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09 H 00-Opening Session
-Designation of Officials
-Adoption of the agenga
10 H 00-Coffee Break
10 H 30Session 1 : Status of coastal finfish aquaculture in the Mediterranean Region
-Cage culture, near shore and offshore culture
by Mr, M. Beveridge (Stirling University, UK).
-Case study of «Aquaculture du Sud Tunisien «AST»
By Mr. M.Ben Deg (AST)
13 H 00-Lunch
15 H 00Session 2 : Mediterranean Coastal Environments
-Mediterranean Coastal Environments : resources and development
By Mr. Kempf (IFREMER, France)
-Baseline survey methods of Benthic communities in fish farm environment and impact assessment
By M.J.Borg (Faculty of Sciences, Malta)
-Environment and Aquaculture in Open Sea
By Mr. Merceron (INFREMER, France)
16 H 30-Coffee Break
17 H 50Session 3 : Potential impacts
-Mass Balance of Nutrient loadings
By Dr.M.Beveridge
-Biological impact
By Mr. Merceron
-Socio-cultural/visual impact
By Mr.M/Beveridge


 Session 4 : Technical issues
07 H 30-Visit to AST Farm:
* land based (hatchery and pounds)
* Sea based (cages)
16 H 00-GIS applications
(Geographic information System)
By Mr.M.Beveridge
-Site selection
By M.Kempf


09 H 00Session 4 : Technical issues, Continued
-Particular case : Croatia
10 H 30-Coffee Break
11 H 00Session 5 : Management
-Options for environmental management
By Mr. U. Barg (FAO)
17 H 00-Final Report : conclusions and recommendations

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