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The 6th Training session organised by MEDRAP in collaboration with ESAV (ENTE DI SVILUPPO AGRICOLO DEL VENETO) on the theme : “Intensive rearing techniques and feeding for fish and crustaceans” took place at VILLANOVA DE MOTTA DI LIVENZA (TV), Italy, from the 3rd to the 13th and from the 13th to the 15th of June 1985, at ROVINJ in Yugoslavia (See annex 1). The people attending this seminar were lodged at the ESAV Training Centre who furnished all the material (reunion rooms, video, etc…) along with all the help necessary, enabling the session to be carried out correctly.


a) The participants (See annex 2)

This session regrouped 16 participants, 14 of which coming from MEDRAP member countries and 2 from Italy.

All the participants have been working in the aquaculture sector, either at government level or in private organizations, for many years.

b) The lecturers (See annex 3)

Twenty one lecturers took part at the Session, 19 of which gave their lecture at MOTTA DI LIVENZA and 2 at ROVINJ, Yugoslavia. The lecturers spoke on the following subjects during this session :

- Water management ;

- Design of the facilities,

- Semi intensive, intensive and cage rearing,

- Marine fish feeding,

- Pathological aspects of intensive rearing.

c) Order of the lectures

Each lecturer had two hours at disposal (including the translation) to present his subject and reply to the first questions. At the end of every afternoon a round table for two hours was held and regrouped participants and lectures permitting to go into more detail on the question/ answer theme and to confront the experiments in the different Mediterranean Countries.

d) Visits

During this session, many field visits were organized. This is how the participants were enabled to visit the Valle Ca'PISANI valliculture station ; an eel rearing facility in BRESCIA (Mr. TOLETTINI) and finally a mollusc rearing facility (oysters and mussels) and sea-bass, sea-bream in floating cages in ROVINJ, Yugoslavia.

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