


Algiers, June 4–5 1992


Edited by MEDRAP II Regional Center
Tunis - Tunisia

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Preparation of this Document

This document is one of a series of documents prepared during the course of the Project identified in the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given were considered appropriate at the time it was prepared. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the Project.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the part of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The opinions expressed by the Authors in this document are not necessarily those of FAO or the Governments of the participating countries.


The need to ensure the continuity of MEDRAP II Networks' activities was deemed necessary for the Project to rely on the advice of an Ad Hoc Committee to channel the information to the National Coordinators meeting at the next Steering Committee.

Thus, an Ad Hoc Committee meeting was organised by MEDRAP II in Algiers, on June 3–5, 1992, with the participation of Representatives from MEDRAP Member and Associated countries and several invited experts from France, Belgium, Scotland, FAO-GFCM and FAO Rome.

The objective of the meeting was to identify possible scenarious for the future and to decide on the Post-MEDRAP structure. Issues such as the selection of future activities, costs of implementation, the mechanisms and institutions to carry out the work, were considered important.

After a brief consideration of the presented communications on experiences, roles and activities of the various institutions concerned by the issue, it has been decided to rely on the existing international organisations rather than to create a new inter-governmental body.

It has been agreed that the General Fisheries Council of the Mediterranean (GFCM) would be in charge of the overall coordination of the Networks; the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) would be oriented towards Aquaculture/Environmental analysis, and the Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques (CIHEAM) would be involved in the Training and Research activities. Some other Intitutions have been mentioned for possible cooperative actions.

The Committee major recommendations were to appoint a consultant in order to propose a medium-term programme of activities, explore the various mechanisms including an analysis of the involved institutions capacities, to prepare a cost estimates and to suggest the financing mechanisms. to be submitted to the next Steering Committee.


The Editior would like to thank the Algerian Authorities and the National Coordinator, Mr. Ghachem Kadari, for the remarkable help and assistance in the organisation of the meeting.

The Editor would also like to thank the participants and the invited experts for their positive contribution to the success of the meeting.

Note from the reviser

The revision and publication of this document could only be done a long time after the closure of the project. This has les to some difficulties in finalising the documents and implementing corrections, because authors and contributors as well as some of the original material or files were no longer available.

Therefore contributions from participants and session papers annexed to most of the documents were left in their original form. No language corrections were introduced, the content was not modified and left under their respective authors' responsibility.

Considering the above, we hope that the reader will understand that a standard of publication could not be maintained on a level as high as we would have liked it to be.

United Nations Development Programme

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

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This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software. FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.


-   Adopted agenda

-   List of participants

-   Ad Hoc Committee meeting report


-   FAO experience in aquaculture Networks

-   Outline and perspectives of aquaculture cooperation in the Mediteranean. The future of MEDRAP

-   Propositions pour une cooperation permanente dans le domaine de l'aquaculture en Méditerrannée

-   Le Conseil Général des Péches pour la Méditerrannée


Annex 1 :

Preliminary draft agreement of the establishment of the Mediterranean network of aquaculture centres

Annex 2:

Amendment to the preliminary draft agreement of the establishment of the Mediterranean network of aquaculture centres