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The attending representatives of each Country gave an account of the research capabilitites and needs in his/her Country.


Sub-regional Coordinators present at the meeting have summarized the principal results on the survey on aquaculture Capacities and Needs in the sub-region.

Two interventions related to the private sectors showed their experience and needs in marine aquaculture in this sector.

The delegate of Morocco mentioned the importance of the producers cooperation and exchange of their competances and information. He proposed to organize a meeting on production network in Morocco in 1992.


1. Dr. Gabriel P. Gabrielides FAO Project Office gave information on “The MED POL Programme of the Mediterranean Action Plan”.

2. Dr. M. Valls Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo spoke about C.I.H.E.A.M. (International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies):

These communications expressed the experiences and the opportunities which their institutes provide and that are of interest for the establishment of research networks.


On the basis of the discussions and on the data collected, the Participants selected the following priorities to be established as sub-networks.

  1. Diversification

  2. Nutrition

  3. Freshwater Aquaculture

  4. Interrelations between Aquaculture and the Environment

  5. Pathology

The topics related to nutrition and the interrelations between aquaculture and the environment were introduced by: Dr. J. Guillaume Director of Research INRA, France and Mr. Merceron IFREMER. Brest, France respectively.

Subsequently participants joined in equivalent Sub-groups in order to reflect about these topics

  1. Sub net work: Pathology

  2. Sub net work: Diversification

  3. Sub net work: Freshwater Aquculture

  4. Sub net work: Nutrition

  5. Sub net work: Interrelation between Aquaculture and the Environment.

The participants examined and adopted the working group reports

They are proposing to the NSC the creation of Networks on Diversification of Aquaculture Production, Interrelation Between Environment and Aquaculture, Fresh Water Aquaculture, Pathology and Nutrition. Cyprus, Tunisia, Egypt, Malta and Portugal have been mentioned as possible coordination centres for these Networks respectively. However it has been agreed to proceed to the collection of information, the elaboration of data bases and the organization of meetings of experts in the preparation of the creation of the Networks of Pathology and Nutrition.

The representative of Morocco suggested the possibility of creating a Network on Lagoon Managment, and that Morocco could eventually act as the future coordination Center.

Lastly it was proposed that MEDRAP II should consider the possibility of promoting a publication dealing with Aquaculture development in the Mediterranean and particularly on MEDRAP activities.


Freshwater aquaculture has an important role in the aquaculture of the Mediterranean countries. A significant part of the aquaculture production comes from freshwater aquaculture as it has been clearly demonstrated in the preliminary evaluation report prepared by the expert of IFREMER.

The working group (representatives from Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt and Hungary) concluded that freshwater aquaculture should be an integral part of the MEDRAP programs.

1. Objectives

Research capacities and research needs have briefly been surveyed and it was found that both capacities and needs are highly diversified. However, five major research areas have been identified that might cover the interest of most of the countries in the Mediterranean region. These are as follows:-

  1. Ecological studies on freshwater areas in order to introduce or develop fish culture in natural waters.

  2. Technology development in pond fish farming with special regards to tilapia and carp production.

  3. Development of the producion technology of high value freshwater species;

  4. Research in aquaculture engineering with special regards to the design and operations of integrated systems (fish-cum-rice production, fish production in effluents from irrgiation plants, sewage treatment plants etc.)

  5. Development of processing and marketing of freshwater fish species.

Within these general research areas, specific programs have also been identified according to the following:

  1. Ecological study of selected reservoirs and other water bodies in Algeria, for the exploitation of those waters suitable for fish culture.

  2. The development of mass production of tilapia fry in Egypt.

    -   The development of carp breading technology (broodstock management, propagation, larvae rearing and nursing) in Albania.

  3. Experimental work with sturgeon as a potential new species for the use of available freshwater resources in Cyprus.

2. Network

Abbassa Aquaculture Research Institute in Egypt was proposed to be the focal point in the field of the research on freshwater aquaculture.

This recently developed institute is definetly the most important research institute in freshwater aquaculture in the region. The institute could work in close collaboration with the Fish Culture Research Institute Szarvas in Hungary that would act as a supporting institution during the implementation of research programs in freshwater aquaculture in the region, providing research consultancies and results of longer term research programs in genetics, nutrition, aquatic ecology, fish pathology and engineering. A competent research institute, station or department from each MEDRAP countries will be member institution of the network. At the level of exchange of informations all institutions are involved in the cooperation. During the implementation of specific projects, the related institution organize a cooperation within the network.

3. Activities.

-   Exchange of information;

-   Exchange of material and experts

-   Workshop and meeting in specific subjects

-   Training programs

Exchange of information, organization of workshops and meeting and training programs can be coordinated by Abbassa Institute with the involvement of Szarvas Institute.

