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Adopted Agenda

Thursday 4/6/1992
8:30:General introduction
By the Project Coordinator
8:45:Perspectives of the aquaculture cooperation in the Mediterranean countries
By Mr. Pedini
9:00:Structure and mechanism of cooperation
By Mr. Ferlin
9:10:Institutional documents
By Mr. Stein and Mr. Akrout
9:30:General discussion on the conception and mechanism of cooperation
11:00:Coffee break
11:30:General discussion
 Several communications scheduled in the initial agenda could be developped:
 Institutional aspects
 Structure and functionning
 Budget : repartition key of contributions, etc …
15–18:00:Second working session
Friday 5/6/1992
10:00:Final report :
Conclusions and recommendations
13:00:Adjournment of the meeting

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