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1.1 Introduction

The ninth training session, organized by MEDRAP, in collaboration with the MIRNA in ROVINJ, and CENMAR in ZADAR on the theme “Fry production in hatcheries” was held in Yugoslavia from the 10 to 28 February 1986 (Annex 1).

The first part of the seminary based principally on a theoretic approach, was welcomed by the MIRNA company in ROVINJ. The second part was based on practical experiments of the CENMAR hatchery in ZADAR.

1.2. Development of the session

  1. The participants (Annex 2)

    Twenty participants from 9 different countries of MEDRAP took part at this session. Twenty Yugoslavian people also participated at some of the lectures.

    As recommended by MEDRAP nearly, all of the participants has already acquired good experience on the subjects in question either through public or private sectors which permitted good level of exchange of points of view.

  2. The lecturers (Annex 3)

    Seventeen lecturers from eight different countries animated the first part of the seminary in ROVINJ. During this period, practical work was also carried out by some people from MIRNA.

    The second part, held in ZADAR, was animated by 3 lecturers along with the CENMAR personnel who developed the methods employed in theory for each sector of the hatchery and illustrated these methods through practical work.

  3. Development of the conferences

    Each lecturer had two hours at disposal (including translation) to present his subject and answer any first questions. At the end of every afternoon, a round table reunited the lecturers and participants and permitted an exchange of information on the experience of each of the countries present.

1.3. Acknowledgments

In thanking most sincerely the lecturers for their competence and the participants for their enthusiasm, we would like to express a special thanks to the MIRNA and CENMAR companies who greatly contributed to the success of the session.

We should also like to extend of hearthy thanks to the MEDRAP personnel. who took charge of the translation, typing and editing of the texts for this session.

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