Exchange of materials and experts and the elaboration of joint projects could be coordinated directly by the countries concerned.

4. Funding

-   Contribution from the member Institution (exchange of information, materials, experts)

-   MEDRAP II (Workshops and meetings)

-   External sources (joint projects, training programs). Recognizing the research capability of the National Aquaculture. Center at Abbassa, Egypt in Freshwater research, member countries proposed Abbassa center to be a Focal institute for Freshwater research. Institute of Szarvas, Hungary expressed the desire to be involved with Abbassa Center in that regard as well as other countries. A preparatory meeting for concerned people from member Countries need to be held next year. Egypt could be the Country of the meeting.


General Comments:

  1. The group decided to use the Malta Workshop recommendations as a working basis since this reflects the priorities of the region.

  2. The group decided to limit its proposals to a small member in line with the resources available.


1. Diversification of species.

The species of top priority are :

Puntazzo puntazzo

Dentex dentex

Penaeid shrimps

since these are of national interest to a number of countries.

Participation: all countries interested in these species.

Type of activity:

Cooperation in research and development through:

  1. exchange of information

  2. exchange of biological material

  3. Working group meeting every 18–24 months.

Establishment of data base for these species identified in the Malta workshop as offering long - term potential.

2. Diversification of Technology

There is a very strong feeling that heavy emphasis need be placed an offshore technology since most participating countries see considerable expansion potential in this area.

Type of activity

  1. exchange of information

  2. formulate a pilot scale project in a Mediterranean country and use the MEDRAP organization to seek financial assistance for it form within or outside the region. The cage manufacturers themselves may be willing to assist. This pilot project will be used to adapt the technology currently employed in Salmonid Culture to culture of Mediterranean species.


The network should be coordinated by a network coordination centre. Within this network focal points/ institutions will be identified for each project. Such an institution should have a track record in research and development in the particular topic.

Cyprus expressed its interest to act as the Coordination Centre of this sub-network.


For the exchange of information and organisation of workshops MEDRAP and other agencies could help.

For the pilot offshore farm MEDRAP should prepare the feasibility study and seek to secure funding from withing or outside the region.

The following are possible sources of funding: EEC, NORAD, SIDA, private sector.



The expansion, and especially the intensification, of aquaculture activities enhance the dangers for fish disease. In some countries the fish losses from pathological reasons are quite high, resulting to high damages. In France 20% of the trout production is lost per year from VHS and in Japan 12% of the yellowtail production is lost per year from bacterial pathogens.

The main pathological problems in the Mediterranean area are due to parasitic infections (protozoan etc.), and bacterial diseases, (vibrios, pasturella etc.) Lymphocystes, the only viral disease which appears in certain Mediterranean countries is reported to have no economical impact. Other losses in the MEDRAP II countries are related: a) to the deterioration of the water quality and b) to nutritional reasons. Certain parasitic infections, mainly ectoparasites like Trichodina, Cryptocarion irridance, Oodiniumum occellatum and some parasitic crustaceans, are becoming very important and mut be considered. The use of vaccines against vibriosis can have negative results, if not used rationally. The specific strain must be taken into account, and so vaccines developed in one country cannot necessarily be effective in other countries. Several strains on one species can exist.

Recommendations of the group meeting

Fish pathology must be faced as a serious problem in all MEDRAP II countries. Research in the field is necessary not only on problems related to potential pathogens, but also on problems related to water quality and nutritional deficiencies.

Cooperation and Coordination is necessary among the MEDRAP II member countries as well as the associate members, to face the problem successfully.

Cooperation Proposals

  1. Collection of information from each country for the formation of a data base in the Mediterranean area in order to have among others a complete list of:

    1. Pathologists

    2. Facilities and equipment

    3. Projects, incidents experienced, etc.

  2. Organise regular meetings on pathology and related aspects, to bring together the parties involved and especially the scientists who will take measures for the prophylaxis, who will make the diagnosis, the treatment and so on (exchange of information and experiences).

  3. Continue training in pathology at a high level as well as low level (technicians).

  4. Malta expressed its interest to act as the Coordinating centre for this network.



The group considers that most of human activities near the sea shore are more or less pollutant (industry, towns, intensive agriculture, tourism etc.). Among them aquaculture has its place. But, contrarily to other activities aquaculture is so dependant on the water quality even for being possible, that it is more active than others about this problem. Though pollution generated by aquaculture is generally very low compared to other sources, the group considered it prudent for MEDRAP II to deal with it.


