : is already in operation to a small degree in Tunisia. However, those in charge are still doubtful in regards to the profits in relation to the investments made, and the socio-economic consequences of these activities in comparison with other types of production (cotton) or other uses for these waters.

-   The Tunisian representatives are anxious to hear conclusions reached by the assembly.

Opening session and the MEDRAP programme ( P. FERLIN)

-   Response to the welcoming speeches : The meeting will bring up tangible elements on the whole of the economic problems raised by Tunisia, both in the field of aquaculture itself and by conflicts over land use.

-   The seminar's origin : Since its creation, MEDRAP has given preference to aquaculture, to training (sessions, study field trips, visits, the setting up of a training Center in POLICORO (Italy), and technical aid to the pilot projects (11 to 12, half of which are already operational).

-   Subject agenda- The socio-economic aspects from now on must be approached under the following headings :

-   Aquaculture's place on a socio-economic level, specific importance, compatibility and/or competitiveness with other activities.

-   The impact of aquaculture in terms of employment, in both production and related activities; types of aquaculture production.

-   The question of aquaculture markets : narrowness of the market; luxury products with a high value added; overproduction.

-   Funding and regulatory action by administrations (at national, regional and international levels)

-   Presentation of the seminar's programme : In continuation of the above-mentioned subjects, the following programme and organization are put to a vote.

Proposed subjects :

-   The macro-economic aspects of the aquaculture programmes and of projects in the context of planning policies: the production of fish, creation of new employment, diversification of activities, site protection, etc…

-   Socio-économic impact of the aquaculture projects on a local level: use of the environment conflicts or incompatibility with fishing, integration or conflict with agriculture, aquaculture and tourism, production models maximising the socio-economic benefits.

-   Present market structure for fish and in particular for aquaculture products in the countries in the region, as determining criteria for planning.

-   Aquaculture strategies and economic, financial and administrative policies at regional, national and local levels.

Organization of the seminar

-   A day will be devoted to presenting and examining the national situations in each country in the region.

-   On each of the five days, two or three papers, followed by round tables and group discussions, will be devoted to the subject on hand.

-   The last day will be devoted to, among other things, suggestions made by the participants.

-   The languages used will be French and English.

Adoption and questions

-   The programme was adopted unanimously.

-   Cyprus question : In reference to point № 4323, the Cyprus representative asked if the recommendations and decisions made by the participants govern the rest of the MEDRAP programme.

-   The Chairman's response : The continuation of the MEDRAP project cannot be questioned as it benefits from mixed funding until July 1987, for the implementation of decisions, in particular (funding by the united Nations and also by Mediterranean countries, especially Italy ; The possibility of contribution by the Mediterranean Trust Fund is being studied). The future of the U.N.D.P. was uniquely discussed in CASABLANCA, and no matter what other decisions may be taken concerning the U.N.D.P., this will have no effect on the MEDRAP Programme.

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