


Tirana, December 10–11 1992

Edited by MEDRAP II Regional Center
Tunis - Tunisia

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Preparation of this Document

This document is one of a series of documents prepared during the course of the Project identified in the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given were considered appropriate at the time it was prepared. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the Project.

The designations employed and the presentation of the in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The opinions expressed by the Authors in this document are not necessarily those of FAO or the Governments of the participating countries.


The MEDRAP II third Network Steering Committee meeting took place in Tirana, Albania on December 10–11, 1992.

The meeting took note of the progress already achieved through various regional and national activities carried out during the current year. The meeting also considered the submitted budget reflecting updated expenditures and commitments and discussed the future allocations.

While the strategy for the perennity of the Mediterranean cooperation was the major theme of the agenda, the Tirana meeting considered the conclusions of the Ad Hoc Committee held previously in Algiers. Proposals on Post-MEDRAP structure based on the involvement of the exissting coordinating institutions in the future activities rather than to create a new structure was adopted.

The meeting also adopted the recommendations of th Training Seminar, held two days before the Steering Committee, which were to implement networks on Technology and on Socio-Economic and Legal Aspects of Aquaculture rather than to create networks on Research and Training as these are vital components of each activity.

At the end, the meeting agreed on the next Steering Committee date and venue.


The Editior would like to the Organisers of the meeting, namely the National Coordinator, Mr. Aleksander Flloko for his effort and collaboration in organising the meeting.

Thanks are also due to the National and Sub-Regional Coordinators, namely MM Ghachem Kadari and Zubir Farsi (Algeria), Ivan Katavic and Adam Benovic (Croatia), Andreas Demetropulos and Daphne Stephanou (Cyprus), Abdelhamid El Shenawy (Egypt), Philippe Ferlin (France), Hratch Kouyoumjian (Lebanon), Carmelo Agius (Malta), Abdellatif Berraho (Morocco), jaime Menezes (Portugal), Awad Shebat (Syria), Bechir Tritar (Tunisia), and Calgar Memisoglu (Turkey), for their valuable contribution to the success of the meeting.

The Editor would like to acknowledge the assistance and encouragment of the staff of the Operations Service of the Fisheries Department and the Fishery Resources, and Environment Division at FAO Rome, namely Mr Rudi Ziesler and Mr Uwe Barg for their participation; and Mr Miguel Valls from CIHEAM for his significant contribution and interest in the Project's activities.

Note from the reviser

The revision and publication of this document could only be done a long time after the closure of the project. This has led to some difficulties in finalising the documents and implementing corrections, because authors and contributors as well as some of the original material or files were no longer available.

Therefore contributions from participants and session papers annexed to most of the documents were left in their original form. No language corrections were introduced, the content was not modified and left under their respective authors' responsibility.

Considering the above, we hope that the reader will understand that a standard of publication could not be maintained on a level as high as we would have liked it to be.

United Nations Development Programme

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

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List of Participants

Final Report


-Annex 1:National, Sub-regional and Network reports on 1992 activities
   Croatia report
   Cyprus report
   Turkey report
   Lebanon report
   Yugoslavia Sub-region report
   Cyprus Sub-region report
   Diversification of Aquaculture Production Network report
   Pathology Network report
-Document 1:MEDRAP Activities Report (1992)
By Project Coordinator
     1-Seminar on Aquaculture and Environment
Bordeaux, France 25–27 March 1992
     2-Workshop on Marine Hatchery Management
Cadiz, Spain 8–11 April 1992
     3-Workshop on Quality Control, Processing and Marketing of Aquaculture Products
Sfax, Tunisie 22–25 April 1992
      4-Seminar on Planification on Aquaculture Development (Social, Economic and legal aspects)
Sidi Fredj, Algeria 1–3 June 1992
     5-Ad Hoc Committee on MEDRAP III
Sidi Fredj, Algerian 4–5 June 1992
     6-Workshop on Molluscs Culture
Nantes & Sète, France 9–18 June 1992
     7-Workshop on Pathology
Lisbon, Portugal, 23–25 November 1992
     1-Aquaculture and Environment
Bordeaux, France 30 March 1992
     2-Diversification of Production
Cadiz, Spain 13 April 1992
     3-Lagoon Management
Nantes & Sète, France 19 June 1992
Lisbon, Portugal, 26 November 1992
     5-Seminar on Production Sub-Network
Nador, Morocco, 22–24 September 1992
     6-Seminar on Training Sub-Network
Tirana, Albania, 7–8 December 1992
     1-Contacts with FAO, CIHEAM and MAP/PAP-RAC Officials
     2-Contacts with EEC Officials.
    EANNEX 1: Projects proposals.
-Document 2:1992 MEDRAP II Budget Situation
By R. Ziesler (FAO)
-Document 4:Briefings on Ad Hoc Committee recommendations on MEDRAP III
By Mr. G. Kadari
-Document 5:Introduction to MEDRAP II proposed future organisational structure and activities
By Project Coordinator
-Document 6:Tentative proposal on the implementation of MEDRAP II structure
By Project Coordinator
-Document 7:Aquaculture and environment network
By PAP/RAC Representative
-Document 8:1993 Global activity programme
By Project Coordinator