The working group considers that the objectives of research concerning the relation between environment and aquaculture are:

  1. to promote aquaculture,

    -   in seawater of such quality that farming results are technically successful,

    -   in awareness of the its environment in all its components, both natural and socioeconomic;

  2. to enhance the scientific base which is necessary to define national needs concerning the relations between aquaculture activities and environment.

Recommended topics of research

1. Site Selection

The need was expressed by several countries to make available a method of selecting sites for aquaculture use in the best way possible. The steps involved are:-

-   The first step is to collect scientific information about it and to achieve a bibliographic synthesis defining general criteria of selection.

-   The second one should be to define a widesspectrum of sites covering Mediterranean Sea. Some types are obvious: lagoon, offshore, onshore, but some others are less easy to be defined.

-   Then it should be useful to find out additional specific criteria for each type of site in order to make a more precise tool of selection guidelines.

On the another hand, the means of achieving such selections should be defined: classical parameters study during a long enough time (generally one year cycle), satellite picture, etc.

If possible to reach a method of evaluation of the carrying capacity of sites, and a zoning of the region would be very positive.

2 Environmental Impact of Aquaculture

  1. Loads emanating from farms

    The pollution loads from reared fish, both particulate and dissolved, must be known, at least for reasons of comparison with loads from other sources (industry, tourism, towns), so that Aquaculture projects could be put in the right environment context.

    This should be done for at least the three main Mediterranean species: sea-bass, seabream, and mussel. Also, it has to be performed at several conditions of temperature and feeding.

    The more simple way to do this seems to be by laboratory studies, or eventually by the use of shore farm facilities if possible, mass balance calculations, etc.

  2. Impact of loadings.

    Aquaculture impact regarding the ecosystem can be in some cases negative. The continued and uncontrolled loadings can bring significant modifications in the flora and fauna and particularly in the benthic ones. It is important to establish a Comparative Study before and after the implementation of a fish farming. This will be helpful in discribing and evaluating the impact of fish farm loading on coastal marine zones (Lagoons, Sandy Coast, Rocky shore, etc.)

    The main problem caused by such loading is eutrophication. The monitoring coupled with survey of currents and dispersion should be done before and after farming operations.

    The carrying capacity of the medium should be taken into consideration.

    Regarding the important relation between aquaculture and the environment it is proposed to establish a networking on that subject.

    As MEDPOL is concerned by the impact of Aquaculture activity on the environment and as MEDRAP is interested by the development of these activities on a Regional scale Cooperation between MEDRAP and MEDRAP is needed and strongly recommended.

    Furthermore, Tunisia which is dealing with site studies for aquaculture purposes was mentioned as a focal point to lead this Network on Environment and Aquaculture.


The meeting considered that the Nutrition studies to be carried out should be restricted to actual nutrition i.e. composition and feeding values of ingredients (raw materials) digestive physiology, nutritional requirements (both qualitative and quantitative) of fish, metabolism of nutrients as well as influence of diets on body composition, quality and other characteristics of products obtained. Comparison tests of commercial diets or empirical approaches of formulations or rough tests of overall feeding values are not considered as nutrition.

Because of the gap existing between the lack of knowledge and the potential of research of the different countries members of MEDRAP II the number of topics to be chosen in the future network must be limited.

As for the priorities in nutrition research could be evaluated by a small group of 4 scientists in a limited period they are:

The analysis of local feed staff (or raw materials) available in different countries of the Mediterranean. This analysis has to be as complete as possible, it has to be performed with the sane standardised intecalibrated method but the different nutrients can be analysed in different countries (for example amino acids in one country, fatty acids in another). The analysis should include toxic and antinutritional factors as well.

In a second step chemical analysis should be followed by in vivo measurements such as digestibility. These again need a careful standardisation of methods and the work shared among countries. This work should contribute to a specific data base.

The second priority is the determination of the nutritional requirements of the Mediterranean species. Due to the lack of complete scientific data for each species submitted for Aquaculture in the Mediterranean countries this programme has to be limited to the nutrients i.e. energy, proteins, the main essential amino acids, lipids, essential fatty acids and one fish has to be chosen for the first step.

The group estimates this species should be the guilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). It is to be noticed that nutrients are complementary for scientific formulation of diets.

As a third priority the group considered the feeding of larval stages with dry foods (micro diets) However due to the numerous difficulties met in this field and to the fact that many laboratories of several countries are already working on this topic the group does not consider this to be of immediate interest.

The group considers that it is very difficult to estimate the actual research potential of each member country.

The group recommends a questionnaire to be sent to every country in order to learn the number of nutritionists, their experience, the laboratory facilities, other experimental facilities which are available as well as the ongowing research in the field of nutrition.

The group did not discuss the priorities of nutrition of fresh water fish.

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